Same as above, the only difference is this one has a hormone that also blocks ovulation and makes cervical mucus thick
How effective? 99+%
Side effects; same as above plus irregular periods
These are the ones commonly know as Back Up, Postinor
WORKS for up to 72 hours after unprotected sex
Effectiveness drops as time passes, can be as high as 98% in the first 24 hours
Not to be taken often, if you are using it often, use a more regular method
They remove the womb or tie the tubes that bring the egg to the womb
How effective: 99+%
Side effects: ectopic pregnancy for some people. Mood changes, depression, etc
The tubes that bring sperm into the penis is cut
Meaning no sperms…
How effective: 99+%
Side effects; you can only start having unprotected sex after three months after they have verified that there is no sperm in your ejaculate
Here the couple keeps track of the fertile days of the woman, and avoid sex on those days and about 5 days leading to those days
She can also measure her basal body temperature method as well as
cervical mucus
They can be difficult to use correctly
No sex, no pregnancy
Effectiveness: 100%
What may work for you, might not work for another.
Here the man withdraws the phallus before ejaculation. Practice at your own risk. It is not a reliable method of preventing pregnancy and tends to fail.
There are rare cases when sperm is present in precum and can get a lady pregnant.