Take advantage of this period to create your CAREER ACTION PLAN.

Make your goals S.M.A.R.T.
SPECIFIC - What do you want to do? What skills/qualifications do you require? What jobs/positions do you desire? Specialist, Manager, Executive or Entrepreneur?
ACHIEVABLE - Is it in your power to accomplish it? Does it rely entirely on others?
TIMELY - When exactly do you want to accomplish it? 3 years? 5 years?
- Define your desired position(s)
- Identify company name(s) & business sectors - create keywords e.g. finance, healthcare, energy, manager, officer etc
- Select locations
- What is their governance structure?
- What job titles are used?
- Check available career paths
- Check the profiles of HR & Recruiters
- Follow their company page to get latest news & info
- Explore networking opportunities with current & past employees
- Define geographical area(s)
- Match with sector & company names
- Use selected keywords & job titles
- Select seniority level/salary
- Register & use professional networks effectively e.g. LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Workmaze etc
- Update your CV/Profile regularly - every 3 months, to improve your performance on the ATS
- Check any keywords in the Job Description & capture in your application
- Align your application with the company value & messages
- Get inspired. Focus on your WHY - WHY YOU?
- Use your networks
- If you are seriously searching try to send average of 10-15 CVs per week
- Use an analysis tool to keep track of all your applications. You can use an Excel spreadsheet

- Always be prepared to share your ELEVATOR PITCH in 30 seconds, 1-2 minutes or 5-7 minutes.
- GOOGLE YOURSELF. Do you like what you see? Others can see it too.

- Use privacy filters
- Be a smart follower
- Join more networks
- Always have a plan B (C,D....)
Wish you a fruitful & rewarding #2020!