amid a raging world
#poetry #poetrycommunity
cover the tree with ornaments
wrap your home with blinking red lights
make a plate of fat chocolate chip cookies
and then pray that Santa makes all of his flights

and they’re singing outside your of door;
a couple of songs of a hope that’s born again
and a lovelyullabu about the end of all war
and a couple plates that smell of old gravy
the proud feast that has come and gone was
held in the honor of a 2000 year old baby
and laying wreaths where the last bombs fell;
the loved ones we lost are whispering to us
in unison a long and beautiful harmonic Noel
and a parcel of mercy to our sworn enemy
that we’d make every wish for each other a merry one
and let our hearts be a fountain of flowing charity
let us write each other love letters by the cherrywood fire
as the children fall deeply asleep
we will allow the distant ringing bells to lift us higher
but our halls shall be decked in cheer
our holiday home will be a place of respite
and not a temple of weaponized fear
when I find you under the hanging mistletoe
we will be bound together by living garland
as the silent night we share between us grows
but that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist
the truth is that grace remains in full bloom
and is ready for us to finally unclench our fists
let it be marked with prayers for peace
let us search for that elusive star of wonder
let all that divides us quickly cease
in search of a sign that we’ll be okay;
we’ll all just looking for the ancient message
from that long ago baby resting in the thin hay
we receive more when we give;
and that our lives were our first unwrapped gift
awaiting us to learn how to fearlessly live
there are pine needles in your long amber hair
the stockings are trembling to be filled
with the humble glory of this night most very rare
and the night is gently passing,
the candles are deliberately melting
and the snow angels are outside dancing
and allow for a visit by flying reindeer
why can’t we take this wonder we meet tonight
and try to fiercely make it last all year?
tying knots inside of us with a hardened rope
in this Christmas season, let us live softly
and surrender ourselves to the newborn hope