, 436 tweets, 73 min read
Bkdk MMO au

Pro hero Bakugou didn't have time for much of a social life, or any real desire for one. His only friends moved to different cities after graduation, and while he did see them on occasion- and even he would begrudgingly admit he enjoyed those rare meet ups- it
didn't count as a social life.

Kaminari wasn't the first to insist he do something besides work, but he was the first to suggest something which didn't involve copious amounts of alcohol and/or random bars and clubs.

Which, is how Bakugou found himself playing an MMO.
If anyone would ask, he would deny such a thing, of course.

But, it was nice to have something he could pick up whenever he had time, and it didn't mater if he didn't log on for days or weeks at a time.

He even found a casual, yet intense, guild. They welcomed him quickly and
the conversations in their chat soothed the nagging need Bakugou had for companionship.

The best part: they had no idea who he was.
He didn't have to wonder if they liked him just because he was a pro, there was no need to question motives or keep his opinion to himself.

Six months after starting, he'd somehow become close friends with another player. He kept a similar schedule to his own, logging on at
odd times of the day or night. Even if his character name was a little off putting (who named their healer 'AllMjr'?), Bakugou found himself questing with the user more than anyone else in the guild.
Two years into playing, the subject of the yearly guild meet up came up. Before the details were even announced on their discord, AMJ was asking he was going. Of course he wasn't, and he told him as such.

Why ruin a good thing by meeting them?
Even if he wasn't interested in going, he did keep tabs on their plans. Just in case, he told himself.

Of course, the meet up would be near him this year.

"I'm going this year! I've been saving a lot, since I thought it would be expensive. Well, it will be- but my Mom
lives kinda close so I can stay with her. If you're not going because of the $$ you could stay with me?"


"Yea, that's weird, huh? Well, I have extra saved, so if you need a hotel?"

Bakugou rolled his eyes as AMJ prattled on in the voice chat. "I'm fine. Just not
interested in the meet up."


He could hear the dejection in AMJ's voice.

The subject was dropped and after they finished their current quest, AMJ excused himself from their party.
He'd get over it, Bakugou told himself. It was better than the alternative.

Over the next few days, Bakugou kept an eye on the meet up plans. Just as they had done the year prior, some of those planning to go began to post selfies to make it easier to find each other.
And, just as he'd done the year prior, Bakugou checked each one against wanted criminals and villains. An easy win was still a win, and criminals weren't always too bright.
Midoriya Izuku worked a lot. Like, a shit ton. He would never complain about it, though.

Without a quirk, his options in life had been artificially limited before he'd even made it out of middle school. Thankfully, his Father used his connections to get him into a top
school in the USA.

Leaving his Mom hurt, but she encouraged him to make his own future, even if he had to move away to do so.

After years of hard work, he now had one of the most sought after jobs in his field. He was the voice in the ear of countless heroes, guiding them
through top secret missions; the best strategist a hero agency could buy.

It was incredibly rewarding.

Yet, he worked the worst hours and his social life was non existent. For all his renown in the field, he was invisible outside of it.

He was a ghost. Only a voice.
Playing an online game was a good way to get some artificial human interaction, and he joined a Japanese server for the nostalgia.

He hadn't been home nearly as much as he'd have liked, in fact him mom visited him more in the states.
But, the mmo was an ok outlet. He even managed to find a guild which didn't mind his schedule.

It didn't become a great experience until 'Lord_Explosion' joined the guild.
The more he got to know LordE, the more the other man stoked his nostalgia for home.

He would never tell LordE that, besides their similar log in times, the main reason he was so drawn to him was the memory of an old friend.

It was silly to still think about Kacchan after
so many years away. The childhood friend who eventually pushed Izuku away like everyone else.

He kept tabs on the real Kacchan, following his pro career as best as he could.

Though, the more they talked over the years, the less LordE reminded him of Kacchan. And the more
Izuku wanted to meet him. He was kind, thoughtful, funny in his own way. It was the closest Izuku came to having a crush in years.

He'd thought about asking him to meet up the next time he visited his mom, but the Guild meet up was the perfect opportunity without seeming creepy.
But, of course LordE wouldn't be at the meet up for the second year in a row, and it was doubtful he'd go to the next one.

Izuku wasn't sure about the guy's financial situation, so he downplayed his own while trying to give him a way to go without worrying about the cost.
He'd only succeeded in coming off needy, and logged off as soon as he could.

Still, even without LordE, he had plenty to look forward to during his trip back home. He was friends with others in the guild, and he had a whole week after to spend time with his mom.
It would be a good trip.

He scrolled through the pictures guildmates were posting. Some had posted last year and he recognized the guild leader and some others. By the looks of it, nearly double the amount of people would be going this time.

A few days before the meet up, he
pulled up their discord. Before he could chicken out again, Izuku posted a recent photo that didn't make him look /completely/ sleep deprived and logged off for the night... day...

After a 48 hour shift, his last before leaving for Japan, he logged on to check his messages.
He was surprised to see a message from LordE. He hadn't been on too often recently, and hadn't talked to Izuku outside of quests and raids.

The message just said, "If my work allows it, I might swing by."
"Soooo, tell me again why you're blowing us, your real friends, off this weekend?" Kirishima's pout was clearly visible even within the small screen of the group video chat.

"For fucks sake!" Katsuki wasn't in the mood to explain again. There was a level of guilt
which went along with canceling plans on them, but he was being handed an opportunity he never thought he would have.

If Midoriya would have posted his picture at the beginning, instead of waiting a month, then he never would have made plans to visit Kiri and Kami.
But, then that damn photo had shown up. Twenty some years had passed since he'd last seen Midoriya Izuku, but there was no mistaking those green eyes and freckles for anyone else.

It was incredible, really, that he hadn't ran into his childhood friend in all this time.
For Deku to have stayed away, to not come fanboying over Katsuki's rise as a pro hero... well, that didn't bode well for their meeting.

"What's with the face?" Kaminari narrowed his eyes, like it would bring Katsuki's (purposely) shitty camera more into focus.
"Fuck off," He said and promptly logged out of their chat.

The excited bubble fluttering in his stomach was beginning to painfully claw its way toward his heart.

He knew nothing about Deku anymore. For all he knew, he was still a loser. A quirkless person didn't have many
good options, afterall

He thought back to their chats over the years, and while he knew intimate details about him -like his favorite icecream was mint chip, and his taste in music mirrored Katsuki's own- he didn't know a thing about th man. Had no idea what he did for a living
This Izuku was still kind, gentle, and ready to run headfirst into a fight. But there was a confidence and hardened edge simmering behind his lighthearted conversations. Like he was always calculating, adding up the peices to later make a whole.

Katsuki shook his head and
closed the image he saved to his phone.

AMJ (and how had the name not fucking given him away ffs) mentioned staying with his mom while in town. He wondered if Midoriya Inko still lived in the same apartment back home, and a quick call to his own mother could easily confirm it.
Though, it would raise way more questions than he had answers to right now.

He had another two hours before he had patrol, so he booted up the MMO. What began as just a way to kill time, with some slight social interaction, had turned into a great way to relax and take his
mind off of work. There was the added bonus of AMJ -Izuku. Who, he noted quickly, hadn't logged on in almost three days. It wasn't abnormal, but it was always disappointing to play without him... doubly so now that he knew who was behind the keyboard.
He mentally prepared himself to make the trip to Musutafu after his patrols were done. It was Thursday and the Guild meet up was Saturday, which meant if he didn't have any delays he could meet Izuku Friday afternoon or evening away from everyone.

But, if all else failed, he
could disguise himself well enough to blend in and find him at the meet up.

The clawing in his chest eased up as he prepared for patrol. Any more thoughts of Midoriya Izuku would have to wait, he had people to save.
They were experiencing a low incidence period, and while most of the other heroes were relaxing and celebrating, Katsuki knew better. Times of peace put him even more on edge, and no matter how many lessons he gave, his sidekicks never seemed to completely understand.
Even petty crimes were down, making the streets a quiet place for a hero.

Others called it boring. He called it the eye of a storm.

"Ground Zero," The call came over his ear peice, the voice tense. "There is a disturbance at Haneda Airport, heroes on site are
requesting assistance."

On my way."

The bad thing about peace was that it didn't last forever.
(Sorry I keep stopping 😭 I have about an hour or so each morning this week to write before work, and I'll be back tomorrow!

Thank you so much for reading 😘 I'm blown away with how many people are reading this x.x)
Izuku had some time to kill after his plane landed. His mom wouldn't be home from work for another few hours, and he didn't have a key to her new apartment.

The sign for the airport lounge caught his eye, along with its claim of free wifi. It was surprisingly empty, so
he helped himself to a table and pulled his laptop from his single bag. The atmosphere was nice, clearly designed to cater to business people catching up on their work while waiting for a flight or train. It offered a fair amount of privacy too.

It didn't take him long to
catch up on a few emails for work, mostly confirming his temporary replacements (for the 100th time) with some hero managers who couldn't wrap their heads around Izuku actually taking a vacation. How did they manage when he was working with heroes at other agencies?
Any more thoughts about work were pushed out of his mind, as his Mom told him before he left, "Leave work behind, I want my Izuku not a Hero Strategist." It was easier to do than he'd expected, and he suspected it was due to the message from LordE he'd gotten before leaving.
Speaking of-! He quickly logged into discord, and was disappointed, but not surprised, to see his friend wasn't online.

'Sorry for not responding sooner!! My flight into Tokyo just landed :D

I was so excited when I read that you may come Saturday! Btw, where do you work?'
Oh man, he hoped that wasn't too upfront or creepy. He quickly added:

'If you can't get off work in time, maybe we could still meet before I head home? I'll be in Japan for about a week!'

"Smooth, Izuku. Smooth," he muttered under his breath. He was meeting a lot of people from
the guild, why was he so hung up on this one guy... it wasn't like it would change anything afterall. Afterwards, he would head home and they would have the same online friendship as they'd had the last two years.

What was he hoping to to gain here?

Izuku sighed and pack up
his laptop, carefully stuffing it into his bag, before making his way towards the train station.

Just as he neared the ticket station, a loud rumble came from the arrival terminal behind him, followed by several screams.
Normally, when he found himself at the epicenter of an attack, he would immediately be on the line with local heroes, directing them and briefing them on what to expect when they arrived.

But he had no connections in Japan, no direct private line to reach out to. Still, he
acted, blindly heading back towards the terminal as another, louder, rumble shook the station, this one accompanied by the distinct sound of an explosion.

People ran past him, some covered in dust and debris already.

"There's a lot of them! Run!"

"Why are villains here?"
With steeled resolve, Izuku continued towards the disturbance. The crowd of people thined out, only a few injured or scared people huddled against walls or behind plants.

"Move, you need to get out of here." Izuku turned to a woman and pointed towards a teen with an injured leg
"Help him get out of here. GO!"

He lingered only to make sure they were moving out.

The terminal was a wreck, the air thuck with dust from the missing walls. He could make out two villains surrounding a hero.

"That's Kendo Itsuka..." Izuku muttered to himself about what he
knew of her quirk.

"Heeelp!" A kid cried from the far side of the terminal.

"It will be ok, kid. Just hold tight." Kendo swiped her fist towards a villain. He easier evaded, but her real intent seemed to be to clear the air for visibility.

"Hurry, take her out and lets join
up with the others!"

"Others?" Izuku used the debris to sneak closer to the trapped child. Kendo wouldn't be able to fully fight while also trying to protect them.
His movements went undetected, and he made quick work of freeing the child from the rubble on their legs.

"Shhh, you're ok. Come with me, be quiet."

By the time Izuku and the child were back to the hallway, he could hear other heroes arriving. Hopefully it would be enough.
It wasn't until they made it out of the airport, that Izuku realized the full extent of the attack.

Half of the other side of the airport was reduced to rubble, and a team of villains seemed to be holding their own against the heroes.

Police began directing the crowds away
from the scene, urging them back to a safer distance. Here, Izuku was just a civilian and had no choice but to watch, helpless to help as the villains seemed to over take the heroes.

"Some sort of acid quirk? And he's teamed up well with the one with a flight quirk." Izuku did
the only thing he could: observe and make notes.

