Though I don’t have an opinion on Mohawks. They are pretty militant on their own. For example, look what they did to a band chief when he called for the blockade to be removed as a gesture of good will.
Wet’suwet’en has been consistently blocking access to their territory for 10 years. The issue is land title (with the Crown) and who has the authority to approve the location of the pipeline.
It’s the cons and CGL that want to delegitimize that claim because it impedes the corporation from controlling the pipeline’s location & reveals the duplicity used to obtain approval.
The more relevant issue is the location of the pipeline in Wet’suwet’en territory.
There was no intent or attempt to block the pipeline. Just it’s location.
It’s always about money.
And a copy of the MLI report. Note the references to JWR as MOJAG & her position on indigenous rights.…

Wet’suwet’en was set up to call for national support.
The new owners of CGL (KKR & AIMCo ~ with Kenney having the ability to direct AIMCo decisions) created the national tension.
They are calling for violent enforcement and have inspired at least 2 verified incidents of anarchy.
Why would they do this?
That is the current con agenda.
It’s why they are DESPERATE to gain federal power.