A historic day is ready to unfold.
The House convenes at 9AM ET to begin a day of speeches and debate ahead of a vote, expected between 6:30PM-7:30PM ET, to impeach the 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump.
I will have live coverage of the proceedings throughout the day.
That is not something I imagine I will ever be able to say again.
But if I have learned anything in these last three years, it is that certainty is a luxury I can ill afford.
The House of Reps. voted to impeach Bill Clinton on Dec. 19, 1998. That means today, as the House votes to impeach Trump, we are almost 21 years to the day since the last president was impeached.
He continues:"If using the office for his own selfish personal conduct isn't impeachable, then I don't know what is"
But McGovern reminds him -
McGovern responds: "If Rs want to defend the president's reprehensible behavior, they can do so, but I encourage them to stand up for the Constitution and this country"
She notes: for 250 years members have taken this oath.
He is an ongoing threat to national elections and national security, the very "basis of our democracy," Pelosi says.
Pelosi calls the stmt prophetic and says today Dems are "here to defend democracy for the people" and asks for God to bless America. There is applause from Democrats.
Impeachment, Nadler argues, is demanded.
Trump "does not have the right to cheat U.S. elections" and firmly, Lieu adds, "We will not stand for it."
"This will follow him around for the rest of his life," Lieu says. And too, it will follow him in every history book.
The lawmaker continues:
This prompted light applause from GOPers in chamber.
(Known in part for his oratory during the hearings, I suspect he's making additions or adjustments to his coming remarks)
Moments ago, Nadler reminds them that if Trump is impeached and removed, it wouldn't be Hillary Clinton that would be president, it would be Mike Pence.
The truth is, the president did ask for a favor.
There was no mention of corruption in the July 25 call, only the Bidens.
"The truth is... his acts betrayed the nation. This is the truth."
Dems have 2HR 2 MIN remaining.
Republicans have 2HR 3 MIN remaining at this time.
"Ukraine was in a battle for its very existence. This was quite simply a geopolitical shakedown."
This prompted loud laughter from R lawmakers.
(Story courtesy of BuzzFeed)
1HR 44 mins for Republicans
1HR 47.5 mins for Democrats
"This is a travesty and we are in big trouble," Gohmert says.
This triggered Gohmert who walked back onto the floor, yelling, pointing his finger at Nadler as DeGette banged gavel calling for order.
Lawmakers who back Trump on this and refuse to impeach, Schiff says those lawmakers will "rue the day" they made this decision.
He must be impeached, Schiff ends, reserving the balance of his time.
"When you see something that is not right, you have a moral obligation to do something. Our children will ask: what did you do, what did you say?"
Under our system of govt, impeachment isnt about political disagreements, it's about upholding the Constitution. It's about making sure executive power is directed properly and in accordance with the law.
Trump's actions "reflect exactly what the framers intended to remedy," he said.
Engel: The price was our national security
Rep Schiff, as he did during the hearings, asks today, so, what changed in 2019? Biden was suddenly a threat to him.
Waters: "This date was not inevitable but it was predictable."
While Trump falsely claims he is unable to defend himself, at the same time, he directs staff not to testify.
Surely, if he was innocent, he would allow those witnesses to testify, Krishnamoorthi says.
By blocking this testimony, he's not proving his innocence, he adds..
The minute of silence began when he offered to list off all the high crimes and misdemeanors he believed Trump committed.
Schiff then laments GOP's "lack of courage" to stand up to Trump while being willing to cast aspersions on fellow lawmakers. GOP boos, hisses @ Schiff
FWIW: The *popular* vote, arguably, is the will of American people.
When she concluded, light applause in the chamber from Dems
"Despite all the rhetoric you've heard today, passage of the articles of impeachment may permanently damage our republic. From this day forward, a hyper-partisan majority can use this precedent to remove POTUS"
This prompted Rs to groan.
"If you're going to obstruct justice or Congress or violate the law, you're going to get impeached. End of story."
Then, she just walks off.
Dems applaud, laugh
A GOP member voices a deep, "boo."
GOP members muttering "Obama, Obama."
Perhaps the testimony would have exonerated him, Hoyer says of Trump.
This patent refusal, Hoyer underlines, "is unprecedented."
Hoyer notes how Dems voted against impeachment 3 times in total when introduced in House and voted against as recently as July.
Applause from several Dems in the chamber, including, as I observed, Rep Raskin, Rep Deutch.
The Dems immediately clap, cries of "yeah" ring through their pews. Then GOP members join in. Then all members begin clapping. But it is very clear for very different reasons.
Then he claims Democrats are trying to appease "a new socialist base."
This prompted grumbling and groans from Democrats and shouts of approval from Republicans.
This prompted all Republicans to rise to their feet. Only a few Ds rose to their feet to clap, then sat down quickly
Schiff: "What is the defense that the GOP offers? When you cut through all the sound and the fury signifying nothing, the defense is, why should we care?
This prompted big applause and some standing o's from Ds in the chamber.
DeGette notes that debate is over. Now to the vote.
Final vote: 230-197-1.
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, voted "present."
The article is adopted.
Final vote: 229-198-1.
Again, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, voted "present."
Article II is adopted.
(Via myself and @KlasfeldReports)
Thank you for following along on this historic day.