A cheer rang over the crowd. "It's Ground Zero!" "We're saved!" "Ooo, he's so handsome! "

Sure enough, Ground Zero surged into the fight. Most of the battle was inside, and Izuku couldn't follow completely.
Kacchan. Knowing he was a hero in the city was one thing, but actually being near him... seeing him... Izuku wasn't sure how he should be feeling.

Izuku was nothing to him; a distant childhood memory at best. Yet, knowing Kacchan had realized his dream, seeing him in action,
was all Izuku could ask for.

A hero Izuku didn't know came running out from the airport. "We need a wider evac radius."

A bomb? Izuku did his best to keep as close as possible as the police line was pushed back.
The explosion came without warning, pushing the crowd back even at such a great distance.

Kacchan! The other heroes!

Izuku watched, still helpless to help, as a hero with a water quirk put out the fires. No news came from the police, and the crowd began to shift with unease.
Kendo was the first to emerge, two villains held in either fist. Her costume was charred, but she only seemed to have minor injuries.

Relief rang through the crowd, but Izuku still held his breath. A few more heroes walked out with more injuries, but they each had a villain
in tow.

"Move back, this is an active scene." Another hero arrived and began to erect stone walls to block the view of the airport.

The crowd voiced the very questions Izuku had.
"Why is Cementos here?"
"Where is Ground Zero? Did anyone see him?"
"Why did they attack?"
Izuku knew he wouldn't get answers there, and began the slow trudge through the crowd.

It was almost dark by the time he made it to his Mom's.

Inko greeted him with a teary hug, demanding to know if he was at the airport during the attack, if he was injured, how was his trip?
She offered to make dinner, which Izuku declined.

"Kacchan was there, mom. I saw him go into the airport." Izuku pulled out his laptop, "I... I don't know if he's okay."

"Oh honey, I'm sure he's fine. Sure you don't want something to eat?"

Izuku mumbled out an
answer as he scrolled through the headlines.

"Devastating attack at the airport"
"Heroes injured, but victorious."
"Reports of a villain escaping the attack at Haneda."

"Ground Zero injured."
Izuku dove into the too-short article with teary eyes.

"Ground Zero Injured:
An acid explosion caused by the villains responsible for the attack on Haneda Airport is apparently responsible for injury Japan's number two hero.

The extent of his injuries are unknown as of now,
but a statement from his agency says he is expected to make a full recovery. No word on how long that will take.

Other heroes credit Ground Zero with saving their lives and preventing worse injuries."

Inko wrapped an arm around his shoulder. "Oh, honey." She kissed the side
of his head. "He'll be fine."

Izuku released a long, shuddering breath. Yea, he would be fine. It wasn't likely he would find himself so close to him again, but it was enough. Besides, Kacchan probably forgot he existed.
After a few hours of talking with his Mom, she excused herself to bed.

Izuku, though tired, knew sleep wouldn't come easily. Instead, he booted up the MMO, hoping LordE would be online.
After sleeping for twelve straight hours, the last thing Katsuki wanted to do upon being discharged from the hospital was head his doctor's advice to rest.

He knew for a fact the attack wasn't random, though their true intentions were not yet known. Thankfully,
the news wasn't broadcasting any theories, though he did wish they would stop making it seem like everything was now safe. It was dangerous to lull the public into false security,

He itched to get back out in the field, to help hunt down whatever villain organization had
risen under their noses.

He couldn't, though.

And he couldn't sleep.

"Fuck," he swore at the empty living room before stalking over to his desk. If he couldn't defeat real villains, then he'd just settle for virtual ones.
He logged into discord simply out of habit as he queued up for PvP. It wasn't like he could really type much with his fingers still bandaged, fuck he was barely going to have the dexterity to play the game.

After no response from AMJ, he had given up any hope of hearing back.
Yet, there was a message waiting for him.

Wait, Deku wasn't in Japan? He'd assumed, because of the server and it being /Deku/.

Then, "Shit!" The time stamp wasn't long before the attack on the airport. Hopefully he'd waited to message him from his Mom's house and had been
safely away from the airport.

AMJ was still logged in, so he initiated a voice call.

No response.

He tried again.

Still nothing.
He cursed under his breath and slowly typed out a message.

'Hey, I just saw your message.
Are you ok? You better not have fucking been at the airport!

I'll fucking kill you if you died in the attack.'

No response.

Deku was fine, he had to be. There was no way he was so
close only to have his chance pulled out from under him.

Chance. At what?

"What the fuck do you think will happen when he sees you?" Bakugou ran a bandaged hand over his face and cancelled his queue.

Of all the options, he wasn't sure which was worse: Izuku holding a
grudge for how Katsuki treated him when they were young, complete indifference, or hero worship.

The hero worship would be the worst, he decided. To have someone he was once close to reduce his whole being to his hero persona...

The shitty thing was, Katsuki was sure that
was also the most likely outcome.

He should never have suggested they may meet, no good could come from it.

After he knew Izuku was safe, he'd tell him meeting wasn't going to happen after all. At least then nothing would have to change between AMJ and LordE.
Giving a key to his condo to each of his closest friends had been a mistake.

At some point, Katsuki had fallen asleep at his desk while waiting for Izuku to respond.

Kaminari found the site hilarious, and Katsuki woke to the sound of his friend cackling from the kitchen.
Kirishima was more subtle in his amusement, but made quips about the MMO the entire time they ate breakfast. Katsuki eyed the mess in his kitchen the two had created.

"At least you already had the weekend off, right?"

"Fuck off. If my hands weren't injured I'd have cancelled
my plans to help with the-"

"OoOo, riiight. You totally would have cancelled your romantic weekend just to wander the streets aimlessly looking for a fight."

Katsuki sputtered, leaning over the table towards Kami. "It was just meeting a friend, what the fuck gave you the idea-"
"Dude." Kami laughed as he pushed Katsuki's bandaged hand out of his face. "You're a lot less threatening when you can't explode my face off."

"Babe, he'll just do it later." Kiri rolled his eyes as Kami realized.

"Seriously, Bakubro." Kiri sighed, "You gotta see how it looks
from our end. We had plans to camp this weekend, then outa the blue you say you're meeting up with someone else."

"It's not- fuck. Listen." How could he make them understand? "He posted a picture and I-"

"Duuuude." "Broooo." Kiri and Kami said in unison.

"No- shit heads it's

He was cut off by the loud chirp of Kirishima's work phone. "Sorry, bro."

Kiri stepped away to take the call, leaving Katsuki with a smirking Kami.

He quickly changed the subject to how long they were in town for. Of course, they were the first relief heroes called
in. With Katsuki and several other local heroes out of comission for a few days at the least, there was a need to have the presence of other top ten heroes in the area.
"Hope you don't mind us crashing in your spare room." Kaminari studied his nails, "Our bags are already in there by the way."

With a sigh, Katsuki kissed his quiet home goodbye for the foreseeable future. How long had they been there before he'd woken up? He blamed the lingering
effects of the pain meds given to him at the hospital for sleeping so soundly.

Kirishima walked back over, pushing his phone back into his front pocket. "I gotta head in for a briefing. Bakugou, you're still cool if we operate out of your agency?"
"It's been a standing invitation for years, dumbass." Why the fuck did he always feel the need to ask?

Kaminari excused himself as well, staying he should reaclimate himself with the city. Whatever that meant. "Kiri have your leash that short, huh?"

Kami pretended not to hear.
Alone again.

Katsuki eyed his dirty kitchen, then his computer. He had half a mind to leave the mess for hie friends to clean, but he did appreciate their help cooking, and after checking for any messages from Izuku, he threw himself into cleaning.
Izuku rocked back on his heels as he stood awkwardly in the empty office. He was still reeling from the early morning phone call from his manager back home.

It wasn't the first time he'd been asked to work with heroes in other countries, but it was the first time he'd
been asked his opinion on his team. The rare perk of having one of your cold cases literally drop in front of you.

Of course, he asked for Ground Zero without hesitation, only to be told he was unavailable for the time being. The coordinator in Japan was patient on the phone
while he muttered about his choices. It wasn't until he muttered about it being a shame Red Riot or Shouto weren't in the city that the coordinator interrupted him.

"Red Riot is in Tokyo while we deal with this threat."

His knowledge put the coordinator at ease,
and he asked for an in person meeting before letting Izuku join the case officially in Japan.

Which was how he found himself waiting in a small office at the agency belonging to none other than Ground Zero.

He made a mental note to message LordE as soon as he had a free
moment; by the look of it, he wouldn't have time to meet up afterall.

Maybe when the case wrapped up... but if it turned out to be the same bio terrorists he thought was finished three years ago, he could be stuck for a long time.
"Agent Andrews said you could be a bit spacy." The bored drawl came from the doorway, jerking Izuku from his thoughts.

"Oh. I, uh-" Izuku rubbed the back of his head, so much for a good first impression. He observed the man as he rounded to sit at the desk.

Handsome, but
looking incredibly sleep deprived. His shock of purple hair was as unkempt as Izuku's own when his undercut grew out.

Hell, Izuku was certain his own under-eye shadows during the last time he worked this case could rival the impressive ones across from him.
(The next part won't go into much detail for the sake of the thread, but I expand into a full fic then it will be a nice detour lol. I really just wanna get to their first meeting as quick as possible 😂)
Using what information he'd gleaned from their phone conversations combined with his vast knowledge of heroes, Izuku surmised the man's identity before he introduced himself. Though, he wasn't 100% sure he was Shinsou until the underground hero confirmed so; information about him
was limited afterall.

From there it was the usual information sharing and general strategizing for the better part of the day.

Eventually, he was invited to make the office his own, and given a requisition form.

His only request outside of equipment was to remain as anonymous
as possible. Though he would love to meet Red Riot, meeting the heroes he was working with /first/ never ended well. After they had an appreciation for his skills, he wasn't as strict about it. But for now... it was for the best he remain only a voice.
When he told his mom to not expect him for dinner, he'd been completely serious. She still didn't quite understand how serious he took his work, but she was endlessly relieved he wouldn't be putting himself in harms way.

Izuku was thankful he made it back to her home before
she finished making breakfast

Setting up his cameras and trackers took the bulk of his time. Surprisingly, Red Riot took his request to alter his costume to allow for cameras and other sensors well; it was the easiest transition to a new hero he'd had in ages. Probably the best.
Shinsou would handle transitioning the rest of the operation, and Izuku was endlessly thankful he had a competent counterpart. The last time he'd been in a different country ended in near disaster due to inflated egos.
"Honey, did you eat?" His mom was right back to doting on him, offering a number of breakfast options both traditional Japanese and more western.

While she cooked, he went to his room to shower quickly. His laptop caught his eye, and with great guilt he realized he never logged

Several messages and call notifications stared back at him. Some from others in the guild, but most from LordExplosion.


He typed out a quick, 'I'm okay, sorry to make you worry :( I'll be back in a bit, brb!', to LordE and ran to shower the last 24 hours away.
(Aaaand, I'm back on 2nd shift this week and have time to write 👍)

Katsuki's frustration grew with each guild member's check in on their discord server.

With each "I'm okay!" And "I was sleeping, sorry for worrying everyone!" which came in, his urge to call Midoriya Inko

If he logged in to his agency's database to pull up the list of casualties, his manager and Kirishima would be on him within seconds. And how could he explain that he /wasn't/ trying to work behind their backs?
At some point he fell asleep on the couch, only to be woken by Kaminari's shouting around midnight. Apparently he wasn't happy about being left out of something or other, and was arguing with Kiri as he stomped around Katsuki's home.

The next morning, Katsuki woke up in his bed
feeling less than rested despite sleeping in. He vaguely remembered checking his messages before shuffling himself to bed, falling asleep to Kaminari's attempts to cook.
His kitchen was a wreck, and he added it to his list of things to yell at his idiot friend about. By the look of it, Kirishima wasn't home yet, and he debated the pros and cons of yelling at Kami without Kiri vs yelling at them both.
He groaned at the mess awaiting him, it would need cleaned before he could make breakfast for himself. Kami' ability to dirty every pan was almost impressive.

