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Aug 18th 2020
HEY THERE. @jreillydc is fundraising for @MarysCenter’s virtual gala. It’s an incredible organization that provides an array of services, including healthcare, for our neighbors in greater D.C., regardless of their ability to pay. #MCGala #2020VISION…
One time, after someone forgot to strap our eldest into her highchair, they kept their doors open to check her out and calm her panicked parents. (Accounts vary on the responsible party, it was after the 2016 election so everything was a bit scrambled.)…
“...clinics serving predominantly Latina populations were seeing some of the highest numbers of infections among pregnant women. Among the hardest hit was Mary’s Center, a nonprofit organization that operates community health clinics in the [D.C.] area.”…
Read 3 tweets
Jun 6th 2020
As I pour through every #JamesBaldwin essay/interview I can find (starting with Collected Essays)—I want to share some of his hauntingly prophetic quotes

“It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.”
1) Another #JamesBaldwin quote. This one is for my daughters, nieces and nephews:

“The world is before you and you need not take it or leave it as it was when you came in.”

What if....
2) What if.....we also used this as a rallying cry for every American on her or his 65th bday: Commit to spend as much time as you’re able to using your OWN skills/powers, hard-fought learnings including painful mistakes—to make this country—authentically just and ensure that...
Read 8 tweets
Jan 1st 2020
Happy New Year from the Beloved @rerutled and Feminist Giant! #NYE #NYC
We wish you a 2020 full of love, joy, and sparkles! #2020Vision
And from me: FUCK THE PATRIARCHY #2020Vision #NYE
Read 3 tweets
Dec 31st 2019
Feminist Giant wishes you a Happy New Year! #2020Vision
📷 @rerutled
We’re waiting for the molokheyya and Umm Kalthoum is on - Thawrat el-Shak.
Eating our way through New Year’s Eve - first #Queens and then #Harlem
Read 3 tweets
Dec 30th 2019
To mark the new decade, I hereby present you with #MonaSaid:

20 Ways To Fuck the Patriarchy for 2020.

Thank you @rerutled for the cards

1. Defy, disobey, disrupt #2020Vision
2. I want much more than equality - I want to be free. #MonaSaid #2020Vision
3. Stay out of my vagina unless I want you in there. #MonaSaid #2020Vision
Read 21 tweets
Dec 24th 2019
Let's talk about investments (part 1) - Three investment "instruments" to avoid:

1. Forex Trading.
2. Sport betting.
3. Crypto-currencies.


1.1. FOREX

1. Let's say I have a model for gaining 5% or more return per month. And this model is a zero sum game (like Forex trading).

Why in the world would I teach anyone else my model?

That's the question you need to ask before signing up for a Forex trading class.

Why is this person selling a book/teaching course if they can make 60% return per annum?

It's because they don't make 60% a year. Nobody does.

Someone said 90% of Forex traders make a loss 90% of the time.

Don't be deceived. Most traders lose money in the long run.
Read 13 tweets
Dec 22nd 2019
The end of the year is a great time & opportunity for reflection & introspection, as well as for planning & decision-making.

Take advantage of this period to create your CAREER ACTION PLAN.


1. Decide & write down your CAREER GOALS:
Make your goals S.M.A.R.T.
SPECIFIC - What do you want to do? What skills/qualifications do you require? What jobs/positions do you desire? Specialist, Manager, Executive or Entrepreneur?

MEASURABLE - How will you know when you achieve it? Is it a promotion to a new position?

ACHIEVABLE - Is it in your power to accomplish it? Does it rely entirely on others?

Read 14 tweets
Dec 9th 2019
#2020Vision - Frugality/minimalism.

Last year at the Cannes festival:

Night 1.
Went out with a group of GLOBAL CEOs. Average bill €50.

Night 2.
Went out with a group of AFRICAN CEOs (similar restaurant). Average bill €150.

African big man = 3X the burn rate vs global peers.
The average African feels that he needs to buy expensive things to show that he is successful.

The show (in showbusiness) is probably more important than the business.

My good friend @feyiolubodun has a book, The Villager, that discusses this phenomenon in detail.
This conspicuous consumption lifestyle holds us back. It steals the capital we could use to grow our asset base and transfers it to the coffers of luxury brand makers.

We are giving our futures to Gucci and Moet while the continent languishes in penury.

