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Jun 8th 2023
@MikkoVapa @ECHR_CEDH @osce_odihr @anticorruption @RSF_inter @oikeusasiamies @oikeusmin @anna_maja @STM_Uutiset @MFredman #UnitedNations #Convention Against #Torture
- The text of the convention was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1984[1] and, following #ratification by the 20th state party,[3] it came into #Force on 26 June 1987…
@MikkoVapa @ECHR_CEDH @osce_odihr @anticorruption @RSF_inter @oikeusasiamies @oikeusmin @anna_maja @STM_Uutiset @MFredman #Finland again reprimanded by the committee against #torture | 20/08/2015
- there is much room for improvement in the #conditions of #Finnish #policeprisons.
- previous recommendations have still NOT been #implemented, even made 20+ years ago.… Image
Read 10 tweets
May 22nd 2023
Nisu mi dnevnici pri ruci pa ne znam precizno datum, ali bilo je između 8. i 15.12.1992, dakle pola godine od početka rata. Radio sam reportažu o snimanju nove epizode #TopListaNadrealista na @MultimedijaBHRT. Bila je glad, civili su masovno ginuli, pali su Doglodi, Bare, Azići/2 Image
2/ #UnitedNations general Srboljub Mackenzie dozvolio je Mladiću da preko aerodromske piste prebaci u borbu 4 tenka. TLN okrene na šegu i ispjeva pjesmicu:
"Preko piste se vozaju,
tenkove krit ne moraju,
četnik ti je pravi džiber,
prosvjeduje Stjepan Šiber".)
Vrlo je napeto, /3 Image
3/ svima jasno da #Sarajevo očas može pasti i da svakoga može ubiti granata sa Pala na kojima je Nele. Neizostavno pitanje o Neletu. Svi do jednog kažu "ma ima malo dijete, neka je otišao, morao je, nije on četnik". Kaže mi @BoroKontic "čini mi se da su se ovog puta zajebali" END Image
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May 20th 2023
We are #Jammu We are #Kashmir We are #GilgitBaltistan We are #Ladakh We are #AksaiChin Open your ears & eyes listen carefully! We are one State A Internationally disputed territory people of #JammuKashmir will make our own decisions not foreigners #Pakistan #India #UN #IOK #POK
Azaad Kashmir known as (free Kashmir) where politicians are forced to sign a declaration “I solemnly declare I believe the ideology of Pakistan the state’s accession to Pakistan & integrity sovereignty of #Pakistan A Dictatorship Black Laws imposed on the people of #AJK #POK ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
1/ The United Nations is preparing to decriminalize pedophilia. This will take place GLOBALLY.…🔻
2/ PDF document of the full #UN report that will soon be operational. Their intent is to LEGALIZE PEDOPHILIA WORLDWIDE.…

#UnitedNations #Pedo #Legalization
3/ #UN report via their International Commission of Jurists. Page 22 guarantees: "sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed
minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual...."

They are decriminalizing PEDOPHILLIA. Image
Read 5 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
.@IntlCrimCourt When are you going to start trying and condemning all the leaders who were involved in the invasion and destruction of Libya?
This is the legacy of these criminals…
EU supported rights abuse against migrants in Libya: UN

🗣️📢 @JosepBorrellF @EU_Commission
@vonderleyen this is the legacy of the "rules-based international order” from the "European Garden" to the " jungle" that you defend.…
@UN has warned that the #EU is providing support to organizations perpetrating rights abuse, including systematic torture & sexual slavery, against refugees & migrants in #Libya.…
Read 9 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
NEW: The #EU and the #UnitedNations tax resolution🧵: On Monday 20 March, the EU sent its contribution to the public consultation on closer and inclusive tax cooperation at the #UN. Full contribution can be found here:… /1
Bit of history, back in December 2022, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on the "Promotion of inclusive and effective international tax cooperation at the UN".… /2
The resolution was seen as thinly-veiled criticism of the #OECD's Inclusive Framework. Developing countries felt left out during the negotiations on the OECD's milestone reform of international corporate taxation and advocated for a greater role for the UN in tax policy /3
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Mar 18th 2023
The ICC Indictment of Putin: Consequences for Russia and the World
#ICC #Putin #WarCrimes #GlobalPolitics #InternationalRelations #Europe #Russia #NATO #UnitedNations #G20 #HumanRights
The recent International Criminal Court (ICC) indictment of Vladimir Putin on charges of war crimes may seem like a symbolic victory, but its impact goes far beyond symbolism. 1/16
While it is unlikely that Putin will ever stand trial in The Hague, the indictment will have significant consequences for Russia's relationship with the rest of the world and for politics within Russia itself. 2/16
Read 18 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
#UN #UnitedNations #NATO #Adenda2030 #NWO #NewWorld #internetofthings #OperationLockstep #WEF #SPARS #ClimateTrojanHorse
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Mar 12th 2023
Possible #Russian Breakthrough North of #Bakhmut | Avdiivka Front Update | -2h,1 2/03/2023
#Russian Soldiers Pushed Into #Bakhmut City, Destroyed New #Nazi #Monuments | March 11, 2023… Image
Blind To #HumanitarianCrises, #Israel Strikes #Syria And #Lebanon | Mar 10
- On Mar 5 Israeli soldiers breached the #BlueLine, which was set by the #UnitedNations for the #withdrawal of the #Israeli forces from Lebanon in 2000.
Vid… Image
Read 10 tweets
Mar 6th 2023
The historic conclusion of #BBNJ 🌊embodies our obligations towards humanity,oceans,& the 🌎we inhabit.The int. community came together & affirmed their commitment to the protection of marine biodiversity guided by the principle of the common heritage of human kind;(Cont.) @UN
The State of #Palestine 🇵🇸welcomes the conclusion of #BBNJ under the skillful leadership of #Singapore 🇸🇬
Amb. Rena Lee. We commend #Cuba 🇨🇺as a chair of #G77 & #China 🇨🇳as we celebrate the amazing solidarity shown across all regions; (Cont.) @SingaporeUN @CUBAONU
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Mar 5th 2023
UN plane loaded with relief for quake victims arrives at Damascus Int’l Airport