First though, he logged into discord to check the group chat. Better to get the disappointment out of the way.
The group chat had no new messages, but he paid it no attention. A message from AMJ was blinking, waiting to be read.

Thank fuck.

'l'm okay, sorry to make you worry :( I'll be back in a bit, brb!'

Katsuki collapsed into his computer chair, relief flooding his veins.
The message was time stamped only 20 minutes earlier. He'd just missed him...

'Glad to hear you're alive. Call me when you're able.'

He turned his volume up and threw himself into cleaning, trying not to think about talking to Izuku, or what he would even say.
He was just putting the final dish away when the condo was filled with the sound of a call request.

Wasting no time, Katsuki ran to his computer and accepted the call.

"Hey!" Izuku chuckled. "Sorry again for worrying you, I didn't even think about what my last message must
have looked like. But I got out of the airport without injury."

"H-hi." Katsuki swallowed. This was the first time they'd actually spoken since he'd seen Izuku's picture. How was he supposed to act again?

He cleared his throat and tried again. "Did you check in with the guild?"
"Doing it now," Izuku's voice was so cheerful. "Looks like the meet up is postponed until they figure out a new location. Or until the airport incident is cleared..."

"Too bad." Katsuki wouldn't have been able to go now anyway.

"Soooo," Izuku sighed into his mic. "I'm stuck
here for a while. Wanna start alts together? I've been waiting to try a tank..."

"Uh, sure."

"Ummm undead? Wanna do priest?"

"Sure." Katsuki let Izuku lead the way as they made their alts and bagan their first quests.

"Hey," Katsuki began, still figuring out how to ask
and not give himself away yet. "You mentioned arriving in Japan... do you... not live here?"

Izuku made a strangled sound. "Uhhh, no. Please don't tell anyone else in the guild."

"Of course. But..." He searched for the right words. "But, why join a Japanese server?-
Your Japanese is really good, I'd have never guessed"

He knew it was the right question when Izuku started babbling. "I used to live here, but I moved when I was still a kid. It was a huge transition... and, well, playing on a Japanese server is really nostalgic for me I guess."
"You moved when you were young? That must have been hard."

"Are these pants good for you?" Izuku linked a drop in their chat.

"No, sell 'em"

" 'kay. Yea, it was rough at first. My English wasn't very good, so I had to take a lot of extra classes when I moved. And my mom
stayed in Japan, so that took the longest to get used to. But we video chated almost every day!"

Izuku didn't bring up Katsuki... so, he pried. His heart raced as he struggled to ask; would it be best to know or not? Was it even fair for him to ask when Izuku had no idea it
was Katsuki who was asking?

"Did you keep in touch with any friends?"

"Oh... umm." Izuku was quiet for a moment, standing still in the game.

"At first it hurt..." Izuku's voice was soft. "Then it hurt even more." He chuckled darkly. "I thought the worst thing was to leave
the one person I considered my best friend. But, it turned out the worst thing was realizing we had stopped being friends long before I moved."

Katsuki swallowed, hard. He knew it was the truth, but it still hurt to hear Izuku say it, especially now that they /were/ friends...
He let the entire conversation drop, choosing to push away the gnawing stab Izuku's words brought in favor of playing the game.

It was easier to get lost in the game, especially while playing with AMJ, before he knew it was Izuku sitting at the other computer. Still, he let
himself fall into the fantasy rather than face the reality, rather than confront something he'd thought long buried.

Then, he hadn't ever expected to run into Izuku again, had he? He'd left suddenly, his attempts to tell Katsuki rebuked with the cruelty of his past self.
Years of training, of failing, of finally accepting therapy - and he'd come to terms with himself, found a better way to approach the way he viewed the world.

And, at the center, had been Izuku. The best friend he never deserved, who he lost before he even knew he was gone.
"Heeey, you there?" Izuku's character was dancing with his, though his voice was concerned.

"Yea." Fuck, his voice sounded hoarse.

"You just stopped moving, your connection alright?"

"Fine. Got distracted."

"Ah, yea... we have been playing for an hour, need a break?"
Had it a been an hour? Katsuki sighed, "No, let's keep going."

"Right." Izuku paused, then, "Um, so the meet up was canceled. Not sure if you saw."

"I did. Wasn't interested anyway." But... "I do have some free time, wanna grab lunch or something?"
"I... Yea... yes. I think? I'm... busy though, now... work, ya know? Maybe in a week or two? Before I head home?"

"Work?" Katsuki narrowed his eyes at the screen. There was something off, and he didn't like it.

"Yea... since my trip is, ah, extended. I'm.. working remotely."
"So, rain check?"

"Maybe? Sorry," Izuku chuckled, "I'm really unsure about the whole meeting an online friend sorta thing. I'd hate to mess anything up. Besides," he said with a sigh, "you weren't interested until I posted my picture."

Still as obsessively observant, Katsuki

"I'm not a fucking creep. Holy fu- why am I having this conversation?"

Izuku hummed. "Look, it's... he sighed. Nevermind."

"Fuck you." Katsuki ground his teeth and left their party. He tabbed out to disconnect their voice chat, but Izuku's startled cry gave him pause.
"W-wait! It- please don't be angry! There's just... some history." He sighed heavily and Katsuki wondered if he still cried as easily as when they were kids, if his eyes still became red and puffy at the slightest misstep.
"History, ha?"

"Yea... look. I don't like talking about this, and this stays between us."


"A few years ago... I met up with a friend from my old guild. It... ah... well, was really awkward. Turns out he was only interested in hooking up, and when he made some unwanted
moves and I shot him down, he spread all sorts of terrible things about me to the others at the meetup... long story short only our current guild leader believed me. There was a lot of stupid drama and the police got involved. We eventually left the server along with two others."
"You're missing a lot of details there. But, I get it. I'm... just not used to people not trusting me." Though, Izuku would probably trust him /less/ if he knew who he was.

"Can we go back to the game now?"

Katsuki sighed, "Yea, yea. There-" he was cut off by a commotion
behind him. "Hols on..."

"What was that?"

"Ah... friends who are staying with me, TEMPORARILY. AND WILL BE STAYING AT A HOTEL IF THEY DON'T BE QUIET AND CLEAN UP AFTER THEMSELVES!" He moved the mic away before yelling at Kirishima and Kaminari.

"Hey, I'm going to sort some
things out here, mind if we take that break now?"

Izuku chuckled, "Yea, go for it. I have some things I can do around my mom's house..."

The sound of the call disconnecting dropped Katsuki's remaining spirit. There was so much he wanted to -needed to- say to Izuku.
But it would need to wait. For now, it wouldn't do to have his rowdy friends giving away his identity with their shouting.

He started with chastising them for the kitchen and noise. Though, he didn't get too far before Kirishima's excitement overflowed.
"So, they brought in some big shot to work this case with us. He works a lot of international stuff, so suuuper cool! And he's chased these guys before, so we have access to all sorta of info."
Unimpressed, Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Another hero who doesn't-"

"A consultant." Kaminari unsuccessfully corrected.

"No, more a... agent? Strategist? He's working with Shinsou, and even he is impressed. Annnnd!" Kiri grinned wide, looking like a kid with a new toy, "He
helped Hatsume make some adjustments to my costume. I'm like a walking camera now. We did some practice rounds this morning, he lead me through the level two training while I was blindfolded!"


"Awwwz babe, he's jealous." Kaminari grinned at Kirishima. "But, I still
don't like it. It's too risky for you to be the guinea pig for Shinsou's experiment."

"So, who is this guy?"

Kirishima shrugged. "A ghost. Word is, he doesn't get involved like Shinsou, keeps to himself. A voice guiding us -me-, and that's it. No fields work..."
"Sounds like a waste." Katsuki rolled his eyes and steered the conversation back towards cleaning messes and setting boundaries.

"Waaait. So, you don't want your online crush to know who you are? But your, ahem, charming personality, isn't getting you a face to face?"
"Fuck off. It's not- he's not. It's complicated okay?" How much could he tell them? They'd already seen him at his worst.

"It's... Midoriya Izuku. Deku."

"Holy crap. Really? Duuude." Kaminari and Kirishima shared a long look.

"The fuck does that mean?"
"Nothing. Just... bro, you talked about him a lot back in school."

"So?" Letting go of his hate for him was a pivotal part of his growth, of facing the reality that Izuku had only wanted to be friends, that he wasn't trying to show him up, to be better than him.
Even with Izuku out of his life, his touch on it lingered. And... and he needed to talk to him. To apologize and thank him. To beg forgiveness, and ask for friendship.

"He's still..." Kami looked at Kiri

Kirishima nodded. "Secret is safe with us. Just don't keep us up with
your nerdy flirting."

"Fuck you guys."

After they retreated to the spare room to get some sleep before patrol later, Katsuki logged back into the mmo, excited to find Izuku waiting for him.
He didn't know how to explain to them, how to put words to what Izuku really meant for him. The ultimate mirror of his life.

Not a childhood crush. A friend who hadn't given up on him, even at his worst. Who, had he not noved, would have done everything he could to stay by
Katsuki's side.


He was a lesson. A slap of reality; Quirks didn't define a person's worth, didn't make one person better or worse. It was actions.

Actions made a hero, no a quirk. A person with a strong quirk could just as soon be a villain.
He only wished he'd learned that lesson before loosing his childhood friend.

Izuku really needed a nap. Or... ya know, sleep. Real sleep.

But LordE seemed off, like he needed someone to talk to, even if he never said what was actually bothering him.
"Welcome back." Izuku stifled a yawn. "Seems quieter over there."

"Yea, the morons went to sleep."

"I'm glad you have company." Izuku drummed his fingers on his desk.

"Because, you must be lonely if you were looking to hang out with me." His heart thumped in his chest, a warning he was dangerously close to flirting. That he liked the idea of flirting with LordE.


Izuku chuckled. "I appreciate you dropping the subject though, instead
of pushing it..."

"Hnn. I'm getting on my main."

" 'kay. Seriously, it means a lot. I was afraid... ya know..."

"Get over yourself, your not that cute."
Izuku wanted to laugh, to point out the absurdity of their whole conversation, of flirting with someone he'd never even seen.
Instead, he inhaled sharply.

Before he could respond, LordE was swearing in his ear. "That's not-"

"You think I'm cute?" Izuku squeaked out.
His friend was quite for a long minute; the lack of background noise lead Izuku to believe he'd muted his mic.

What was he doing? Hadn't he learned his lesson before? But... this was different, right? They were friends, knew each other's favorite foods and music...
It was natural to want more, right? To be so lonely that he was reading too deep into friendly banter?

"Fuck you. You invited me to stay with you. If any one is being creepy here it's you."

This time, Izuku did chuckle. He wondered when his moment of weakness would be brought

"Yea, and? Sorry for being nice."


"You know...." Izuku bit his lip, hoping he wasn't about to cross a line they couldn't come back from.

"I could have asked for /your/ picture."

"I wouldn't have given you one."

"What if I asked nicely?" Izuku bit his cheek, his heart hammering while the silence stretched. "Please?"

"Still no."

"Buuut, you wanna hook up?"
"Meet up, asshole. Meet. You're the only one talking about hooking up."

Izuku smirked, enjoying the banter. "Just checking. I'd see what you look like then, so why not send a pic? Afraid I'd change my mind?"

"... something like that. Look, can we just... drop it? Clearly this
won't happen... Some guys are looking for people for a raid, you up for it?"

"No... I should get some sleep. If you change your mind, let me know."
The next two days were a blur for them both.

After a few hours of rest, Izuku made his way back to Ground Zero's agency. He refused to let himself even think of it as 'Kacchan's agency'; both to prevent himself from accidentally calling it that outloud, and to keep more
memories from clouding his judgment while working. It was bad enough he'd been thinking about Kacchan since his last conversation with LordE.

It was difficult to separate his childhood friend from the hero, especially when he was surrounded by an entire building which
screamed 'Kacchan!'.

Working with Kirishima was a breeze. The hero was enthusiastic, and didn't push back when Izuku directed him in the field.

