I found this idea absurd because in India we grew up thinking that God is one i.e. thee is only one God. 1/n
Gods of monotheism are untranslatable. Jehovah cannot be transformed to Shiva, Allah can only be Allah.
Whereas Gods of native cultures could be mapped to one another. 2/n
Abrahamic monotheism does not allow for translatable gods. “You shall have no gods before me” and “Allah has no partners” makes it necessary to destroy the deities of the “other” as false gods.
It is a form of ego projection into an exclusive jealous deity. Intolerance is thus inherent to it.
What is the Indic response to this?
So “religious conflict” of the Abrahamic kind was rare.
What then to do with those who invaded, brought conflict? This is what Guru Nanak is trying to answer.