1. To older generations (worked in 70s and 80s)
2. Taking time out for kids
3. Unemployment or education spells
A simplified CPP formula:
Annual benefit =
Replacement rate
x average Earnings/YMPE ratio
x Recent YMPE
A spreadsheet example is here, but we’ll put that aside for now: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…
The replacement rate is pretty obvious. It used to be 25%. Once the additional CPP is fully phased in, it will be 33%.
This could drop out years unemployed, in school, etc. That raises your average ratio. So this is a big subsidy, and a big incentive for people work at older ages.
1. from younger to older generations.
2. From those with stable employment to those with unemployment spells
3. From everyone who doesn’t take time out when kids are young to those who do