Meanwhile, don't worry about #TheWeekInTory. I've made some notes for you...
19AUG20: The 1st polar bear to be born in UK for 2yrs will move from its Scottish home to an English Park.
Hmm. That might make a good metaphor for something more political...

2.Priti Patel responded with invective against criminal gangs, bypassing compassion & concern
4. Publication of the 1st DfEd Board minutes for 2yrs showed exams weren't discussed at the June meeting — raising the question, why hadn't #IncompetentUKGovt prepared better?
5. Ofqual revealed it had warned DfEd of the potential for *erratic outcomes* from the algorithm, but was put under pressure by the Minister on grade inflation.
6. At the end of the day, Gavin Williamson still hadn't resigned or been sacked.
8. PF faked a Starmer clip, rebranded Con Twitter page as a fact-checker & set up a fake Labour website in GE2019, so we now have a #FakeNews outfit in charge of health comms
10. Lashings of schadenfreude... and speculation. Will Bannon cut a deal and sing? Who will be the next domino to fall? To be continued...
12. One firm, McKinsey, is earning £14k/day for 6wks to define the *vision, purpose & narrative* of the replacement for Public Health England.
You'd think they'd do that before breaking PHE up.
14. IEA DG Mark Littlewood used the "we've been friends for years" excuse, which isn't an excuse if one of you is UK TradeSec & the other heads a ThinkTank trying to influence Govt policy
16. Russian activist Alexei Navalny was in a coma after suspected poisoning. His wife wasn't allowed to see him, but later transferred him to Berlin
No wonder Trump is eyeing it as the location for a sister resort to Mar-a-Lago. He enquired if he could swap Puerto Rico for Greenland, because, in his words, Puerto Rico was dirty & the people poor.
18. It was announced BTec results, due for release today, would be delayed until August 28th, because —algorithm woes.
19. At the end of the day, despite yet more #ExamShambles, Gavin Williamson still had not resigned or been sacked.
[Nobody tell'em the demographic they appeal to is unlikely to pay for news]
22. Not enough, so campaigning continues.
24. Tories launched an attack on the SNP in the press, accusing Ian Blackford of the leak, but the DMreporter denied it was him. Still no apology to Blackford...
26. People called on Big Tech to save Bletchley, as none of them wld exist without its pioneering work. The next day Sunak dropped the *Facebook tax*.
27. Confidence in the Govt's £10bn #TTT system was rocked by an exposé into wastefulness. A contact tracer said they hadn't made 1 call in 12wks on full pay.
28. Stats show outsourced firms Serco & Sitel (paid £200m between them) miss 46% of test contacts in England.
30. At the end of the day, Gavin Williamson still had not resigned or been sacked.
32. Clips were streamed of individuals, some convicted of terrorist offences, storming down corridors and terrorising guests.
34. Radio silence from Patel on the behaviour she has inspired.
"The pattern of ignoring expert advice, failing to engage with civil society and branding migrants as criminals replicates Home Office failings that caused the #WindrushScandal."
37. The UK Government said masks are not recommended for use by primary and secondary school pupils.
Savvy people started to run a book on when #IncompetentUKGovt would U-turn...
40. Lockdown breakers Cummings & Jenrick still refuse to resign.
41. Keir Starmer attacked #IncompetentUKGovt for putting school return at risk "after a week of chaos, confusion and incompetence".
42. Boris Johnson countered by announcing he would take control of schools following #examshambles.
What could possibly go wrong?
44. Gavin Williamson defended his staycation the week before #ExamShambles & not being there to learn from Scotland's mistakes.
46. The Sun leaked a Cabinet Office presentation on No-deal. It's worse than Yellowhammer.
48. Nigel Farrago went into meltdown. Never mind that it's not ALWAYS played at the proms, or indeed that the Cons cancelled it at one of their conferences...
50. Later in the US a white cop shot a black man in the back 7 times in front of his kids #JacobBlake ⬛️
51. Nicola Sturgeon, who still does a #COVID19 briefing & takes questions from the press EVERY DAY, announced masks would be worn in communal areas in Scottish schools.
52. Alok Sharma confirmed on TV that Govt was sticking to its no-mask policy in English schools.
54. The BBC reinstated Rule Britannia for #LastNightOfTheProms, but music only, as there's no audience to sing along.
Is this the country we live in now?
57. Meanwhile Boris Johnson learnt he was resigning in 6mths time when Cummings's pa-in-law leaked it.
58. Govt said families of low-paid #NHS/#SocialCare workers who die of C19 will lose eligibility for welfare benefits if they receive a compensation payout as it breaches capital limits.
59. Labour asked to waive capital limit rules, as for Windrush & Grenfell victims
61. He inspired @tom_newton1234's witty quip
Britannia rules the waves
Johnson waives the rules
61. Later the Govt U-turned on masks in schools. Gavin Williamson is still in post.
A stopped watch is right 2x/day. David Davis has never been right yet on Brexit & he's not this time.
Here's Cummings on a *stopped watch* occasion

63. Germany scrapped plans for Brexit talks at the EU Ambassadors' summit due to lack of progress. Separately, Michel Barnier lamented how much time the UK had wasted over the summer.
64. Someone call a taxi for David Davis.The German car manufacturers aren't coming.
67. Former Australian PM Rudd reacted to the Abbott news: "Is the UK joking? This is the man that called climate change “absolute crap”, likened climate action to “killing goats to appease volcano gods” & repealed Australia’s carbon price."
She's disgusted the PM wants "this offensive, leering, cantankerous, climate change-denying, Trump-worshipping misogynist" to rep our country overseas." #GoEmily
—COVID19 wave II
—flu epidemic
—deepest recession ever
—huge unemployment
—price hikes for staples like bread
& on top of all that, it wants to inflict no-deal Brexit on us.
Aren't Govts supposed to work in citizens' interests?
72. *Despatched by Dom* roll-call:
-Mark Sedwill
-Philip Rutnam
-Simon McDonald
-Richard Heaton
-Helen McNamara
74. All Tory MPs backed the Coronavirus Bill granting the Govt emergency powers for 2YRS (in other countries, it's weeks or months & has to be renewed). Govt is now abusing those powers.
76. He was upstaged by the books behind him,selected by an aggrieved librarian when she quit.

77. The Home Office sank to a new low when it released an anti-migrant clip with inflammatory language undermining the #RuleOfLaw & whipping up hatred of those who practice it.
78. After public uproar, the HO agreed the clip violated CS Code & eventually withdrew it.
80. Horton pressed Truss for a comment on the mooted appointment of Tony Abbott, but cogent answer there came none.
82. One day, this conflict of interest will be a case study —just when women most needed their minister to stand up for them, she was AWOL.
84. Let's hope all progressive parties can now get on with building an alliance that can defeat this kleptocratic kakistocracy of a Govt.
84. The boat is painted magenta & white,with a depiction of a girl in a life vest holding a heart-shaped safety buoy.

So be good to yourselves this bank holiday weekend, and come back ready to take them on.

Russ always finishes his #TheWeekInTory threads with a link to a worthy crowdfunder. Here's the one for the Good Law Project's case against Michael Gove & others for dodgy procurement.
•typo in 1st tweet (1st UK-born polar bear in 25 not 2yrs)
•thread-break at 55 (I appear to have tweeted 55 2x; the one not in the thread is going viral🙄)
•messing up the numbers at 83-84; last 3 points shld be 85,86,87
Twitter threader doesn't work in reply mode!