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Most recents (24)

Jun 16th 2023
🧵#Thailand's foreign minister has invited his fellow #ASEAN counterparts to an "informal" dialogue to discuss ways to help resolve #Myanmar #coup crisis, into its 3rd year. Invite also extended to Myanmar #military… #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #เมียนมา #พม่า
I understand that a few @ASEAN foreign ministers from nations like #Malaysia #Singapore & current @asean_ri chair #Indonesia will not participate in the talks mooted by #Thailand to take place in #Bangkok June 18-19. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
In the #Thai invite letter to @ASEAN foreign ministers, which I've also seen, @MFAThai minister Don says the "meeting is intended to be an informal dialogue that could be part of the initial steps of the #Myanmar peace process" #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Read 13 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
New Update | CrisisWatch

⚡ Four conflict risks in June

↘️ Twelve conflict deteriorations in May

❗ Country in focus: #Pakistan 🇵🇰

⚡ Conflict Risk Alert | #Sudan

Hostilities escalated between the army and paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, notably in Darfur region, where the growing involvement of tribal militias and armed groups threatens all-out civil war.
⚡ Conflict Risk Alert | #Somaliland

Fighting between government forces and Dhulbahante clan militias spread in the Sool region.

As parties recruit new fighters, the conflict could ripple into other parts of Somaliland.…
Read 15 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
Good morning, welcome to Daily Thread number 465 covering #Ukraine's heroic defence against #Russia's illegal aggression.

I've been here from (before) the start of war, reporting on (sometimes from) a country I've loved, worked + lectured in many, many times.
Overnight was quiet
Before we get stuck in to today's news, a gentle reminder these threads are basically an unpaid full time job - actually more than that as you get days off with a job! Coffee donations welcome (link in Bio)

To catch up on Friday's news, click here
A few drones buzzed #Ukraine yesterday evening but air raids did not last long and no damage was reported.

The drone/cruise missile numbers on #Russia's daily losses are high as they include Friday morning's attacks.
Artillery, special equipment & fuel tanks way above average Image
Read 54 tweets
May 29th 2023
Ada yang klaim “no-deforestation” tapi malah tetap terima pasokan kayu dari hasil pembukaan hutan alam. Yuk kita kupas, bagaimana ini bisa terjadi.

#deforestasi #RGE
Sebuah utas… Ed. 1
Sebelum membahas itu, kenapa sih kita perlu khawatir dengan kehilangan hutan alam dalam skala luas saat ini? Atau hutan alam itu apa?

#deforestasi #RGE #hutanindonesia
Kalau kamu akhir-akhir ini sering mengeluh cuaca panas. Atau kualitas udara semakin buruk. Atau ketika hutan terjadi longsor, banjir dan hujannya lebih ekstrim dari biasanya. Itu, salah satunya karena hutan sebagai penstabil iklim sudah menipis.
#deforestasi #RGE #hutanindonesia
Read 35 tweets
May 24th 2023
"Pak AHY tadi mengatakan utang (Indonesia) besar. Ya betul. Setahun bayar bunga dan utang lebih dari Rp 1.000 triliun. Terbesar dalam sejarah Indonesia sejak merdeka," kata Jusuf Kalla.

Bagaimana faktanya? Baca selengkapnya: #Berita #JusufKalla Image
Pembayaran utang pemerintah terbagi menjadi dua, yakni pembayaran atas bunga dan cicilan pokok utang.

Menurut data sementara pada APBN Kita 2022, pemerintah membayarkan bunga dan cicilan pokok utang sebesar Rp 467,54 triliun pada tahun lalu. #UtangIndonesia #APBNKita2022
Angka tersebut terus meningkat dibandingkan pada 2020 dan 2021 yang mencapai masing-masing Rp 407,37 triliun dan Rp 427,11 triliun. Simak rinciannya:
Read 4 tweets
May 23rd 2023


🧵 Image
El volcán #Nyamulagira, en la República Democrática del #Congo, entró en erupción el 14 de mayo, aunque se reportaron flujos de lava y emisiones de dióxido de azufre desde el 7 del mismo mes. Es el volcán más activo de #África y se encuentra cerca de la frontera con Rwanda.

🇨🇩 Image
El 21 de mayo el volcán #Etna en #Sicilia entró en erupción, generando nubes de cenizas, temblores y lluvia de piedras incandescentes.

El Aeropuerto de #Catania suspendió todas las actividades.