He supposed he should thank Shinsou, the underground hero seemed to have instilled confidence in the entire team. Shinsou wasn't a
bad liaison either, even if it took him a bit to warm up to Izuku as a person. That was a bonus, really - Izuku was just happy to have his support in the field, a budding friendship was only a bonus.

Kirishima took breaks periodically, but Izuku continued to work, reviewing
all the data they'd gathered on their targets. So far they'd only arrested one of the villains, but the intel they'd gained was enormous.

He couldn't help listening for updates on Ground Zero's condition, even if the gossip he overheard wasn't anything more than the news had.
Briefly, he considered asking Red Riot, but didn't want to open that can of worms.

Only a few blocks away, Katsuki was miserable. He was still barred from assisting with the case, which was total overkill and he planned to tell his doctor so at his precheck.
Since his last disaster of a conversation with AMJ -Izuku- he was left with only his thoughts. Izuku hadn't logged on once in two days, and Kirishima and Kaminari only showed up to sleep and make a -slightly less- disaster of his kitchen.

He was tempted to invite himself over
to the Midoriya home, but an off hand comment Kirishima made about rabid reporters changed his mind.

He was able to glean some information about how the case was going based on Kirishima's attitude during his quick stop ins.

Fuck, he wanted -needed- to get back out there.
But like hell he was going to have some foriegn agent in his ear telling him how to do his job. Kirishima could talk it up all he wanted, Katsuki still thought it was an insult to the hero profession.

It was bad enough Shinsou did something similar the last time there was a
large scale attack. Thankfully, Katsuki had Shinsou in his ear and not one of his lackeys. Ashido had been less than pleased with her results during that experiment.

He spent his days cooking, trying new recipes he had been wanting to but didn't have the time for, and raiding
with the guild. Who, also noted the absence of AMJ.


"Midoriya," Shinsou helped himself into Izuku's temporary office, a take out bag in one hand. "I think it's safe to assume you haven't eaten since I stopped by last night?"

With a small smile of thanks, Izuku accepted the
offered meal without taking his eyes off of his camera feed from Red Riot's suit. "Thanks."

"You need to rest. There are a few over night rooms-"

"I'm fine. Quite used to long hours on assignments like this."

"Do me a favor?" Shinsou's hand landed heavily on Izuku's shoulder,
and Izuku looked up forna brief second, only to be met with concerned, tired eyes. "Next time Riot takes a break, take one yourself. I'm sure you'd like to eat something besides take out."

"I... yea. I guess my neck is getting stiff..."

The hand was removed, but Shinsou
lingered another moment. "Heads up, Ground Zero will be stopping by today."

Izuku fully turned from his screens, heart hammering. "He's- what?"

"I'll do my best to keep him occupied so he doesn't interfere. He hasn't been fully cleared to return to duty yet, so he'll be in a
pissy ass mood. But, he was given the clear to be here, so of course he needs to swing his dick around and remind me and Riot this is his agency."

Izuku didn't hear half of what Shinsou said, but nodded absently and thanked him for the food. He wasn't sure if he'd rather see
Bakugou or not. But, at least he knew he was well.

He could already imagine his reaction to seeing Izuku being the one running an ops out of his agency. The tantrum, the declaration that Izuku thought he was better than him but really wasn't shit.

No, he didn't want to think
about it. He was hopeful that Shinsou could keep him away. He went back to work, but decided he was going to take Shinsou's advice and get out during Riot's next break.

If Katsuki was any other hero, he would have been ecstatic to be given partial clearance so soon after a
major injury to his hands. But he was Bakugou Katsuki and anything keeping him from action was the enemy, even if it was his own body.

He knew he couldn't push his hands yet. His quirk put too much stress on them to risk it. But knowing didn't improve his mood.

A visit to his
agency was as close as he could get to the action, and he should use this time to catch up on the case. Even if Kirishima and Kaminari had essentially invited Shinsou and some dick head stranger to make his agency home, it was still HIS.
Speaking of Shinsou... the asshole's purple hair was the first thing to greet him when he exited the elevator to his secure floor.

And why the fuck was he on this floor instead of in the field like he was listed? Katsuki made it a point to glance over the day's assignments
on his way over. Now that he was no longer locked out, he had a lot to catch up on.

He paused on his way to his own office to watch Shinsou duck into an office. Curious, he walked closer so he could see in the door.

Shinsou was talking to someone hiden behind a stack of

'Must be Kirishima's puppet master'. Katsuki glowered in their direction, already thinking of how satisfying it would be to kick them both out of his agency.

Then, Shinsou shifted to place a hand on his shoulder. Familiar green hair emerged in almost slow motion,
followed by the very face he'd been agonizing over for weeks.

Izuku. He was - - right there.

Izuku... He was an internationally renowned hero support specialist.

Izuku... Was smiling softly up at Shinsou, who still hadn't removed his hand from his shoulder.
Katsuki wasn't jealous. He wasn't, because he didn't want Izuku like... that. No, he was furious. At himself. At Shinsou.

At the fuckers who ruined their guild meet up .

This wasn't how he wanted to meet Izuku again. Not here. Not when he was pissed off at the world. He
needed to show Izuku his growth. And how could he apologize properly in the middle of an active villain search? How could he even hope to get Izuku alone here?

Shinsou finally dropped his hand from Izuku and turned to leave, only to lock eyes with Katsuki. Shinsou turned back to
Izuku, but Katsuki didn't stick around to watch more. He quickly made his way to his own office and slammed the door.

Head still swimming from this new information about Izuku, he did his best to read reports and catch up on the case, hoping to find something they overlooked.
Hours later, when Katsuki gave into his hunger, he went out of his way to pass by the office where he'd seen Izuku.

He wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed to find it empty.
The media pressure was still very real, so instead of heading out for a bite to eat he diverted to the break room on his floor. It wasn't open to all his sidekicks or paperwork jockeys; only heroes and whichever sidekicks he assigned to himself for the month.
Which meant, the frozen meals he'd painstakingly prepared would still be in the freezer... unless Kirishima or Kaminari had a death wish.

So, when he heard voices coming from inside, he stopped just short of the slightly open door.
"I've been meaning to ask about the keychain on your bag..."

"Oh! It's from my favorite game!"

Katsuki knew Izuku's voice, had talked with him numerous times... but hearing him now, so close, unfiltered by a mic and headphones was a new level of torture.
"I know the game- I was curious what your handle is. Which server are you on?"

"Here, I can write it down. It's old, so don't laugh. I keep saying how I'm going to pay for the name change haha. And here is the server I'm on now."
Fucking Shinsou. The MMO was *his* thing with Deku.

"I'll see you online then. It's a nice escape from all this." Shinsou paused, "Thank you for taking my advice. I'd hoped to get you out of the building for a bite to eat, but I'll count this as a win."
Izuku laughed.
Katsuki saw red.

"I need to check in with my team. Keep relaxing in here for a bit, ok?"


"I mean it. Rest."

The door opened and Katsuki took a quick step back to avoid being slammed into.

Shinsou looked him over head to toe as he closed the door,
blocking Katsuki's view of Izuku. He gave Katsuki a measured glare, but Katsuki would later swear his eyes were laughing at him.

"Don't harass him."

"I wasn't-"

"Bullshit. Just keep away until the mission is over. You may not like this style of hero support, but it works."
"Fuck you, I was just getting something to eat."

Shinsou raised an eyebrow. "If I make one of your frozen meals and bring it to you, will you promise to keep away?"

Katsuki sputtered and almost pushed him aside to barge in and talk to Deku- but the allure of having an excuse to
postpone it, combined with the idea of Shinsou serving him food, was too great.


Once back in his office, he pulled out his personal phone. He would never log into his personal accounts on work equipment, but he wasn't above using his personal devices.
Discord took too long to load, but it was worth the wait to see AMJ logged in.

Shinsou showed up with his food, and he shooed him away quickly.

'Hey.' He sent, hoping Izuku hadn't forgotten to log out.

'Hi! Sorry, can't play now :( just on a break at work.'
Knowing Bakugou Katsuki - Ground Zero - was in the building was more than a little unnerving.

Izuku nearly broke his promise to Shinsou just to avoid leaving his office and accidentally running into him.

But, Shinsou was apparently very serious about him taking a break
and showed up at his door the moment Kirishima was marked as on break.

"Come on. There's a nice diner across the street."

Izuku felt guilty for letting his apprehension about seeing Kacchan interfere with Shinsou's kindness. "I really should stay here... were closing in and
with this added pressure they're liable to act rashly."

Shinsou grinned, "Thought you'd say that." He nodded his head down the hallway, "I brought takeout. Better than the grease we've been eating, though."

Izuku smiled, swung his laptop bag over his should, and followed.
He wasn't expecting a spread of sushi and plate of katsudon to be set up in the breakroom.

The room itself was just shy of lavish: plush leather couches, large tv, oak tables, and it was equiped with a full sized high-end kitchen.

"This is- you didn't have to-"
"I made a promise to keep you from overworking yourself while here. And like hell I'm getting a black mark because you can't turn off for a few minutes now and then" Shinsou said it with his usual monotone, but his eyes danced with mirth.

"Well, thank you! This is amazing."
They ate slowly, savoring the meal, making small talk here and there.

Izuku fought the urge to ask about Katsuki as long as he could, but he eventually lost to his own curiosity."

"So, ah, Ground Zero... is he really here today?"
Shinsou rolled his eyes. "Yea, thankfully he's been keeping to himself. There is a lot to catch up on, afterall."

He leveled Izuku with a calculating stare. "I was surprised when you asked for him as your top choice."
"Ah, it, um, made sense. Since he's a top hero, and local, and already engaged these villains at the airport."

"Come on, Izuku. You can throw logic at it all you want to lie to yourself, but don't lie to me."

Izuku sighed. He knew his past was an open door for someone with
Shinsou's clearance level. He just hadn't expected him to look so far back.

"Like I said, I'll do what I can to keep him from bothering you."

"That's not- you don't have to. It's fine. We're not kids anymore. And if Kac- Ground Zero wasn't the best choice then I wouldn't have
requested him."

"... Just so you know... and I'm only saying this so you don't expect anything once he is cleared for the field. Bakugou doesn't like field support, hates it. He's tolerated it in the past when necessary due to visibility conditions, but I had to step in after he
went through three of my best. He's belligerent and can be harsh when he's feeling weak."

Izuku nodded, "...Like he's afraid accepting help is the same as admitting he's weak. I'm familiar with him. And this is a temporary assignment, anyway. I can take it if it means it's the
best for the mission."

"It doesn't have to be," Shinsou blurted out. "Temporary, I mean."

"I-" Izuku was caught off guard.

"Just, think about it? If you're interested, we can talk details later."

Izuku nodded, "I, yea..."
"I've been meaning to ask about the keychain on your bag..."

Izuku was elated to drop the subject. "Oh! It's from my favorite game!" 

He twirled the keychain attached to his laptop bag. It was a custom made image of his main character.
"I know the game- I was curious what your handle is. Which server are you on?"

Izuku eyed Shinsou. He had no reason to not trust him... so why did the question feel off?

"Here, I can write it down. It's old, so don't laugh." He pulled a note pad from his bag."
"I keep saying how I'm going to pay for the name change haha..."

He pushed aside the quiet voice wondering if Shinsou already had this information and continued to write, "And here is the server I'm on now."
Shinsou took the paper, tucking it into his pocket as he stood. "I'll see you online then. It's a nice escape from all this."

Izuku swallowed at the promise, wondering if he was going to recognize his username, but he didn't wish to cause a rift by asking - or assuming.
Shinsou paused soft smile on his lips, "Thank you for taking my advice. I'd hoped to get you out of the building for a bite to eat, but I'll count this as a win."

Izuku laughed, forcing himself to relax.

"I need to check in with my team. Keep relaxing in here for a bit, ok?"
That was hardly what Izuku wanted to do, but he agreed, if only because Shinsou was right and he was going to push himself to the point of not being useful.


"I mean it. Rest." He shut the door completely on his way out, leaving Izuku secluded in the room, surrounded
by more food than he could eat.

He eyed one of the couches and, after moving the food to the fridge, flopped down on his back on the largest one.
Sleep wouldn't come, he knew better than to try. But, taking his mind off of the case was a good idea.

