@alexandrabulat@TonyP12490831 Some of us have been banging on about the loss of this precious right, repeatedly, since this whole #Brexit nightmare fiasco began.
There are parallels between our country's lamentable treatment of the poor in the past (the Poor Laws from 1587 to 1967) with what the Tories are up to now:
@alexandrabulat@TonyP12490831 I've made dozens of memes to try to get the message across of just how damaging the loss of the right of #FreeMovement will be. Sometimes a picture can do more than words.
Two-thirds of Brits want to keep this right. There's no mandate for .@Conservatives to strip it from us.
@alexandrabulat@TonyP12490831@Conservatives I've amplified politicians who defend #FreedomOfMovement, thrown my weight behind petitions and tried to help others understand how important it is not to close off this avenue of social mobility for the working classes (having experienced that myself).
@alexandrabulat@TonyP12490831@Conservatives Since I made that clip the settled status fee has been abolished. But it's a proverbial drop in the ocean compared to the tsunami of sh*t EU-in-UK & UK-in-EU citizens have had to endure for 3+yrs now.
Also, Prig Patel has set the *low skill* wage threshold even higher at £36k 🤬
@alexandrabulat@TonyP12490831@Conservatives Apart from updating that clip, continuing to write epic threads, make memes, push/sign petitions, share articles, amplify supportive MPs, write letters, generally protest/canvas/street stalls — what else cld I be doing to get the message *loss of FoM rights is a #Tragedy* across?
Let's save reciprocal FoM rights for the good of our fellow citizens (both EU in UK and UK in EU), our service industries (80% of our GDP) and our country.
As we know, Liz Truss is STILL negotiating some of them over 2yrs later! Disingenuous of JJ to move the goalposts & pretend it was said it could NEVER be done. Those who know about trade know it takes time: roughly 2.8mths per FTA, but yes, should've been quicker for roll-overs.
Please read Fox's House of Lords evidence, when he admitted some roll-over deals are not as good, since countries are not prepared to extend the same terms to a market of 66m as to a market of 454m.
That's how trade deals work. How big is your market? What access will you give?
🧵 on why you should be worried about Cummings ordering MPs to betray YOU by breaking Govt's manifesto pledge to uphold or even enhance our food, #AnimalWelfare & #Environment standards —plus why MPs should listen to you and vote for the Lords Amdts to the #AgricultureBill🚜:
Let's look at the numbers:
92% of the British Public want current farm animal welfare standards to be maintained in trade negotiations with the US and other countries.
For Tory MPs in *Rural 75* & *Rural 50* seats how you vote on #AgricultureBill Lords' Amdts will prove decisive in GE2024. Don't kid yourself we'll forget. 95% of the public back #SaveOurStandards.
(List of MPs in *R75* & *R50* seats in .@WCountryBylines catchment area follows)
Most MPs are well-intentioned & #BackBritishFarming, but the truth is, unless standards are enshrined in law, there is a high probability risk farming will be undermined. .@Keir_Starmer understands this.
.@trussliz thinks it's worth undermining our food, farming, animal welfare, countryside & Enviro standards to get trade deals, but has she weighed up the trade-offs? Trade deals gains are tiny compared to losses from trashing our standards —not just £ losses.
@RussInCheshire I'm so sorry to hear about your mum. I must say, you're being remarkably stoic about it. I dare say you're in bits inside. Be kind to yourself. 😇
Meanwhile, don't worry about #TheWeekInTory. I've made some notes for you...
19AUG20: The 1st polar bear to be born in UK for 2yrs will move from its Scottish home to an English Park.
Hmm. That might make a good metaphor for something more political...
@RussInCheshire 1.#WorldHumanitarianDay began tragically when the body of a 16yr-old Sudanese refugee trying to cross the Channel with a friend in a dinghy rowed by shovels washed up on a French beach.
2.Priti Patel responded with invective against criminal gangs, bypassing compassion & concern