Una de las últimas erupciones, en 2021, duró varias semanas.

🇮🇹 Image
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May 17th 2023
“China pesta pora …”
95% biji nikel #Indonesia, diolah industri smelter milik China:
1. Biji nikel dibeli dari penambang lokal dengan harga di bawah 50% dari harga internasional.
2. Pemerintah tetapkan harga jual biji nikel cuma $34/Ton.
“China pesta pora …”
3. Harga di Pasar Shanghai $80/Ton
4. China tidak perlu bayar royalti tambang, karena tidak menambang langsung.
5. Pemerintah beri insentif bebas PPh Badan selama 25 tahun.
6. China juga dibebaskan dari bayar PPN.
#Nalar #Indonesia?!
“China pesta pora …”
7. China juga dibebaskan dari bayar Pajak Ekspor (Bea Keluar).
8. Mayoritas TKChina bekerja tanpa memerlukan visa kerja (potensi hilangnya penerimaan negara dari tarif visa kerja & PPh Perorangan).
#Nalar #Indonesia?!
Read 6 tweets
May 16th 2023
Sejak kapan HT mewakili suara “masyarakat tionghoa” …?!
Ini pernyataan rasis dan sarat politik identitas!! #Nalar? #Indonesia!
Setiap hari mars-nya terdengar di media tv dengan jargon “Persatuan Indonesia.”
Kampanyenya galang kebhinekaan.
Kurang dari setahun #Pemilu2024, pentolan parpolnya buat pernyataan entitas etnis?!
#Nalar #Indonesia … tolak rasisme!
Sesuai #Nalar di atas, HT tidak pernah memiliki legitimasi untuk mengatasnamakan “masyarakat tionghoa” dan pernyataannya sarat dengan politik identitas!… ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
May 9th 2023
In today's #dailysoup, let's go to #Indonesia as I'll introduce an Indonesian military x defence academic and Putin fangirl, Connie Bakrie. She is known for parroting common pro-China and pro-Russia peepotalking points in her articles, seminars, and soc-med posts.

1/19 Image
From the outside, Bakrie may look like your "ordinary academic". After finishing her doctorate at Universitas Indonesia, she attended two security studies programs at the US x UK before starting her academic career.

From the inside, it is a totally different story.

2/19 Image
Bakrie's husband, Djadja Suparman, once served as one of the key military heads on top of Indonesia's transition of democracy after the fall of Soeharto in 1998.

Suparman was convicted of a corruption case related to a land acquisition scandal in a city south of Surabaya.

3/19 ImageImage
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May 3rd 2023
15 Bhagwaan Kartikeya (Murugan) mandirs which every hindu should visit

1. Sri Muthumalai Murugan Kovil
Ethapur, TamilNadu

@LostTemple7 Image
2. Sri Subramaniar Mandir, Batu Caves, Malaysia Image
3. Arulmigu Subramaniya swamy Thiruparankundram, TamilNadu Image
Read 17 tweets
Apr 24th 2023

According to a source from the Czech government, during the current visit of Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala to 🇻🇳#Vietnam, major cooperation in security-defence is planned.

1/5 PM Petr Fiala with his Viet...
Vietnam is particularly interested in additional L-39NG aircraft, of which it has ordered 12 in 2021 and deliveries of the first units are due to start this year. The delivery of L-410NG transport aircraft was also discussed. Both products are under @Omnipol1934 group.

2/5 L-39NGL-410NG
Omnipol officials also held talks about possible sale of dual-use radars to be installed in civilian and military airports.
@stv_group and @CSG_HOLDING discussed possible contracts to upgrade Vietnam’s Soviet-made tanks and armoured vehicles with advanced technologies, including…… T-72EA - modernized soviet ...Image
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Apr 24th 2023
In five years, #JoeBiden will likely get the #NobelPeacePrize. But not because he did anything proactively for peace.

