I've been focusing on compound barbell and dumbell exercises, and using the fitnotes app to track my progress.
This enables me to always have a target to beat, and aim to add at least 1 more rep to 1 of the sets.
1 set of 5-7
1 set of 7-9
1 set of 9-11
If I'm managing to escape those rep ranges and do more, I go up in weight.
I'm tracking what I eat, but instead of eating to an estimated surplus (even a small one) I'm eating to what I estimate as my maintenance.
What always happens when I eat in a surplus, is I gain too much fat too quickly.
You sneak a few more bites off of your wife's plate. You eat your son's leftovers. Someone brought in free food to work? I'm bulking, let's enjoy it! Going out to eat? Yes please!
Humans (and me in particular) are bad at estimating. I'm greedy. I'll tell myself it's less than it is.
I'm not bothering with that now either, as it's a pretty small amount of calories after accounting for fibre.
I've been gaining slightly more than half a pound a week for the last 3 months, which is pretty much where you want to be.
Not this time! Interested to see how long I can keep this bulk going.
What's your bulking strategy?