The Devil wants Faust to toss a 6-sided die every hour, and if the last 6 numbers seen
Faust says, sure, but then if the numbers:
1 2 3 4 5 6
ever come up, his soul should ascend to Heaven.
Mephisto is having none of that, so they haggle. Faust argues that the infernal sequence should be:
6 6 6 6 6 6
So the Devil agrees.
Then Faust sings a monologue rejoicing, because he just gave himself a nearly 20% increase in his time on Earth enjoying his superpowers!
The drama critic
But it’s easy to see why Stoppard was right.
When the die has been
Then there are 6^6–1 ways the first 6 throws might have gone. But if the fatal sequence is 666666, then the only ones that could damn on the 7th toss are
However, if the fatal sequence is 654321, then there are *six* possibilities to damn on the 7th: the first toss can be anything from 1,...,6, and the rest must be 65432.
This discrepancy
while for 666666 the expected number of hours is:
6^6 + 6^5 + 6^4 + 6^3 + 6^2 + 6
which is a fraction below 20% longer.