If there is an activity that reliably results in people gaining status for themselves or their group, then people will do it. If it helps strengthen social bonds between the group, even better
But that involves hard work. And it’s hard to unite your group around something that requires effort and potential failure
Broadcast the bad behavior of others. People are more likely to join in this activity
Canceling people offers status, social solidarity, and fun distraction at little cost
It provides opportunities to identify other adversaries. What or who is preventing you from bringing your target down? People can unite around that question
But scheming to bring a 7 down to a 5 is easier. And more thrilling.
It is much easier to unite people to bring a 7 down to a 5 than to lift themselves up from a 6 to a 7
Those who agree the person should be canceled can be counted on. They're loyal
They have revealed themselves to be uncommitted
The social rewards for taking someone down are too immediate and gratifying
"You'll be next" doesn't really register for most people. It's just a set of words.
The immediate benefit of social status and in-group camaraderie registers loudly and clearly
But everyone favors immediate social rewards over avoiding the remote possibility of future suffering