Lukas Lehner Profile picture
Mar 27, 2020 127 tweets 116 min read Read on X
The amount of #COVID19 related research being produced within the last days is impressive and it’s hard to keep track. Several projects at OECD, WBG, Oxford, ETUC are tracking policy responses across countries. This thread collects various sources. Please add any other! 👇👇1/..
-) #OECD on policy responses covering all 37 OECD & G20 countries by @AGarnero @sebkoenigs @OECD_Social @OECDeconomy…

-) #WorldBank #ILO on social protection covering 84 countries by @Ugentilini @mohamed_almenfi
-) Oxford COVID19 Government Response Tracker covering 80 countries with 11 indicators by @thomasnhale @annajessiep @TobyMPhillips @BlavatnikSchool…

-) @etuc_ces and @ETUI_org on short-time work, tax and dismissals across Europe…
-) The #covid19study collects survey data on how citizens are preparing and coping with the COVID-19 crisis. It is run by researchers of 12 universities @Margarita1512 @LukasHenselEcon @jonj @jhaushofer @FriedrichMGoetz @fetzert @caria_stefano:
-) The @LTCcovid collates and analyses long-term care policy responses to #Covid19. It is run by @AdelinaCoHe @LorenzKH @CPEC_LSE @ilpnetwork:
Country reports are here:…
-) The @IMFNews policy tracker summarizes the key economic policy responses by governments to #COVID19. It focuses predominantly on fiscal andmonetary policies and includes already 186 countries:…
-) The #OECD has launched the Covid Action Map, which allows downloading the underlying dataset. It tracks #COVID19 government responses in the areas of containment, health, fiscal and monetary policy…
@santospereira_a @LauBooneEco @nbrandt_eco @OECDeconomy
-) @Bruegel_org has compared the size of discretionary fiscal responses. Dataset contains 7 countries (FRA, DEU, HUN, ITA, ESP, GBR, USA) & groups measures into 1) fiscal impulse 2) deferrals 3) guarantees. By @ZsoltDarvas @BergaminiEnrico @MartaDomnguezJ1…
-) The Economic Policy Response Map summarises the fiscal policy responses and liquidity measures by EU governments, the European Commission and the ECB. By @atanaspekanov @WIFOat…
-) The @ilo has estimated how the crisis will affect global unemployment and working poverty. It includes 3 scenarios that can be disaggregated by country groupings (low, lower-middle, upper-middle, high income). @OstermeierMa @VeEscudero_ @ekkehardernst…
-) The @YPFSatYale financial intervention tracker collects interventions and proposals by central banks, fiscal authorities & IOs to restore financial stability. This includes fiscal, monetary, macroprudential and liquidity measures…
-) The @UNCTAD has analysed how cross border investment flows are affected by the crisis. This includes projections on global FDI and latest data on CAPEX, greenfield investments, M&As, and MNE earning estimates. @perezludena @Jamesunctad @unctadwif…
-) @CEPS_thinktank estimates COVID19 contagion growth to predict how far countries are from reaching the peak. They use a poisson autoregressive model to estimate the replication factor for 9 EU countries. @paolo_giudici_s @profAndreaRenda @karel_lannoo…
-) The @ilo Social Protection Monitor collects social security measures in response to the #COVID19 crisis. As of now, it includes 97 measures by 46 countries. @soc_protection @csbehrendt @OstermeierMa…
-) The @wiiw_news tracks policy measures for 23 CESEE countries in the areas of fiscal policy, monetary policy and public order. @RicGri @JuliaGruebler @alexbykova @MarioHolzner @heimbergecon Summary table:…
-) @OurWorldInData provides a clean .csv file for daily new/total #COVID19 cases & deaths. Data is based on the European CDC, covers 199 countries & territories and is updated daily. @MaxCRoser @_HannahRitchie @JoeHasell… Dataset:…
-) The Health System Response Monitor collects responses of health systems and wider public health initiatives. At the moment, it covers 18 countries with more to be added soon. By @BKMErica @OBShealth @WHO_Europe @EU_Health @EU_Commission
-) @Mayer_Brown has compiled #COVID19 related travel restrictions and quarantine requirements for travelers. The database covers most countries around the globe.