He opened his laptop to browse the news, and maybe play a bit. Discord auto signed in, and he didn't pay it any mind until a message popped up.

A simple message, but it held so much weight. He hadn't spoken with LordExplosion since their flirting and subsequent argument.

'Hi! Sorry, can't play now :( just on a break at work.' He had time.... but could need to leave at a moment's notice-not ideal for teaming up
Izuku was thankful he hadn't logged into the game yet, his lie had more merit.

'Hey- you're not...'
'Just good to see you online, it's been a while.'

Izuku pondered the messages, along with his odd conversation with Shinsou.
'I'm not mad- if that's what you're worried about :)'


'But, I have been thinking about what you said.'

'Maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to take a break and grab a drink out of work?'
'To see if we can be as good friends offline?'

Izuku bit his lip when LordE didn't answer, and added:

'If I had a friend here... maybe taking a permanent job wouldn't be off the table.'
He was careful in his wording, not yet 100% sure...

But, even if he were wrong? LordE could be a friend... someone /offline/ to look forward to seeing besides his family? Yea, it could be worth the risk of meeting him.
The response took awhile, but eventually LordE responded.

'That's a lot of pressure, don't you think?'

Izuku smirked, 'what? Afraid you won't live up to your own hype?'

'I didn't hype myself, asshole. That's all you. But I'll blow those damn expectations up.'
Izuku laughed at his screen. He tried imagining Shinsou on the other side, comparing his voice to that of LordE.

It wasn't perfect, but he also hadn't spoken with Shinsou in anything but a professional environment. So... maybe.

He was surprised to find himself
disappointed at the idea, though. He wasn't sure why, he should be ecstatic at the possibility of LordE being someone like Shinsou...

'I doubt I'll be blown away, but go ahead and try.'
'I need to wait for this big project to be over, but then I'll be free.'
'Let me know. I'll make something work.'

Izuku was halfway through typing his reply when suddenly an alarm chirped throughout the building.


Katsuki found a new level of pissed off. Just as he was getting somewhere with Izuku the villains made their move.

And he could do fuck all to help take them down quicker.

He followed the action from his office, keeping tabs on Kirishima's movements while
also continuing to read reports.

Red Riot and Charge Bolt had quickly been joined by others, including Uravity and Shouto.

Shinsou poked his head into his office without knocking. "If you're following, then you may be interested in listening in on Midoriya's
line to Kirishima." He tossed him an earpiece.

"Why the hell would-"

"Don't then. I'm heading into the field, too. We're hitting the villains' second location now."

Katsuki waved him off, but put the ear peice in the moment the door was shut.
They were currently waiting outside of the hospital the villains attacked, currently in a stalemate while negotiating the release of hostages.

While the line was mostly quiet, -only Kirishima's occasional commentary and conversations with those around him- Katsuki opened
another report. This was a series of eyewitnesses accounts from the intial attack on the airport, and he only skimmed it until a few details from a handfull of people gave him pause.
Surely, the civilian who ran back towards the fighting, who saved the kid, wasn't- couldn't be- Izuku had told him he was fine.

Then, the next report was from Midoriya Izuku himself, detailing the events from his own perspective- full of details even the heroes on the scene had
missed. That Katsuki himself missed.

And... Izuku had been there. Right there. Had probably watched as Katsuki...


He reread the report. "You haven't fucking changed."
Reading Izuku's report did nothing to prepare Katsuki to hear him in action.

The moment he spotted a clean shot, he relayed it to Red Riot- clear, precise instructions followed, leading him through the breach of the building and onward.

He was nothing like Shinsou had been,
no judgment in his voice, and he tracked the cameras, giving Kirishima the location of civilians hidden in rubble who wouldn't have been found until later- after the fighting, when it could have been too late.

And above all, Izuku was a strategist.
An amazing strategist.

And Katsuki wondered what it would be like to be there, with Izuku guiding him, being his extra eyes, ears, and brain.

He would probably never know. Even if Izuku stayed in Japan after what was sure to be a disastrous reunion, why would he agree to
work with Katsuki? By now, others had probably warned Izuku about how Katsuki felt about support heroes being involved with his missions.

Kirishima seemed to enjoy having him, and his response times were noticeably better with Izuku's guidance. Maybe Izuku would join his agency
and then, at least, Katsuki could see him occasionally....

Katsuki swore at himself and continued to listen in, helpless to do anything.
Izuku let out a long breath and sunk back in his chair.

It was over.

Shinsou's call from the secondary site came twenty minutes before. All that was left was clean up and paperwork.

He slowly turned off each monitor as he stretched his stiff neck.
"Hey, ghost man! You joining us for the debriefing or are you gonna stay all mysterious?" Kirishima's voice carried over his earpiece.

"Are you ever not cheerful?" Izuku laughed. "Yea, I'll be there."

"Can't wait to finally meet you. This whole thing has been an
amazing experience. Your mind, man. Hopefully something like this never happens again, but I'd be down to team up again if it does."

Red Riot was one of the top heroes, having him sing his praise had Izuku feeling lightheaded. "You're amazing too. This was the easiest transition
I've ever had. Seriously, you are so easy to work with and your quirk is beyond strong. I'd be honored to team up again, even if it's just for patrols."

"Man, you're gonna make me blush! Hey, I'm about to hit the showers. See you in a bit!"

With that, the line went dead and
Izuku was left alone to pack up his equipment.

It was nice way to unwind after a stressful assignment. The almost ritualistic equipment checks gave his mind a break while also easing his muscles back into action.
By the time he was ready to begin compiling reports, Shinsou showed up to escort him to the main floor briefing room.

"Kirishima has been talking non stop about meeting you. Hopefully he can control himself a little..."

"I've been looking forward to meeting him too. And the
other heroes who helped. Will Charge Bolt and Uravity be there?"

"And a gaggle of sidekicks, police, and other first responders."

Shinsou paused, and Izuku stopped short of the door and turned back to him.
"What's up?"

"It's... you work really well with us. I was serious when I offered a permanent place here. It would be nice to have a partner to run opps with, who I can trust to lead assignments without pissing off the heroes."
"I- that's... thank you. Really."

"And, if I may be so bold to say... I'd like to count you as a friend. And I'm sure Kirishima would as well. You wouldn't be alone if you decide to stay."

"I-" Izuku struggled to keep his tears from overflowing.
"Shit, Shinsou." Kaminari sauntered up to them. "All that about keeping Bakugou from scaring him off, and here *you* are making him cry."

Shinsou rolled his eyes.

"Hey," Kami threw an arm around Izuku's shoulder. "Come sit with me and Ei. We've been dying to meet you."
Izuku didn't like the smirk shared between the two heroes, but let Kaminari lead him into the conference room.

The room was set up with only rows of chairs, and sure enough, he was pushed into a seat in the middle of the front row right between Kirishima and Kaminari.
"Hey, babe, look who I found."

Kirishima's eyes were as kind in person as the media portrayed. "Nice to meet you! Kirishima Eijirou."

Izuku took the offered hand, but instead of a hand shake, he was pulled sideways into a strong hug.
"Nice to meet you too," Izuku squeaked out. "Midoriya Izuku. No longer just a voice."

"You're going to hurt him, you big lug." Uravity sat to Kirishima's other side. "Don't mind him, he forgets how strong he is when he's excited."

"It's fine. No worries." Izuku straightened
his clothes. "So nice to meet you all!"

"Midoriya," Uravity leaned around Kirishima to look at him. "We're going out for drinks tomorrow night after resting up. You should come!"

"I... you really want me... to...." Tears once again welled up. Heroes rarely extended such offers
to him. The ones which had only did so after months or years of working together.

Why was this group so different? So much kinder?

"Of course, dude." Kirishima's heavy arm wrapped around his shoulders. "You were part of the victory too!"
"Oh, hey, Kirishima... have you seen Bakugou? How's he doing?"

Izuku hoped Kirishima could feel how tense he became at the mention of Kacchan. He still hadn't figured out how he should behave around Katsuki. Like he didn't remember him? Like they were once friends? Or
give him the cold shoulder? Or like he was excited to see him?

Izuku wasn't even sure how he was going to feel when he finally saw Bakugou after so many years. But he did know one thing: he couldn't, under any circumstance, call him Kacchan.

Embarrassing Bakugou was a
surefire way to ruin any hope of having a real conversation with the hero.

"We've beem staying with him. He's as good as you'd expect. Pissed off at the world, bitching about how he wants to get back out, but ultimately he follows the Doc's orders."

"I was so worried when I
heard it was his hands which were injured. I'm glad he's not pushing himself."

"Oh, fuck off round cheeks." The very man in question was walking towards them. He was in street clothes like everyone else, but unlike the other heroes, his posture was anything but relaxed.
He paused as his gaze landed on Izuku. His entire expression was void of any emotion, but his eyes were intense, burning through Izuku as their gazes met.

Did he remember him?

Izuku, despite himself, wanted to jump up, scream 'Kacchan!' and take the hug he'd wanted all those
years ago when he told him he was moving away.

Red eyes flicked to the heroes on either side of him before returning to Izuku.

He nodded at Izuku, and with a deep, level voice, said, "Midoriya."
He pushed it off as long as he could, but there was no avoiding the briefing, especially after the near tantrum he'd thrown at not being able to be involved.

Shinsou spotted him as he approached, and Katsuki had the urge to wipe the smug smirk off his face before he even
opened his mouth.

The underground hero pushed away from the wall next to the door, "About time. I was starting to think you were going to hide in your office until he left."

"He who?" He absolutely did not like the direction the conversation was taking.
"You're terrible at pretending to be dense." Shinsou gave a lazy shrug. "It wasn't hard to put the peices together. Especially..."

He paused, searching Katsuki's face.

"...when Kirishima heard his name and eagerly supplied some dots to connect."
Fucking. Fuck! This was going to be difficult enough without his friends snooping into his business.

"Stay out of shit you know nothing about." He squared his shoulders, standing to his full height. "Is this why you've been keeping me away from him?"

Shinsou had the
audacity to smirk. "When have you ever let something like a stern word keep you from doing something you really wanna do?"

"Fuck you."

He was right, though. If Katsuki had wanted to, he could have easily spoken with Deku already. He'd been right down the hall, afterall.
But, he hadn't.

And now, now... he had no option but to be in the same room as him. He would probably have to acknowledge him in some way.

Or, he could just pretend he didn't see him. There would be a lot of people, it should be easy to just avoid glancing around the room.
Yea. That was how he would play it. He wanted their first actual meeting to be private, and like hell he wanted his nosey friends privy to the disaster it was sure to be.

"I'm starting soon, better grab a seat."
Katsuki pushed passed him and into the room, like ripping off a bandage. Any hope of sitting down without too much attention flew out the door when he heard Uraraka mouthing off about his injury.

Suddenly, all eyes were seemingly on him.

But there were only two he cared about.
Bright, green eyes met his and Katsuki stopped in his tracks, his heart hammering in his chest.

Izuku was sandwiched between the two biggest pains in the ass in his life, looking just as apprehensive to see him.

He remembered Izuku's words when he'd asked about his childhood,
and despite his entire being wanting to roll his eyes, to say 'Deku, you fucking proved me wrong' or 'Deku, it's been awhile' or 'Deku, can we talk afterwards?' Or even just 'Deku', he chickened and only nodded his head.

"Midoriya." Acknowledgement. It was a start.
He only wished Izuku didn't look distressed ay being called.

After a few seconds, Izuku swallowed, his jaw working a few times before he nodded back, "Ground Zero."
As always, his friends were terrible at reading the room- or they just didn't care.

"Baku-bro!" Kirishima waved at him with the arm not around Izuku.

"We saved you a seat!" Kaminari's smile was all teeth as he stood up and motioned for Katsuki to take his chair. The one
right next to Izuku.

As if they choreographed it, Uraraka scooted down a chair so Kaminari could sit next to Kirishima.

Assholes. The whole lot of them. And to think he considered them his friends. He'd truly hate to get on their bad sides.
Sitting next to Izuku was... something. It was easier now that Izuku had confirmed his worst fears. He was only a hero, Ground Zero, and not a childhood friend.

