Influential Pundit:
"Not THIS, but (nevertheless I can't help myself!) THIS."
[ACTUAL TEXT: Not an endorsement, but I can't stop watching this.]
"I can't stop watching this."
Query: Why did the pundit feel the need to QUALIFY her attraction to this clip by affirmatively DENYING that it was an endorsement
Sen. Kamala Harris and Secretary Clinton were often framed in "Even though" scenarios.
* HRC - "Even though she is universally reviled" (OK exagerration), she always has a wide assortment of hot sauces to share with everyone."
Sen Harris: Even though I am not [endorsing her/find her too happy/sad/seductive/dowdy/tall/short/..]
I can't help but enjoy that peppy pep squad video."
"Can anyone in media say one good thing about Senator Harris or her campaign without the, "not an endorsement" tag?"
Warren, Biden, Buttigieg have far fewer instances of this odd compulsion to ensure everyone knows the compliment is NOT an endorsement! Chillax!
One more thing someone suggested Ms. Reid may be focused on NOT appearing to suggest any "favor" here for Senator Harris. I have no background to opine on that tho.
The visual, without context, would, for I would say 90% of human beings, be viewed as a thing of beauty, exuberance and joy.