-) @UNESCO is monitoring school closures around the globe. The world map includes the number of countries with school closures and the number of students affected by them.…
-) The Coronavirus in Prisons map and database tracks responses to #COVID19 in prison systems. The project collects data on policy responses, releases, and riots. Currently, it covers 76 countries around the World. By @OZeveleva @helsinkiuni…
-) The COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Index (CESI) is a standardised index for economic policy responses. Index & dataset include fiscal, monetary & exchange rate measures and cover 166 countries. By @CeyhunElgin @BasbugGokce @AbdullahYalaman
-) The @eurofound European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) collects large-scale company restructuring events in EU countries. It includes company, sector and jobs affected. COVID19 summary:…
@JuanMenendezEF @MariaJepsenEF
-) The @OECD @OPSIgov collects innovative government responses to the #COVID19 crisis. The collection already includes 50 initiatives, such as on hackathons, communications, tracking or caremongering. By @CaptainInnovate @SamANutt @civiccatalyst @hbuisma…
-) The @HarvardAsh #COVID19 Public Sector Resources collection highlights cases, teaching, policy solutions, and other examples of how US local and state governments are responding to the crisis. @Kennedy_School…
-) The @USChamber Global Dashboard on COVID-19 Government Policies provides an overview and national sources to government responses in a range of areas. @BigDataDaddy…
-) @LSEPublicPolicy has brought together a list of social science responses to Covid-19. The collection includes research, media and data. @AndresVelasco @simonjhix…
-) @OECDtax compiles tax policy measures by governments. The database includes a detailed breakdown of cash flow measures and changes in tax policies for firms & households. It covers 91 countries. By @DBradbury1021 @THanappi @PierceOReilly @jmteusch @OECD…
-) @OECDtax has also published Tax Administration Responses to COVID19, collecting responses in the areas of 1) additional time for tax affairs, 2) quicker refunds, 3) changes in audit policy, 4) services & communications. @PSaintAmans @GPerezinParis @OECD…
The @JEEA_News is collating a register of #COVID19 related research projects. It collects paper that 1) use data collected during the pandemic, 2) predict the spread of epidemics, 3) relate otherwise to COVID19. @ImranRasul3…
-) The @ilo collects country policy responses. The data covers 174 countries and is structured by 4 categories: 1) Stimulating economy & employment 2) Supporting enterprises, jobs, incomes 3) Protecting workers in workplace 4) Relying on social dialogue…
-) @NIESRorg has published a number of research articles including the #NIESRGDP Tracker evaluating the macroeconomic impact of the #COVID19 crisis:…
The @OECD has collected more #COVID19 policy responses in specific areas:
-) health systems,
-) SMEs,
-) tourism,
-) cities,
-) multi-level governance.
An overview:
-) @OECD_Social has collected health system responses. The policies are structured around 1) access to diagnostics 2) strengthening capacity 3) leverage digital solutions 4) R&D. @stescarpetta @FranColombo2019 @fredguanais… Database:…
-) @OECD_local has collected SME policy responses across countries. Measures range from tax deferrals and loan guarantees to direct lending and wage subsidies. @lamia_k_c @JoaquimOM…
-) @OECD_local has collected the impact on tourism and policy responses to support the tourism industry across countries.…
-) @OECD_local has collected measures taken by national and subnational governments to ensure effective coordination and support #regions and #cities. @lamia_k_c @JoaquimOM…
-) @OECD_local has collected policy responses taken by cities. They are structured by i) communication & awareness raising ii) workplace & commuting iii) social distance iv) vulnerable groups v) local service delivery vi) support to business @Akhmouch…
-) @CoronaNet_org Research Project compiles a database on government responses. The current version includes more than 5,000 separate policy announcements from governments around the world. @LuMesserschmidt @rmkubinec @joan_barcelo_ @as_hartnett #CoronaNet
-) @CandidDotOrg has collected data on philanthropic funding to address the #COVID19 crisis. It includes a list of private funders and recipients with details on the amount, purpose and geographical distribution. #NPCovid19 @roosa_jolkkonen…
-) @voxeu has a dedicated page on #COVID19 research. Several blogs are published a day. It also includes two books edited by @BaldwinRE & @bweder and the new @cepr_org journal Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers.…
-) @timvlandas has put together a dedicated #COVID19 resources webpage collecting many sources for research, policy and data related to the crisis. @DSPI_Oxford @StAntsCollege @UniofOxford…