It is because a #Multipolar World will be more peaceful than a unipolar one, and Biden has done more than anyone else (albeit unwittingly) to further that. (1/n)
The US-led #sanctions against #Russia in response to the #UkraineRussiaWar have forced countries around the world to abandon the US dollar as a medium of trade. This is forcing the rest of the world (non-West) together. Banning Russia from #swift was most important in this. (2/n)
#India and #China desperately need oil. Because of sanctions, Russia is providing oil at cheap rates to both. Russia has now become India's largest source of oil, displacing Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Chinese imports of Russian oil have also zoomed upwards. (3/n)
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Apr 20th 2023
Rare hybrid #solar #eclipse appears for first time in a decade, all you need to know | Apr 20
- The eclipse will start at 9:36 p.m. Eastern time.
- It will first be visible in the Indian Ocean and then move across to the Pacific Ocean,
“Journey to Totality: Live Updates of the 2023 #Solar #Eclipse” | Apr 19,
The hybrid solar eclipse of 2023. It can be seen from Exmouth in Western #Australia, where it looks the best. The eclipse will continue until 12:29 pm IST… Image
#IST – Indian Standard Time
India Standard Time (IST) is 5:30 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Image
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Apr 13th 2023
Long Thread:

China's “Pearl of Strings" Vs Bharat's “Diamond Necklace"!

Modern day wars are not to conquer Land Parcels, but to control Trade & Economies!

#China was lucky to be given a Free Hand by #UPA govt of CONgress which literally slept over Strategic Issues.

#China increased it's presence in Indian Ocean rampantly till 2014 through its Debt Trap Diplomacy to suit it's #StringsOfPearls strategy to contain Bharat's hold in Indian Ocean.

It created a ring around Bharat through strategically placed Nations.

How was it being done?

Via debt-trap policy! China lured strategically located nations around #Bharat to borrow Infra Loans. Once indebted, #China pressurized them to support its Geostrategic interests. This way, China got Control over Chittagong
(Bangladesh),Karachi &Gwadar Port(Pakistan) and...

Read 19 tweets
Apr 12th 2023
#Enshittification is platforms devouring themselves: first they tempt users with goodies. Once users are locked in, goodies are withdrawn and dangled before businesses. Once business customers are stuck, all value is claimed for platform shareholders:…

1/ A complex mandala of knobs ...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

Enshittification isn't just another way of saying "fraud" or "price gouging" or "wage theft." Enshittification is intrinsically digital, because moving all those goodies around requires the flexibility that only comes with a *digital* businesses.

Read 107 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023

Dawuh Yai Maulana Habib Luthfi bin Yahya:
👉 Saya tidak memperjuangan qaba’il(golongan) saya memperjuangkan Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah🙏

Kecintaan saya kpd NU نهضة العلماء karena NU mewadahi Ahlussunnah
Klau cinta karena organisasi
Pasti akan ngambang
Tapi kalau cintanya karena Ahlussunnah wal jamaahnya, cintanya ke NU akan lebih-lebih.

Cinta kepada tanah air juga harus lebih tinggi melebihi kecintaan kepada tata pemerintahan
Karena sistem bs berubah dgn berubahnya undang-undang
Smentara tanah air..tidak
Kalau kecintaan pada tanah air dan bangsa tinggi
Kecintaan kepada NKRI akan lebih hebat lagi 🙏
Semoga Beliau senantiasa diberi limpahan kesehatan..amin 🤲
Read 3 tweets
Apr 2nd 2023
“Saya mengarahkan parang ke wajah mereka. Saya memberi tahu mereka: ‘Jika Anda menggaruk tanah ini, kepala akan terbang, kami akan mempertahankan tanah ini sampai mati,’”

#Indonesia #Asia #Hak #Pertambangan #Lingkungan #Pertanian #Konservasi

📸Alexander Nemenov, @afppoto ImageImageImage
kata Royani, warga desa berusia 42 tahun, menceritakan pertemuan baru-baru ini dengan beberapa penambang.⁠ ImageImage
Tiga wanita dengan parang berjaga di puncak bukit pertanian mereka di Pulau Wawonii, Indonesia, mengarahkan pedang mereka ke arah para penambang nikel yang bekerja di pembukaan hutan di bawah.⁠ Image
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Mar 29th 2023
Penjajahan diatas dunia harus dihapuskan maka penjajahan indonesia atas bangsa west Papua harus dihapuskan😁

Watak penjajah tetap luput dari tidakan penjajahan.
@jokowi stop pura² mas di papua Bp operasi militer kok 😂🤣🤣
Jadi israel dan Indonesia sama2 penjajah yang menjajah bangsa lain.

#Israel menjaja #palestina
#Indonesia menjaja #Papua

Sesama penjajah lagi lawakan 😂🤣🤣
Bukan soal piala dunia /#FIFA23 tapi nyawa 132 manusia #kanjuruhan yang dibunuh aparat, kalo pemimpin negara yg buta tetap inkonsistensi, dgn kwajiban yg harus diselesaikan.

