None of this is magic. You'll either consume fewer calories or expend more - without really having to think about it 👇
You don't need to do cardio. Just walk more. Set yourself a daily target and add a bit more to the target each week.
Track it.
Many people do fine all day and then ruin it all in the evenings.
Brush your teeth after dinner so you won't want sugar.
To be crass, I can shit or piss 0.5 lbs easily.
I can eat 2 pounds of food easily too and drink another 2.
And there's MORE that affects scale weight too.
Just worry about the average and the trend over time.
You probably didn't do THAT much damage, but you will if you say "oh I've ruined it now, might as well keep going"
If you got a flat tyre, you wouldn't slash the other 3. Don't self sabotage.
If I'm going to a family BBQ, I want to enjoy it. My family pull out all the stops. I eat nothing beforehand. At the BBQ I load up. Nothing off limits. I probably won't eat again for another 18 hours afterwards.
Fast forward another 24-48 hours and my average intake is probably back in line, including the feast.
Starvation mode doesn't exist. If it did, anorexic people & people in famines would keep their bodyfat stores.
YES your body will try to conserve energy. You'll move less. But you can still lose fat.
They are scared your success will reflect poorly on them and their failures.
Some may be worried you're changing into the kind of person that won't want to spend time with them any more.
Reassure them.
It's caused by a hormone called grehlin. It is released based on when you've taught your body to expect food.
It doesn't necessarily mean you NEED to eat.
I'll teach you everything in this masterclass 👇
Get it before the price goes up to $97 (currently $47 during pre-sale)…