- share the concerns with lawmakers and constituents on the "manner" in which Indian authorities have implemented the decision
- mentions the detentions of hundreds of politicians, including 3 former CMs

- Kashmiris have the right to peaceful protests, but condemns those who take up violence
- Pakistan pressed to take action against LeT and JuD

Destro – we are doing it right now.
Sherman – thank you.

Wells – Statistics on detention are very ambiguous.
Wells replies US believes that voices of Kashmiris should be heard. She added that on Assam, the appeal and judicial process is on, but concerned that poor most vulnerable.
Wells replied that it was a reminder that these are very muddied waters and lots of terrorist organisation are seeking to take advantage.
Alice Wells: They told us that this is "not the right time".
Trone: Seems like the right time exactly.
Wells states that US would like to see enforcement of Imran Khan warning that those crossing the LoC are "enemy of Pakistan and enemy of Kashmir" as "that is an important statement".
Destro – It is counterproductive in our view....
In her reply, Well specifically notes that revocation "is not what we care about", but "how Kashmiris live their life".
Asst Secy Destro: Yes it is.

Wells: different stories from different sides. Indian government argues that they have seen buildup... We have observed a declined in incidents of infiltration. But can’t comment on specific incidents.
Destro: we have to wait and see what happens…. At least it is a start.
Sherman: can we have faith...
Wells: ...it is one measure to see willingness of Kashmiris to engage with central govt