Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Houston, Boston, New Orleans, Detroit & Newark, N.J. are all being dosed with "elite special forces" to help local ICE agents.
I'm glad you asked!
💥 Run-of-the-mill immigration violation arrests. 💥
That's all.
That's pathetic.
REALLY pathetic.
Like, "Oh, yeah, well, my dad can beat up your dad" level of pathetic when called out on your shït.
People who are afraid of being deported if they go to the cops...don't go to the cops. That's why Sanctuary Cities exist.

💥drug dealers
💥violent situations
💥the deadly heat of the desert
💥the jacked up world of shoot em ups
where they get to use boy toys like stun grenades & sniper rifles.
People are going to get hurt.
Innocent people.

He's giving them until May.
Surely we can do *something* to get in their way.

Will you take the pledge?

What are they REALLY doing in our cities?