It didn't stop his heart rate from spiking when his knee brushed Izuku's leg, or his head from reeling when Izuku
shifted and brushed his shoulder against him.

When Izuku turned his head to speak to Kirishima, Katsuki caught a wiff of Mint. Did he seriously use mint scented shampoo?

"Right Bakugou?"
He focused back on the room, finding Kaminari and Kirishima waiting for a response to whatever question had been asked. Deku was staring at his knees.


Kaminari's grin turned predatory. "That you listened in on Midoriya and Ei. Don't you agree that he's fantastic?"
Izuku tentatively looked at him, doing his best to keep his features neutral.

"I-" Shit, those eyes brought back so many memories. Some good ones, sure, but mostly ones he wasn't proud of. "Yeah. But Shinsou did set the bar pretty low."
"Awww, hear that Izuku?" Uraraka cooed. "That's Bakugou speak for 'you're the best'"

Izuku chuckled nervously.

Katsuki bit the inside of his cheek and nudged his shoulder into Izuku. "If these idiots are bothering you we can switch seats."
"It's fine. They're just trying to get a rise outa you." Izuku whispered with a shrug and a small smile tugging at his lips.


Katsuki shot a glare over Izuku's head. Bunch of school children.
Before they could make anything more awkward, Shinsou swooped in to begin the briefing. The room was packed, but silence fell quickly.

Nothing like a dull recap of everything they already knew. Izuku was as attentive as ever, and Katsuki found himself smiling softly.
He was pleasantly surprised to note Izuku, while still slightly smaller than him, was far from out of shape.

Did he ever enter the field? Izuku's report from the airport supported the hypothesis, and Katsuki wasn't sure if he liked that conclusion.
He would ask, though. It was related to work, so it wouldn't be out of place. And... yea, and once he got Deku talking to him, at ease with him, then he would tell him who he was.

"Did you have anything to add, Ground Zero?" Shinsou was staring at him from the front of the room, and though he projected an image of professionalism, Katsuki saw straight through it.

How long had he spaced out for?

He shook his head.
"Great," Shinsou said with an exaggerated clap of his hands. "Then that concludes our briefing, and our welcome at Ground Zero's agency."

Thank fuck. Katsuki let out a short breath. As he stood, he eyed the sidekicks already exiting the room, deciding which one was going to be
stuck cleaning up and getting the building back to its normal, sterile, unwelcoming, state.

He lingered as long as he could, but Izuku was in a deep conversation with Kirishima. He didn't want to be obvious... so he left the room, set on cornering Deku the moment he was alone.
Kirishima was more energetic than Izuku expected following the last battle; he pulled Izuku aside the moment the briefing was over, talking about how manly he was, how amazing his guidance was- and Izuku could feel his ears burning.

He tried to keep an eye on Kacchan,
but he left shortly after Uravity.

Izuku could still feel the press of his leg against his, and the heat which practically radiated from his body.

Too real.

And real meant no more wondering, no what-ifs and I-wonders.

He... was different. They both were. Grown, both in
body and mind.

Izuku wasn't sure what he expected.
An explosive shout the moment Bakugou spotted him?
An apology?

He got, instead, a reserved Kacchan. Almost... as unsure how to be around Izuku as Izuku was unsure how to be around him.
"Dude, you alright? You're muttering to yourself. You do that a lot, you know? Like, it should be annoying, but it was nice to kinda get a glimpse at your thoughts."

Izuku was sure his whole face was hot enough to reheat his leftover katsudon.
"Sorry, Red Riot."

"Dude, don't be. And for the last time: just call me Kirishima." He laughed and clapped Izuku on the shoulder.

"But, a word of advice?" Kirishima's gaze turned intense, "Stop guessing and just talk to Bakugou. The analyzing you do is great for catching bad
guys, but Bakugou is more complicated. You should be direct, talk to him."

"I-" Izuku felt light headed. "I don't have a reason to... why would you?"

"I know you two were friends." Kirishima shrugged. "Don't worry about trying to protect him or anything."

"How do you...?"
"He talked about you a lot back at UA." Kirishima's expression was soft. "And, I think he is too much of a coward to make the first move."

"Kacchan isn't a coward!"

Kirishima blinked down at him before throwing his head back in a full-body laugh. "Oh man," he doubled over.
"I always wondered what he was referring to when he said you called him 'that childish ass nickname'- said with fondness, of course."

"Please don't- I really don't feel like starting an argument with him because I couldn't keep my mouth shut."

"Why would there be an argument?"
"Look." Izuku sighed as fatigue set in, the long hours suddenly weighing on him. "You've read the wrong story between the lines Kacc-Bakugou gave you. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in being anything but professional with him."
He took a few steps away before adding, "I'm going to get some rest..." He reached into his pocket, "here's my personal email. If you need anything, just let me know." He handed the card to Kirishima with a small nod.

"Wait, Midoriya." Kirishima cut him off, eyes pleading.
"I'm sorry, it wasn't my place... and I... just promise you'll listen if he does want to talk outside of a... professional way?"

"I'll listen." Izuku wouldn't be able not to.

"I'll email you the meet up deets. You'll come, right? I'm buying your first round."

Izuku nodded
with a smirk on his lips,"Only since you're buying."

Kiri's eyes lit up with a sudden idea. "How many drinks until you'll regale us with embarrassing stories from Bakugou's childhood?"

Izuku only laughed and shook his head, "I'm going to get that 8 hour nap. See you later."
What was he getting himself into?

Hanging out with a bunch of pros... nice pros, but...

Izuku couldn't help but wonder if they knew he was quirkless. If the didn't, would it come up? Would Kacchan be the one to tell them?

He hadn't stopped thinking about him since his
conversation with Kirishima had been derailed by the subject - to the point sleep was evading his grasp.

When he said it, he'd meant it. He only wanted a professional relationship with Kacchan. Because... that was the best possible outcome right?

He couldn't let himself
believe in the possibility of friendship, to believe- to fall for his own delusions again.

Giving up on sleep for the moment, Izuku rolled the covers off himself and plopped himself at the desk in his guest room.
Before he could boot up the mmo and escape into it, as he had on many other nights when his thoughts kept him from sleep, a message beckoned him.

'It's late.'

'Yeah, I know.'

'Then why the hell are you still awake?'

Izuku snorted. 'You're up late too."
'Get some sleep. Didn't you have a busy day?'

'How would you know?'

'You left in a hurry earlier.'

Right, he had mentioned he was at work before he rushed offline. 'Sorry!"

'Whatever. Just get some sleep.'
'Oh, no pushing for that date?'

'Get some sleep. And it's not a date.'

'Ok, just checking :p '

No response came for a moment, until:
'... it could be, though.
Once you meet me...
... if you don't hate me.'

That was...

'So, the truth comes out.'
He couldn't keep the flash of Shinsou's face from his mind.

'Tomorrow? Well, today?'

Izuku was about to tell him that no, sorry, he had plans. But... he didn't like being the only one off balance.

'I have a few ideas. How about around noon?'

'How about later?'

'I can't, plans.'

Izuku smirked. 'I know. I'll see you there.'

He logged off before LordE could respond. If he was wrong, then he'd apologize and offer to pay for a nice dinner to make it up to him.
Sleep can easily after that. The kind of sleep he'd needed for months, which left him rested and ready to face whatever the day would bring.

The morning and afternoon were for some much needed catching up with his mom. But the evening... that was for him.
Katsuki stayed in his office under the excuse of double checking paperwork. Thankfully, everyone was too exhausted to call him out on it and itt was dark by the time he left.

And he was still no closer to figuring out how to tell Izuku he was LordExplosion.
All he did manage to figure out was his friends may be assholes, but they were correct assholes, because maybe -just maybe- he was beginning to want something more with Izuku.

And he still hadn't had a proper conversation with him.

"I'm a fucking idiot," he said to himself as
he unlocked the door to his home.

No one was around to hear him. Kirishima and Kaminari seemed to have already gone to bed- thank fuck.

Idiot as he was, he plopped down at his desk to see if Izuku had logged back online in the time it took him to get home. It was long
shot, he'd checked Discord on his phone constantly while at the agency, and now it was far too late to expect him to be online. Izuku was hopefully getting some much needed sleep, and Katsuki felt selfish for wanting to talk to him.

Then, without any fanfare, Izuku came online.
He was serious when he told Izuku to get some sleep, almost slipped up when telling him he knew he'd had a long day.

But, it was fine- Izuku /had/ mentioned work afterall.

Then, Izuku had to go and bring up their impending meet up.

Called it a date.
It wasn't a date. And he told him as much.

Though, he wouldn't be against the idea.

And, he would forever use his response as a prime example of why he didn't stay up this late.

'... it could be, though...'
His heart lurched at the idea.
Would Izuku run from him once he learned the truth?

'Once you meet me...'

Would he have time to explain?

'... if you don't hate me.'

He didn't have high hopes. For even friendship, for Izuku to stay... to not start over, but to mend and grow, together.
'So, the truth comes out.' 

Katsuki felt his ears heat when Izuku called him out. After all his previous insistence... how could he explain why he'd suddenly changed his mind without giving himself away.

He needed to see him again. Without anyone around to interrupt- or snark.
'Tomorrow? Well, today?' Katsuki leaned forward in his chair as Izuku typed out his response. It took longer than he was happy with.


Katsuki let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding.

'I have a few ideas. How about around noon?' That would give them
Time to talk before meeting everyone else for drinks. They could get the awkward shit out of the way and go to the meetup knowing where they stood with each other.

'How about later?'

'I can't, plans.' What? Was he not going to the meet up? Kaminari had slyly tokd him Izuku
would be going... so, why did-

'I know. I'll see you there.'


Izuku logged off before Katsuki could lift his hands back to his keyboard.

He knew... HE KNEW?

Katsuki stood from his desk so quickly his chair loudly rolled away from him. "Fuck!"
The living room lights came on and Kirishima walked out to find Katsuki standing at his desk, staring at the message, and pulling at his hair.

"Dudeeee. It's late, bro. What gives?"

And Katsuki, with no other ideas, word vomited at Kirishima. It wasn't like his friend didn't
already know most of it, anyway.

By the time he was done, Kaminari had also shuffled out of the guest room and all three ended up sitting on Katsuki's couch.

"So. He knows. I don't know how. I've been so careful."

"He is the best. I'm sure he caught onto some small details and added it all up. Or, he's just making an educated guess and is hoping he's right?"

"Guys. You're both missing the obvious thing here, the
biggest thing!" Kaminari grinned, "Midoriya didn't shoot down your date offer, and he knows it's you!"

Fuck. Katsuki's breath caught.

"I..." Kirishima frowned. "I don't think we're right on this."

Katsuki didn't like the distress on his friend's face. "Spit it out."
"Well... I may have brought you up to him today. After the briefing we were talking and.... well, I got the distinct impression he doesn't think highly of you as a person. Like, at all."

Katsuki's stomach dropped, the happy bubble bursting from the dose of reality. He'd
assumed as much. Why did he allow himself to become so convinced of the opposite?

"He was pretty adamant about not wanting to approach you about your old friendship. But, he did say he'd like to work with you professionally..."
Katsuki let his head fall backwards against the couch. He really was an idiot.

"Maybe he thought about it and changed his mind? Or figured out who you are and realized he was being too harsh?"

"Your optimism isn't helping, Kaminari." Katsuki sighed.
"He... he did say something else. Well, more let something slip." Kirishima bit his lip in a failed attempt to keep a smirk at bay.

"What?" Kaminari leaned closer to his boyfriend.


Katsuki smiled up at his ceiling. "Deku."

"So, what's your plan?"
"Plan? My plan is to stay home and play my game and pretend Deku doesn't think LordE is someone else."


"Isn't it obvious? He thinks I'm someone else from the agency. Or another hero involved in the mission."

"Like hell you're staying here."

"Yea, we'll help."
"Help? Like you helped today by forcing us to sit together?"

Kiri and Kami looked at each other before nodding. "Exactly. We'll make sure you two have some privacy to actually talk. Okay?"

"That's not... fine."

Better to get it over with. And there would be plenty of alcohol
available for after everything blew up in his face.
Izuku and Katsuki arrived to the bar in very different spirits, but both with a healthy sense apprehension.