We all need to do better
Read 5 tweets
Dec 9th 2019
📢Heads up Twitter

I am auctioning off one of my most prized possessions

It's a space helmet I brought to a #TownHall hosted by @IndivisibleTeam

It's been signed by both @ShuttleCDRKelly & @GabbyGiffords

I'm doing this to help #FlipTheSenate

Stipulations are below

@IndivisibleTeam @ShuttleCDRKelly @GabbyGiffords @JacobNPeters1 @DavidYankovich @AdamParkhomenko @joncoopertweets @tribelaw @1IronMan2020 @DemocracyStorm @ProudResister @IndivisibleofAZ @az_resist This auction will last for 1 week, until December 15th

Whoever agrees to donate the most to the @ShuttleCDRKelly campaign wins

I will update bids nightly

A screenshot will be required & verified before transaction is completed

#AzSen #VoteYourAzOff🌵 #2020Vision👓

@IndivisibleTeam @ShuttleCDRKelly @GabbyGiffords @JacobNPeters1 @DavidYankovich @AdamParkhomenko @joncoopertweets @tribelaw @1IronMan2020 @DemocracyStorm @ProudResister @IndivisibleofAZ @az_resist @exoticgamora @TrinityResists @LunaLuvgood2020 @morethanmySLE @TheSWPrincess @JCTheResistance @JennJermaine @AthenaSalman @IselaBlancAZ @MaricopaDems This auction is nation wide, I will pay for shipping should the highest bid be out of state

I really wanted to keep this, but I'd be happier with the publicity & to turn this into a contribution I cannot afford

That's it

Mark Kelly — Donate via ActBlue…
Read 5 tweets
Dec 3rd 2019
#2020Vision Week 1: Goal setting.

Step 1: Solitude powers focus.

Get away from everything.

Then ask one question:

What goal will truly move me forward if I pursue it?


Step 1b

1. Make the goal big enough to challenge you but NOT so big that it overwhelms you.

2. Make it close enough that you can reach it but NOT so close that it's not a stretch.

3. Make sure it excites you but is sufficiently meaningful that it will move you forward.
Step 2: Write it down.

1. Make it clear & visible.
2. Make it your phone and computer screensaver.
3. Put it on the wall in your room.
4. Visualize the end result. Get there (in your mind) before you get there.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 25th 2019
I got into this race to create real and lasting change. I want to get big money out of politics. I want to close the wealth gap and create equal opportunity. I want to have a scientist on the science committee so we can tackle climate change, data security and more. I want... 1/4
I want people with experience in healthcare and education. I want to see us condemn white nationalism. I want to see us enact firearm safety. I want to protect public lands and generate new jobs that will keep our air and water clean and safe. I want... 2/4
I want more women and a new generation represented. I want us to be proactive, not reactive — progressive, not regressive. And in all of this and more I want America to lead the way.

This is why... 3/4
Read 4 tweets
Jan 28th 2019
We remain in unprecedented times.

This gov’t shutdown was created under Trump with (R) majority control. Such shutdowns with a single party majority are rare, yet Trump has hosted 3 majority shutdowns, including what is now the longest in history. 1/5…
Economic impacts are heavy. The CBO is projecting billions in immediate losses, w/ more unknown.

Meanwhile, under a former majority, Trump cut taxes to the wealthy & sky rocketed national debt. The market is volatile. Trade wars loom. Instability is increasing. 2/5
As a Democrat, I’m proud to promote the values of creating a strong working economy for every American, not only the wealthy, and I’m proud to work toward stable, lasting prosperity. 3/5
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Nov 7th 2018
Fellow Coloradans — thank you for showing up at the polls! After months of hard work, we flipped Colorado blue!

In these victories Coloradans showed we WILL NOT stand for hate & ignorance, & that we WILL stand for healthcare, education, & a renewable economy. Proud of us! 1/5
I’m not sure about you, but for me these last many months have been intense! I’ve lost track of how many miles I spent walking and talking to neighbors. How many fundraisers I hosted or volunteered with...

And yet, it’s not over... (2/5)
After months of diverting team efforts & resources to 2018 candidates, it’s time we return our focus to 2020. Today, I am resuming my statewide exploratory tour for the U.S. Senate CO 2020! 🙂 (3/5)
Read 5 tweets
Mar 5th 2018
1/ #MondayMotivaton #AmericaFirst #2020Vision #Midterms2018 #Election2020 #Trump2020
So... We’ve been thinking about this long and hard and really need some objective opinions. PLEASE Respond below, RT & encourage response.
2/ My fellow Americans who support a Liberated AMERICA run by The People, for The People & .@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump :

Why r we attacking each other & trying to break apart our highly successful Revolution when we’ve come this far?
3/ America comes before your twisted panty wads EVERY DAY 24/7 🛑 JUST STOP 🛑 #Prize2020

Bill Mitchellites?
Libertarian InfoWars?
GOP Underground but in our face Political Activists/Hucksters?

Read 38 tweets

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