Hey Chloe? Outing a football player in 2004 Kansas might have ruined or, in a worst-case scenario, ended his life. FYI.
I don't HATE him, by the way, I just have a really hard time with him. And, well, I don't really like him all that much. But no hate here.
The old "my daddy doesn't love me" can be trite sometimes, but it actually worked really well here. Surprising, especially for the Luthors.
Lex's scene with Chloe pulling the truth out of him was incredible, btw.
I loved it!
I've been excited for this one, and damn, it delivered.
We're in the damn caves again, SIGH.
On the plus side, two episodes later, Lionel's still got a scab from his scuffle with Jon and it's HILARIOUS. 😂
See you soon!
This isn't the final, ultimate break between the boys, is it? Because that's really stupid. (Clark, you fucking hypocrite, OTHER PEOPLE CAN HAVE SECRETS TOO. Sure, Lex's is a bit creepy, but come on, dude.)
Also, he'a a year younger than Welling and that's HILARIOUS.

Aahahahaha, this was a fun episode! 😆
So the kid is supposed to be The Flash, right? What's his deal? What's his origin? They didn't give us very much and I don't know the comics.
Is this leading to that weird French witch possession episode I've heard about?
Ooh, fun, a monster who's an actual monster, not a kryptomonster.
What's-his-face's power was actually really cool. I can imagine taking advantage of such a power . . . *she said, not scarily at all*
I found the French witches, guys.
Um. I just - wow. This episode was A LOT. I have a lot of Feelings. I'm not sure how much of this I actually want to unpack . . .
On the other hand, this was not the right way to do it. It was so overblown and so weirdly slut-shamey that I had a hard time.
Guess who totally missed it, AGAIN?
Is it a problem if the "big reveal" didn't work on me because I totally recognized her when she came in to talk to the lawyer near the beginning of the episode?

It's not a clip show, obviously, as it's all original footage, but it felt kind of clippy to me.
Also, even though he was just trying to save his own ass, Lex taking the test shot was really cool of him to do. You go, Lex.
Wow. I think this might be my least favorite episode of the series so far. Holy shit.
I finished it, but I thought hard about bailing.
I'm not - I'm not BLIND, right? Lois Lane is not a blonde, she's a brunette, as anybody can PLAINLY see. WTF?!
Okay, back to the realm of normally-decent Smallville episodes. Good. I was worried after yesterday's.
This one was . . . oddly pointless? I kind of felt like there wasn't any plot and I kept waiting for things to happen?
Like, I know there was a storyline in there, but it felt so empty to me. Kind of forced and fakey.
Not your best, show.
They're both so goddamn dramatic, they're perfect for each other. 😂)
Oh my god, Lionel, I LOVE YOU.
Duuude, this episode was INTENSE.
Also, new-style opening credits! They're so cute!
Also, Shelby episode! 🐶
Daaayyyuuummm, Smallville's been on fire for a bit now. This was another great episode.
(How I wish I could screenshot Hulu. I watch the DVDs, as I've said, but Hulu would be a great screengrab tool for this thread, sigh.)
(Um. Why raise a new barn if the old one's perfectly intact? Worry about your house, Kents.)

I sang this earlier today for the hell of it. It's a surprisingly hard song, and I'm not that great. 🙈 But I wanted to share for funsies anyway!
Look, I know I worry way more about missing a day than you guys do (no one else probably notices or cares), but just for my own mental wellbeing, head's up - I'm going to stop apologizing for or noting my missing days in the future.
Ahh, I've missed you, show. Nice to be back, and what an intense episode to return to!!
Also, the score was great there.
This was an odd one . . . maybe slightly boring? Like, okay, I get it, he's Aquaman. Can we move on now?
What's with "AC," by the way? Is that a reference I'm supposed to get?
Also, the second episode in a short time not to have Lana at all.
You still totally need to tell her you're an alien, though, bro. Consent and all.
I love you, Lex.
100th episode, I can't even believe it. Wow.
Okay. There's a lot to unpack here. I'm not really sure how to arrange this, so things'll likely be out of order.
Also, while I personally believe that gigantic whopping diamond engagement rings are tacky and I prefer smaller, more tasteful ones . . . if Clark can make diamonds at will, why'd he make such a dinky tiny one for Lana? 😂
(Of course I couldn't find the specific screenshot I wanted, sigh.)
This was a weird one, but it was a really interesting idea. I can totally imagine getting hooked on seeing departed loved ones.
Also, is there anything kryptonite CAN'T do?
I still don't hate Lana, I never did, but my god is she getting hard to take.
As usual, Rosey's by far the best actor on the show. His "oh god, my head" sequence at the beginning was one of the better ones I've ever seen. Usually that looks really stupid, but he pulled it off with grace.
Clark: *bitchy look*
OH MY GOD. 🤣🤣🤣
Clark killed Plant Girl. To my memory, that brings his body count to at least 3, which means he has now tied Lana. Congrats, Clark. 👍🏻
This one was good, but the flashback made me REALLY uncomfortable and sad.
On the other hand, he IS a little psycho . . . 🤷🏼♀️
I don't have a lot to say about this one? It kind of bored me.
This moment was awesome, though.
"If you ever try something like this again, you'll be leaving through the window, regardless of who you're dating." LEX YES. 🤣
Aw, look at Clarky going out into the wide world, though!
Holy. Fucking. Fuck.
Hahaha, Tori Spelling is like Rita Skeeter, but . . . better? Worse? I can't decide if melting powers are superior or inferior to bug-shifting powers. 🤔😋
The creepy sound effect we eventually learned was Shelby barking but was at first just spooky? Brilliant.
Wow, show.
There's Lana's room and various antechambers and hallways and now we've been on the roof!! (I tried to find a roof pic but couldn't.) YAY!!
Not going to lie, I was frustrated they didn't immediately tell us what her thing was so I dug around. Her power sounds really stupid on paper (sidekick, much?) but I'm trying to reserve judgment.
And in other "I couldn't find a screenshot for this" news, HOLY SHIT, LIONEL FRIGGIN' BACKHANDED LEX FOR NO REASON, WTF?!?! 😱
I mean -
Sooo, there's a lot to unpack from this episode. (Six seasons down, btw!)
Demon!Grandpa and demon!baby gave me all the #Supernatural feels, first of all, so that was fun.

I know we the audience needed to be able to tell them apart, so I get it, but it's still hilarious to me. 😂
Calling it now.

Anyway. Just something I've been thinking about recently.
So, this one seemed like a really good episode, but I could only about half watch it because someone was texting me incessantly the whole time, UGH.
But anyway . . .

So, the Smallville fandom wiki I always borrow images from has started acting weird and no longer lets me look at the screencaps linked to from each episode's page.
Now I'm annoyed I didn't think to look for a screencap site at the beginning of this project. Ugh. 😖
Anyway. Back to regularly-scheduled programming.
I had watched one more episode I never posted reactions to and now I'll have a hard time when I get to it, whoops!! 😆