When he arrived to find Izuku not yet there. Katsuki forced himself to swallow his internal panic, but he couldn't hide it from Uraraka.
"Whats got you so glum, chum?" She laughed into her drink, which clearly wasn't her first.

"Please," Kaminari hissed at her. "It took us forever to drag him out here."

It wasn't far from the truth. Katsuki had changed his mind many times, alternating between going and not
going, before settling on going /but/ flipping back and forth about what to wear. In the end, he opted to wear what Kaminari had pushed into his arms instead of going top dressed up or to dressed down.
Simple. No pressure.

Then, Izuku walked in.

And, ok, maybe a little pressure.

And he was wearing tight jeans and tshirt with some awful joke saying on it and- yeah. Katsuki made a mistake by agreeing to talk to him here. Now.
Izuku walked into the bar with a smile, escorted by none other than Shinsou. He was endlessly thankful for the assistance finding the hero bar, he doubted he'd have found the hidden entry or made it passed security without Shinsou.
Between the train ride and walk from the station there had been no mention of AMJ pr LordE, and Izuku was beginning to wonder if he should be the one to bring it up.

If he were wrong, though... yea, no, he was doing his best to /avoid/ embarrassing himself so soon after meeting
these heroes.

"So," Shinsou said as he pushed his way to the crowded bar, "have you given any thought about my offer?"

"I..." He really /hadn't/, not really. Yet, it was easy to see himself staying, working with Shinsou and various heroes fulltime. And, he wasn't attached to
the hero he was currently assigned to back home. Even if Shinsou wasn't his long-time online friend, they could still be friends here. Maybe more?

It was an easy decision, really.

Easy, yet, as he scanned the bar for the rest of their group, Izuku found his answer trailing
off. He locked eyes with Kacchan from across the bar, the hero seemingly staring at him before Izuku noticed him.

Katsuki had no idea what Kaminari or Uraraka were babbling on about, he'd stopped listening the moment Izuku walked into the bar. He didn't expect Izuku to turn, to
catch him staring- and he couldn't pretend he just happened to be looking around, not when there was so much riding on how tonight went. He couldn't pretend not to care.
Shinsou nudged Izuku when he didn't finish his answer. "I understand," he said with a frown and nod in Bakugou's direction.

"I- no, that's not-" He sighed, and glanced back at Bakugou. The hero was standing now, heading in their direction.

He turned back to Shinsou, opting to
ignore Bakugou, it was more likely he was heading to the bar- it would only piss him off if Izuku assumed he was walking towards /him/, right?

"I think I'd like to," he said, ignoring how close Bakugou was.
Katsuki had stood before he lost his nerve, it would be easier to get Izuku away from one of them now instead of the whole group once he got a drink and sat down.

He didn't expect Izuku to turn his back, ignore him completely. There was a time, long ago, when he wanted the
nerd to gtfo, but now all he wanted was Deku to show him the same enthusiasm he once had.

Katsuki paused behind him, waiting for a pause in their conversation so could ask Izuku to step away.


"I think I'd like to..."

Izuku sighed, "Remember that keychain of mine you commented on?"

"The one from the mmo? What about it."

"It's... wow, I feel like an idiot for this." Izuku sighed. "Have we... played together before?"

Shinsou raised an eyebrow. "Are you asking if we've been friends in the game
for years and have flirted a lot since I saw your picture?"

Izuku inhaled sharply.

"Sorry, not me."

"I-wha..." Izuku floundered.
Katsuki silently swore to make Kirishima and Kaminari an extra extra spicy curry for dinner.

Before Izuku could put any syllables together, the bar tender appeared with Shinsou's regular drink.

Shinsou winked at Bakugou over Izuku's shoulder. "Come join us at the table
once you get your drink."

He walked passed Izuku and as Izuku turned to follow, a protest on his lips, he bumped face first into Bakugou's chest.

"Mmf- sorry! Shit-"

Katsuki couldn't keep the annoyance from his voice, "You thought /Shinsou/ was flirting with you?"
How insulting- /Shinsou?/. Years of friendship, and Deku thought LordE could be /Shinsou/.

Izuku's apology was cut off the second he realized just who he had ran face first into.

His thin hope of having friends here had just been snapped in his face and here was the biggest
reminder of why he didn't make friends with heroes. If LordE wasn't Shinsou... how could he know all of that if he wasn't?

And then, Kacchan just had to rub salt into the fresh wound. And Izuku couldn't stop the pinprick of tears as he stepped back from Kacchan's biting words.
"Right. Because why would a hero want to date a quirkless no one?" He did his best to glare at Bakugou before turning to leave.

"Wait-" Katsuki followed, knowing he fucked up. He didn't care if everyone in the bar was watching them, he needed to set things right here and now,
because if he didn't he knew he'd never have another chance.

"Midoriya." He caught up to him in the less populated entry hallway. "Please."

Despite everything inside him screaming at him to run, Izuku paused and turned to Bakugou.
"Thank you." Katsuki swallowed, where did he even start?

Izuku raised an eyebrow, silently telling him to keep talking or he was leaving.

"Can... we go find a table and talk?" He was stalling.

"No." Izuku crossed his arms.

"Fu- fine." Katsuki ran a hand through his hair.
Katsuki inhaled sharply. His last chance and his brain was cement, unable to string together the words he desperately needed.

"Right." Izuku shook his head and turned to leave.

"This is why," Katsuki blurted out to Izuku's back, "I said you might hate me."
Izuku stopped, heart hammering in his chest at the same time he felt like he'd been punched in the stomach.

Katsuki continued, "I wanted to tell you in person... but I-"

"Had plenty of opportunities." Izuku wasn't sure which emotion swirling in him he should latch onto.
"You had so many times... and what? Was it a game? Another joke-"

"No!" Katsuki took a half step towards him. "I was just... I still am, afraid of loosing the friendship we built."

Izuku scoffed.

"I didn't know it was you until you posted your picture."
Katsuki was getting tired of talking to Izuku's back. "Can we-"

"No. There's no 'we' here. D-did you think playing a game together just makes everything else disappear?"

Katsuki stepped closer. He swallowed around his constricting throat, "Not at all."
Katsuki gingerly placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder, wincing at his slight flinch. "I have so much to apologize for."

Izuku sighed and shrugged Katsuki's hand off his shoulder.
He turned, standing so close he could smell Katsuki's spicy burnt scent. "I'm listening."


"That wasn't the plan, Shinsou." Kaminari frowned into his drink as Midoriya and Bakugou exchanged some heated words.

"I had to improvise- Midoriya asked me if I was-"
"Now Midoriya is leaving!" Kaminari groaned and leaned back in his chair.

"It'll be fine, babe." Kirishima didn't look sure though, he kept glancing in the direction they went.

"I wish you idiots would have told me." Uraraka sighed. "Why on Earth did you three think you
had enough sense to play matchmaker?"

"And you could have done better?"

She raised and eyebrow and looked between Kirishima and Kaminari.

"Right, sorry."

"Damn right, you're sorry."

Shinsou sighed, "I think those two are a little more complicated than
setting up these idiots."

"Hey!" "Wha?"

They drank in silence for a bit, glancing occasionally at the entrance and their phones.

"Hey." Shouto took one of the empty chairs at their table. "Sorry I'm late. Any idea what's up with Bakugou --"

"They're still here?!"
"... Yes. He's... talking with that underground hero from the states. It looks pretty intense."

"Huh." Shinsou latched onto the exact last thing the rest of the table wanted to talk about. "He is, isn't he. But he never calls himself one."

"Is he though?" Kirishima asked.
"You read his file."

Kirishima made a face.

"Of course. Well, if you had, you'd know he is often in the field as well. He's very skilled in rescue and recovery."

"So, technically..."

"Enough! I don't care, Kirishima doesn't care. Shouto- what where they saying?"
"Any kissing?"


Shouto wondered if he made a mistake and eyed an empty seat at the bar.

"Heeeeey!" Mina ran up to their table. "So glad you guys are here, too. What's the deal with Baku and the snack he's talking to?"

"Down, girl."

"Shhh! Ochako, spill."
"Well, they-"

"Shhhh!" Kaminari slapped at her arm. "They're coming back!"

The entire table turned to watch Katsuki and Izuku make their way to their table.
"We should probably save this conversation for somewhere more private," Izuku said through the tears running quietly down his face.

Katsuki was inclined to agree, even if the words he needed were coming easily at the moment.
He still had so much to say, though he thought the most important parts were already laid bare. "My place isn't far."

Izuku shook his head with a wobbly smile. He pawed at his face in an attempt to dry it. "Another time, maybe."

Shit. Katsuki knew it was a possibility
Izuku would never be able to forgive him, yet here he stood with his hopes too damn high.

"I need some time... to think." He shook his head. "Thank you, for apologizing for the shit when we were kids. It's... great to see you've grown into a good person."
Katsuki swallowed around the lump in his throat. "..."

His thoughts were derailed by a flash of pink entering the bar. Shit. It was easy to ignore when Shouto walked passed, but Ashido was undoubtedly going to get herself involved in whatever schemes his friends cooked up.
"It's still hard to believe you're LordExplosion. I guess it makes sense..." Izuku thought back to how he'd been reminded of Kacchan at first and wanted to laugh.

"Imagine my shock when you posted your pic." Katsuki glanced over his shoulder in time to see Ashido pass
through the fabric curtain entrance to the bar.

"I wish you'd have told me sooner."

"I was afraid you wouldn't want to... you know," Katsuki motioned between the two of them, "if you knew..."

Izuku sighed. "You're probably right..."

They stood in awkward silence,
both unsure what was next. It was far too awkward, too raw.

Izuku shifted his weight to one foot and looked towards the exit.

And Katsuki didn't want him to leave, call him selfish, but if this was the only chance he would have to prove to Izuku he was worth keeping in his
life, he was going to hold onto him as long as possible.

"Let's go join the rest. They're all excited to meet you, Kirishima has been talking you up."

Izuku smiled, his face looking less red now. "And here you are, hogging me all to yourself."

A sudden flutter of butterflies
made themselves at home in Katsuki's stomach. He bit his tongue against any comment which could be considered flirting. Izuku was barely tolerating being in the same space as him, and he wasn't about to push his luck.

He nodded towards the bar and they walked in together.
Their table looked rather crowded now, but there were still two seats open, though they were on opposite sides. Probably for the best, Katsuki thought.

And they were all looking at them. Fantastic.

"Go grab a seat. I'll grab us some drinks."

Izuku nodded, gave Katsuki his
order and made his way to the table.

He was greeted warmly and he selected the open seat next to Kaminari, putting himself a good distance from Shinsou. Man, he felt like an idiot.

(Sorry for a short update today! We're getting close to the end and I hope to finish this week!)
The sudden lull in conversation was a little obvious, but Izuku ignored it. Ashido introduced herself, predatory smile and all.

"Hey, where's Iida?" Katsuki sat Izuku's drink in front of him, and bit his tongue from asking Kaminari to switch seats.
"Someone has to pick up our slack."

Katsuki just grunted and sipped at his drink. The conversation picked up, mostly focused on Izuku and his life in the US. Things he already knew.
It was Ashido who eventually pushed to conversation towards more pressing matters. "So, when do you leave?"

"I... uh," Izuku's eyes flashed to Katsuki then to Shinsou. "It's complicated."

"Complicated my ass," Katsuki said. "We could run circles around those-
idiots you're used to working with."

"Hey, man, don't oversell us." Kaminari took an extra long swig of his drink.

Izuku chuckled, "Kacchan's right, you guys are all amazing!"

Katsuki's breath stuttered.

Izuku didn't realize his slip until he saw the slight-
rise of Katsuki's eyebrows.

"Don't put him on the spot," Shinsou sighed.

"Yea, /KACCHAN/," Kaminari leered, and the table erupted in laughter.

"Hey, hey!" Ashido turned back to Izuku. "Kirishima said you have stories about Baku! I wanna hear!"

"Hey!" Bakugou barked, but
didn't look upset. If anything... he looked amused.