A plane carrying relief materials provided by the #UnitedNations for those affected by the earthquake arrived at #Damascus International Airport on Sunday.
The plane is carrying 40 tons of aid, including blankets and lamps that operate on solar energy, Head of the #UnitedNations High Commissioner for Refugees in #Syria, Sivanka Dhanapala, said.
Dhanapala added that the needs are great and the #UnitedNations will continue to provide relief materials and support to those who lost their homes as a result of the earthquake.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 20th 2023
Leakers from the #Kremlin have confirmed these points:

- #Russia will officially send an application for the annexation of #Crimea and #Donbass in the #RussianFederation to the #UnitedNations Image
If da @UN refuse, #Russia will declare war on #Ukraine with the objective of dissolving its government and its military at all costs, with the full employment of all its arsenal and the targeting of decision making centers
- An immediate warning will be sent to every Ukrainian, urging all civilians to escape the country and all military personnel to defect or surrender, they will have a week (some say a month) to do so after which everyone remaining will be treated as a combatant
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Feb 19th 2023
On 19 February 2022 #AnisKhan, a 27 year old former Aliah University student, was found dead outside his home in a village in Howrah near Kolkata. His parents have alleged that he was thrown off the roof of building by four police officers, who had come to search for their son.
The death triggered a political uproar, with the Student Federation India calling it “murder” and launching a countrywide protest for justice for Anis. Anis, an MBA graduate who had enrolled for a communication course, was a political worker is now known.
It is also known that he was with CPM’s Students’ Federation of India (SFI) for some time and had also worked with the students’ wing of the Congress. In the last election he had campaigned against both BJP and the ruling Trinamool Congress (AITC).
Read 8 tweets
Feb 18th 2023
🇷🇺🇺🇳⚡️Russia presented a draft resolution to the UN Security Council calling for the creation of an international commission to investigate the recent sabotage at Nord Stream gas pipeline.
#russia #un #unitednations #nordstream #hersh
The resolution proposes an independent investigation under the auspices of the UN Secretary General, to identify the perpetrators, sponsors, organizers and accomplices of the attack.
The draft resolution highlights that the attack was a sabotage and not a natural or man-made disaster, and was preceded by repeated threats against the gas pipeline from the US.
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Feb 16th 2023
#UN 🇺🇳 Special Rapporteur: 6.1 million people were affected by the earthquake in #Syria 🇸🇾

“Survivors are in dire need of urgent and coordinated aid, as well as medical and psychosocial assistance” Image
The #UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, Tlalang Mofokeng, expressed her solidarity with those affected by the earthquake in #Syria, & assured that the survivors are in dire need of urgent & coordinated assistance, as well as medical & psychosocial assistance. Image
In a statement, Mofokeng said the combination of protracted hostilities, the food crisis, damaged infrastructure, poverty, the Covid-19 epidemic & the cholera outbreak in some parts of Syria has led to the fragility of its social systems & health. Image
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Feb 15th 2023
#NATO allies pledge add'l support for #Ukraine, per NATO stmt.

The add'l support incl. heavy weapons and military training.

#Russia ImageImage
WH Press Sec Karine #JeanPierre presser: (Nat'l Security Council Coord for Strategic Comm Admiral #JohnKirby) Says re: whether or not #Biden will meet w/ #Ukraine's pres. during trip: "There is no meeting w/ Pres. #Zelensky scheduled for the trip right now."

WH Press Sec Karine #JeanPierre presser: (Nat'l Security Council Coord for Strategic Comm Admiral #JohnKirby) Says US has not and will not tell other countries if they can give #Ukraine fighter aircraft: (See screenshot because I ran out of character count.)