Ketika isu penolakan #israel dalm #FIFA23 seakan indonesia tdk menjadi penjajah terhdp org papua
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Mar 29th 2023
❗️Did you know that the Indonesian Communist Party (#PKI) was the largest communist party outside of the Soviet Union and China, until the U.S. backed genocide in 1965?

🧵👇🏽A thread
The Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) was founded during the period of Dutch colonialism in 1920, and due to its anti-colonial activities and the revolts of 1926 and 1927, it was outlawed and many of its leaders were exiled.
The party played a leading role in #Indonesia’s National Revolution. Through 4 years of armed and organized struggle, Indonesia won its independence in 1949. During these years, the PKI grew from an obscure party to a large movement, with almost 2 million members.
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Mar 21st 2023
#OTD 21 Mar 1747, #Armenia'ns were granted equal rights with the Dutch in #Indonesia, then Dutch East Indies. Most of the Armenians arrived from Isfahan, New Julfa, Amsterdam, Calcutta, Madras. They established well-known commercial houses engaged in trade with overseas markets. Image
Armenian merchants from Amsterdam went to Southeast Asia in the 19th century to trade, and to set up factories & plantations. Armenian merchants settled in parts of Java, as did Armenians moving east from the Persian Empire, establishing a community of Armenians in Java. Image
The dispersion of the Armenians over Southeast Asia took place almost simultaneously with the expansion of the English East India Company & Dutch East India Co. In all the main cities where these prominent commercial corporations established agents, Armenians were represented too ImageImage
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Mar 11th 2023
Obama’s mother was married to one of the murderous Indonesian generals and Obama’s father was a CIA asset for the recolonisation of Kenya.

They slaughtered the Chinese Indonesians.…
“The deep CIA penetration of Africa was evident in the Agency’s apparent recruitment of Barack Obama Sr., a protégé of Tom Mboya, an anticommunist, pro-capitalist Luo from Kenya who … received covert CIA funding through the AFL-CIO.”
Soetoro was a CIA asset and henchman for General Suharto.

Clare Booth Luce had a Cold War College no different than the Colour Revolution schools the US sends useful !diots to today.…
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Mar 4th 2023

Boneka propaganda zionis Gerombolan kardun kampret oposan jadi operator yg ditugaskan merusak kedaulatan negara sbg jalan mANIS zionis menguasai & merampok kembali kekayaan Indonesia.
Kejadian intoleran, radikalisme dan terorisme di Indonesia
terjadi berulangkali ada provokator dari kelompok yg didalangi CIA. Operasi CIA di semua negara yg tidak menurut sama Amerika hampir sama.

Mereka menggerakkan gerakan radikal teroris dan gerakan cyber army yang menyebarkan hoax serta kebencian kepada pemerintah.

Libya dipimpin
Muammar Khadafi, negaranya makmur tapi tdk mematuhi USA. Moammar Khadafi menolak export minyak pakai US$ lalu negaranya dihancurkan oleh CIA dengan menggerakkan Ikhwanul Muslimin (Indonesia PKS) membuat provokasi kebencian antar kelompok agama dan kepada pemimpin.

Iraq yg makmur
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Mar 3rd 2023
#Ericsson fined $207m for concealing internal probe into bribes paid to #ISIS

The #Swedish company was involved in a large scale corruption scheme across several #Asian countries…
#Swedish telecom giant Ericsson has been fined $207 million for violating a deferred prosecution deal with US authorities by concealing evidence of serious misconduct in #Iraq, where the company reportedly bribed #ISIS to access a specific transport route between 2011 & 2019.
In a statement issued on 2 March, Ericsson said it had entered “a guilty plea regarding previously deferred charges relating to conduct prior to 2017” for not disclosing its inquiry to the US authorities.…
Read 11 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
We are live tweeting the session on Lessons and Look Ahead: Black Swans and Lighthouses.

With @AmbVMKwatra, @MinColonna, @JamesCleverly, @larsloekke, @Menlu_RI, @BillGates and @samirsaran

Follow this thread for updates!

@orfonline #Raisina2023
.@AmbVMKwatra: The evolutionary journey of the #RaisinaDialogue mirrors the evolution of our world. It has become a prominent platform to discuss global issues.

#RaisinaDialogue2023 #Raisina2023
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