And, hell, after the deep shit they just talked about, maybe it would be good to revisit some of their happier memories.

Izuku looked to Katsuki for his okay, only to be met with a challenging -
stare. "Remember, I know embarrassing stories about you too, nerd."

Izuku smiled wide. Yea, it was they needed.
Izuku decided to stay. He didn't need to give it much thought once he and Katsuki were on good terms. Friends, even.

Playing the mmo together was weird at first. Knowing it was /Kacchan/ somehow made everything different. Yet, better.

He worked with Shinsou on
various cases, occasionally teaming up with other heroes.

All the while talking to Katsuki though the game when their schedules aligned.

They only saw each other in passing for the first few months. But, after acclimating to Japan as a whole, Izuku took Shinsou up on
his offer to cover Tokyo for him. (Read: you handle Bakugou, I'm out.)

It was a surprise to Izuku (though not to anyone else) when Katsuki offered an entire floor of his agency building for his work, even if Izuku had yet to team up with him.

It worked out well, he did
work with some of Katsuki's sidekicks on minor incidents already.

As much as he wanted to work with Katsuki directly, he didn't bring it up. He heard enough about working with him from Shinsou, and didn't want to ruin what they had going.

And what that was, Izuku wasn't sure.
Friends. Yes. They talked more often than Izuku talked to any of his other friends.

But, Katsuki's gaze lingered too long occasionally. A minor thing, perhaps.

But, Izuku couldn't shake his words from before, when Izuku was in the dark about him being LordExplosion.
"Hey," Izuku greeted as soon as Katsuki logged on.

"Agent Deku." Katsuki couldn't keep the humor from his voice. He still couldn't believe Izuku was using his childhood nickname as his handle.

"Joining the raid tonight?"

"I'm on for reserve. Wasn't sure if I'd get home
in time."

Izuku hummed and started talking about the best ways to approach the new raid boss.

Katsuki could only smile and wish Izuku's voice wasn't coming from a headset. He'd given up any sort of delusions about having something romantic with Izuku, but the yearning
hadn't gone away.

He caught himself staring too often to count, and it was only a matter of time before Izuku caught on. They were friends, good friends- real friends, finally.

And he didn't want to fuck that up. Not ever.


"I've been trying to get your attention."

"Sorry. Lot on my mind..."

"Must be important."

"...It is."

"Anyway, are you heading to the bar with-"

"Yea, yea. I'll be there. Tomorrow is my scheduled day, and Ashido knows it."

MMO. Small pockets at work. Occasional bar meet ups with other heroes.

The bar meet ups were the best. Katsuki used to hate them- well hate was a strong word. But, now Izuku was there, and it was well worth forgoing some extra sleep to see him.

Then, back to work where he
may see Izuku in the elevator or break room. He knew he should just ask Izuku to officially team up with him, it had been the whole reason behind giving him space at the agency.

But, he'd chickened out. More than a few times.

Katsuki grunted his greeting into his mic.

"Hey, Kacchan?" Katsuki's heart lurched. Izuku hadn't called him Kacchan since his slip at the bar nearly a year ago.


"I really don't feel like playing."

"... okay? I'll see you on Tuesday then."
Izuku sighed. "Have you eaten yet?"


"Wanna go grab dinner?"
"Dinner?" The word rolling off his tongue felt unnatural given the context.

Why the sudden invite? His heart thumped in his chest as his mind raced.

Friends got dinner together, right? That was a normal thing to do. He'd gotten dinner with just Kirishima several times.
But, he wasn't hopelessly in love with him. Or any of his other friends he'd had dinner with.

"Yea, you know that thing were you sit down and order food and then /gasp/ eat the food."

"I see Shinsou's sass rubbed off on you."

He could hear Izuku's grin, "All me, baby!"
"Nerd." His heart totally didn't lurch at the innocent 'baby'.

Shit. Shit. What did he do? Why was Izuku asking him?

Come to think of it, he had been rather aloof that day. Katsuki had chalked it up to it just being a slow day in general.

.... what if...
... he wasn't liking the scrutiny others were giving him for working at his agency? Katsuki had heard the gossip.

What if he wanted to tell him he was heading back to Kyoto? Or worse? Leaving Japan?

Izuku had been working with Uraraka and Shouto a lot... what if...
"If you're not... yea... silly idea, I know you had a busy day."

"No that's-" Katsuki faltered, Izuku was giving him an out. It hadn't been busy at all. "It's just sudden."

"I understand, maybe another night we're both free."
"You do know that the private restaurants have reservations going out weeks, right? We can't just drop in..."

Izuku laughed. "I hate those stuffy places. I thought maybe the small cafe down the road from my flat? Or that cat cafe near your place."

"... Idiot! There would be-
reporters swarming the place in minutes! I really don't like my mug splashed across some tabloid with a totally false headline."

It only made Izuku laugh harder. "Ground Zero: in love with a cat? Or just lonely? Page 6."

"Asshole." Katsuki sighed, "You laugh, but it happens."
"No shit. You can't just stop living because of it."

"My work /is/ my life. You know that. The wrong story with enough people to believe has ruined heroes before."

"Sorry... I didn't think you'd care about some paparazzi..."

"Well, I do. All heroes do, you're lucky-" Shit-
Katsuki snapped his mouth shut, he'd been so close to phrasing it terribly wrong. "Sorry."

"You're right. I wasn't thinking."

Izuku was far too upset over being turned down for dinner for it to have been a way to gently let him know he was leaving.
"Now that you mentioned it, though, I am hungry. I was just going to eat some leftovers, but I can make us dinner if you'd like to come over."

He was digging his own heart's grave, but he didn't want to think about the sad face Izuku was probably sporting. "
"I-- uh-- ye-yeah. If you're sure."

Fuck, no he wasn't. He'd been so careful to not say or do anything that could be considered flirting since Izuku essentially turned him down. This was probably skirting the line.

But, he'd invited friends over before. And, Izuku was a friend.
"I'm sure. And hey, bring your laptop." Katsuki bit the inside of his cheek. "It would be nice to quest in the same room."

"Ah! Yes! Why haven't we done this sooner, Kacchan?"

Katsuki knew why, but continued to chew at his cheek. The game would be a nice icebreaker, and with
any luck, he hadn't just made a huge mistake.


Katsuki sweat a lot naturally, but this was ridiculous- he was a pro hero for fucks sake. He wiped his hands on his jeans after buzzing Izuku into his building.

It was only a matter of time now.

Katsuki's place was smaller than Izuku imagined it would be, but it made sense since he lived alone.

Even so, it was still double the size of Izuku's rental, and he envied the size of his kitchen.

"Are you sure I can't help?" Izuku couldn't help but admire Katsuki's back-
as he chopped up veggies, his muscles stretching under his shirt.

"For the last time, there's nothing. Go set up your laptop and turn on the tv. Remote's on the couch somewhere."

Izuku rolled his eyes and did what Katsuki asked. He would just have to cook dinner for him to-
return the favor.

Katsuki hadn't started cooking until he'd arrived, having waited to find out what Izuku would like. And he called Izuku a nerd!
He did as he was asked and set up his laptop, it wasn't like he had anything else to do. There was an outlet on the wall near the far side of the couch, sadly the furthest from where Katsuki's desk was. But, he had enough charge for now.

Instead of turning on the tv, which
would just be the news (no, no, they didn't need to get distracted, or worse- get involved, by the outside world), or reruns of boring tv, Izuku pulled up some music.

"Hey," Katsuki poked his head out of the kitchen.


"I'm almost done. Is there enough room for me?"
Izuku eyed the table in front of the couch. He quickly moved a pile of papers to the end table, "Yep!"

Their dinner conversation was a bit stuffy at first, until Izuku pulled his laptop between their plates. "Check this out!"
"Oh, shit. Is that the map for the new-"

"Yea. It's been a bitch to compile. No one's reached the end yet, but it's only been a week... I'm sure we'll be the first on the server. Shinsou's a much better healer than the one he replaced."
"Shinsou's playing?" Katsuki hated the buzz of jealousy.

"Yea, I thought you knew."

"I didn't." Fucking hell-

"He hasn't been on much lately," Izuku shrugged. "His new girlfriend has taken up a lot of his free time."

-oh. "H-he's seeing someone? Huh."
Izuku rolled his eyes. Way to be obvious. "This is delicious. You'll have to teach me the recipe."

"Yea, sure." Katsuki wanted to beat his head against the wall. He'd been doing so well avoiding thinking about how kissable Izuku was until he'd brought up Shinsou, and the
idea of a rival for Izuku's affections- -no. Not a rival. Because Katsuki wasn't- he couldn't.

"I'll clean up!" Izuku jumped up to take their empty plates before Katsuki could stop him.

"Just leave them. I'll do dishes later."


"No buts. It's already late, if
we wanna play we better get on it."


Katsuki sat at his pc before Izuku returned. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm..." Izuku opened the game. "Not sure."
Katsuki turned around to find Izuku staring out his window. " 'sup?"

"N-nothing. Just a lot on my mind." Izuku jumped and selected a character at random.

"You're still acting weird."
"W-weird how? I'm not being weird." Izuku kept his eyes glued to the screen. He thought he'd been doing a good job of acting normal.

"Whatever. Let's just play. If you decide you wanna tell me just let me know."

Izuku eagerly agreed.

They played for over an hour.
A very tense hour, each stewing in their own thoughts and fears of what the other would say, and how they'd react.

"Hey, Deku."


"You're... not... Are you happy where you are?"

"Where I am? My apartment?"

"The agency. If you're not happy there, you'd tell me, right?"
"Of course! And I love it there. It's so central to everything, and everyone is so nice."


Izuku ground his back teeth. "Kacchan, are /you/ happy with me there?"

"What kinda question is that?" Katsuki swiveled his chair to glare over at Izuku. "Seeing you everyday-"
Katsuki snapped his mouth shut.

Izuku's mouth slowly morphed into a smirk. "That sounded a lot like you were about to flirt with me again."

Fuck. Why couldn't he just over look that slip up like the others? "Sorry."

"Don't apologize."

"I-" His head swirled.
Izuku sighed and closed his laptop. "I don't hate you."

"Wha- I'd fucking hope not!"

"Remember what you said? If I don't hate you, it could be a date? Well, I don't hate you. I never have, not really."
"That was so long ago."

"I... I know. I wanted to say something for a while, but it never seemed like the right time. And then I moved back here, and then I didn't wanna mess up what we have."

"Deku... did you- ask me to dinner as a date?"
"No." Izuku shifted. "Not really."

Katsuki was drowning. He couldn't just sit, so he stood and began to pace.

"Kacchan." Izuku's burst of courage was quickly wearing off. He'd wanted to broach the subject for so long. Could he dare hope Katsuki still felt the same?
"Kacchan. Please." Izuku stood to block Katsuki's pacing, "Talk to me."

Katsuki did stop, but only because he got lost in Izuku's eyes. "Fuck."

He was terrible at words, terrified he'd accidentally say the wrong thing once again.
To hell with it.

Ignoring his inner anxiety screaming at him, Katsuki did as he always had: let his actions speak in place of words.

He didn't quite remember moving forward, but he would always remember the first press of his lips against Izuku's.
Izuku melted against Katsuki, relishing the hard muscles of his chest as he leaned on him as his knees threatened to give out.

The kiss didn't last long, and soon they pulled apart.


Izuku laughed as he buried his head against Katsuki's shoulder. "Why are you sorry?"
"I should have taken you on a proper date first. Cat cafe? Tomorrow?" He wrapped his arms around Izuku, not surprised in the least to feel the muscles hiding under his loose clothing.

"What about-"

"I'm sure they'll be too focused on the real story." He kissed Izuku's forehead.
"Right," Izuku said, a little dazed. "Wait- does that mean you're not going to kiss me again 'till after our date?" Date. With Katsuki. Holy--

"It would be the gentleman thing to do."

"Good thing you're no gentleman." Izuku caught his lips before he could retort.

Holy shit guys. I love you all sooooo fucking much. Thank you so much for all your words of encouragement through writing this, your reactions really kept me going!

(I do plan to edit this and post on ao3 eventually. I'll plug any plot holes and add more details ext...)
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