#Russia Image
Read 42 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
OK, I'm ready for this! In 🇯🇵 Prime Minister’s Office with Mr. Noriyuki Shikata, Cabinet Secretary for Public Affairs. Standing as a proud #European & got informed on #G7 & Japan Priorities. I am optimistic about #Japan’s new foreign policy for the following reasons. #Thread Image
#Japanese Realism Diplomacy means
- support for #Ukraine,
- free and open Indo-Pacific,
- enhancing relationship with like-minded countries,
- #UnitedNations Reform including the Security Council. 1/1
#Japanese Realism Diplomacy is about maintaining and strengthening the rules-based free & open international order, about the peaceful resolution of disputes, the non-use of force, & respect for sovereignty, freedom of navigation, free trade, and respect for human rights. 1/2
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Feb 11th 2023
@FactCheckIndia that you are all no different than any other of us @TwitterParents to see a @GrievingMothers screams for a #helpinghand to be seen beneath #HumanRights as the #lies that are still pouring out of #MarkRowley's mouth that he has to read word to word from a scrip
because coming out of #retired that means #braindead as whoever is #socialmediamanager floods #TwitterFiles with #NicolaBulley, this I also find really sad, so so sad for those who like poor #MollyRussell and those who mare reaching out for @CruseSupport as a senior
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Feb 10th 2023
not @DHSCgovuk altough #GUILTY by association while @CommunityCCRC @NCA_UK @LordsIRCom @wabbey continue to carry on as if the very same politicians in @GOVUK who are not serving any purpose whatsoever

@Keir_Starmer needs to be fully investigated
and for #ZelenskyWarCriminal #PutinWarCriminal #UkraineRussianWar to stop allowing @RoyalFamily to sit back while more of our #peoplesverdict is providing the @FullFact that #MSMlies will attempt to divert away from @RussianEmbassy @Ukraine just as we have seen
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Feb 1st 2023
As you can see what a #LiarsGonnaLie really looks like.

As we know, #IPCC aka @policeconduct have NEVER EVER taken my complaint on board that was made on the 5/2/2015 but it has only ever been on my twin sisters #complaint.

As for the #Statement surrounding #socialmediastrategy Image
and not having anything to do with my @TwitterCreators @FBoversight accounts removed, but my @Dropbox is ok.

well let me just remind you fish face after you decided you had nothing better to do but to setup your @TwitterSupport account in the name of #misery @realerthanm0st
but for the @FACTukorg you have shit for brains as all in the @metpoliceuk did not realise if she used the same screenshot sent to her colleges when using @the_tpa to fuckin #Gaslighting me you decided to change the name to TONI LOVELL and changed the profile pic to the screen ImageImageImage
Read 14 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
The U.N. is a happy organization?

This happynwo site is now the forwarding address for: (which was a blank site in 2020 with only "Ⓒ Copyright New World Order Project 2020" at the bottom.)

Hmm.🤔 #NewWorldOrder Image
Ha! Found it. Image
Read 72 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
World Economic Forum founder's right testicle, Yuval Noah Harari #WEF Freewill? Well, "that is over" according to this jizz rag.
It's Mr. ball bag himself, Kuck Schlob-a-knob. Image
Won't play?
Read 44 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
#Palestinian Authority: #IOF #Jenin raid 'organized #crime and a #massacre' | 12:54
- IOF raided the Jenin camp in Occupied Palestine's #WestBank on Thursday morning, leaving residents and popular resistance groups with no choice but to defend themselves
#Israeli forces #martyr another #Palestinian in occupied #WestBank | Jan 27
- The official Palestinian news agency #Wafa said he was shot in clashes which erupted during a protest against the killings of nine Palestinians during a raid in #Jenin.…
#Israel and #Gaza militans exchange #missiles following deadly raid in the #WestBank | Jan 27
- as tensions soared following an Israeli #raid killed nine #Palestinians, including at least seven militants and a 61-year-old woman.…
Read 19 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
Thread 1/3

Last night in Ottawa, Canada's U.N. ambassador Bob Rae claimed that Canada's foreign policy is "principled".

I and two other peace activists, @TamaraLorincz & @EnglerYves, disrupted Rae's hypocritical speech.

Here is Tamara denouncing #NATO's proxy war in #Ukraine.

After Tamara denounced NATO's proxy war in Ukraine, Yves Engler condemned Canada's disgraceful voting record at the United Nations.

#cdnpoli #UnitedNations #Haiti #Palestine #nuclearweapons #NATO #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar️ @EnglerYves

As I explained in my disruption of Bob Rae, the international human rights community is nearly unanimous that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid, yet Canada's support for #Israel knows no bounds. This makes a mockery of Trudeau's "rules-based order."

Read 3 tweets

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