-) The @Europarl_EN has compiled the measures proposed and taken at the EU or euro area level to mitigate the economic and social effects. It covers measures by the EC, EU Council, ECB, SSM, ESRB, EBA, EIB. EIF, EBRD.…
-) @CambridgeCore is publishing short blogs on country responses on health and social care policy issues in its Health Economics, Policy and Law series.…
-) The Complexity Science Hub COVID-19 Covid-19 Control Strategies List (#CCCSL) collects non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to stop the spread of COVID-19. It includes already 170 governmental measures in 41 countries. By @CSHVienna
-) @TaxFoundation collects tax relief measures by country. The dataset is categorised by individual, business, consumption, and other taxes. By @ElkeAsen @crisberechet @danieldbunn…
-) The #Covid19 Behaviour Tracker surveys 30,000 people across 29 countries each week. Aggregate results are published on a dashboard and microdata are publicly available. By @YouGov @Imperial_IGHI!…
-) The @YouGov international #COVID19 tracker surveys over 27,000 people a week across 26 countries on a broad range of topics from brands to politics. Aggregate data on behavioral response and government satisfaction are published here:…
-) The #COVID19 Civic Freedom Tracker monitors government responses to the pandemic worldwide that affect #civicfreedoms and #humanrights. By @ICNLAlliance @enablingNGOlaw @NiAolainF
-) The Citizens’ Attitudes Under the COVID-19 Pandemic project collects survey data on health, economy, civil liberties, government, policies & institutions. The dataset includes microdata on 20 countries worldwide. By @MartialFoucault @pavlosvas1 @CEVIPOF…
-) The COVID-19 Policy-Making Tracker keeps track of HOW policy interventions are being made by collecting advice, evidence or other justifications that underpin governments’ decisions worldwide By @INGSciAdvice @ISC @PeterGluckman @jameswilsdon @SciChefQC…
-) The @CSIS COVID-19 Fiscal Response Tracker and world map provides a breakdown of fiscal actions taken by G20 countries. @CSIS_Econ @MPGoodman88 @handrewschwartz…
-) The CORE Project provides a collection of economics teaching resources on #COVID19. Examples include material to learn using R to analyse data on cases & fatalities, or an assignment on macroeconomics of COVID19. By @coreeconteam @ralffbecker @mvsbach…
-) The Coronavirus containment measures dataset and world map collects government containment measures worldwide since January 2020 and aggregates them into a stringency index with time dimension. By @O_LJ
-) Open COVID-19 policy dataset collected a large number of policy documents from think tanks, policy orientated NGOs, IOs and national governments. By @overtonio @Stew…
COVID-19 Public Media Dataset contains over 40,000 online articles with full texts which were scraped from online media in the timespan January – April 2020, focussed mainly on the non-medical aspects of COVID-19. By @Anacode…
Global overview of COVID-19: Impact on elections dataset collects a list of elections postponed due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and of elections held despite the outbreak. By @Int_IDEA…
-) The #COVIDー19 Open Research Dataset (#CORD19) covers 52,000 scholarly articles, including over 41,000 with full text, about the coronavirus family.… The CORD-19 Explorer allows to easily navigate through the dataset: By @allen_ai
The @TheLensOrg has assembled datasets of patent documents, scholarly research works’ metadata & biological sequences from patents. The datasets are in a machine-readable and explorable form and cover SARS & MERS with #COVID19 patents added once available
The Dimensions dataset on #COVID19 publications, datasets & clinical trials contains research outputs in medical & health science incl. journal articles, datasets & clinical trials. By @DSDimensions @digitalsci…
Google spreadsheet:…
-) @kbbolch has collected an impressive amount of #COVID19 policy trackers in parallel. I'll integrate them with Kim's help over the coming days on the website. For now, check them out here:
-) #OECD Survey on Science and Innovation policy responses is collecting information from national government ministries. The survey covers 10 questions on government responses relating to science and innovation. By @OECDinnovation
-) The #COVID19 Government Measures Dataset puts together all the measures implemented by governments worldwide structured by 1) Social distancing 2) Movement restrictions 3) Public health 4) Social & economic 5) Lockdowns. By @ACAPSproject @lpnissen…
-) The U.S. Economic Policy Response to Coronavirus Pandemic page collects U.S. economic policy responses, explains economic mechanisms at play and includes references to additional theory and academic readings on the measures. By @ToddOfMess @PeterMcCrory…
-) The CGD - COVID education policy tracking records school closures for countries worldwide. Data for India, Brazil, Nigeria and USA can be disaggregated on a regional level. By @CGDev @leecrawfurd…
-) The COVID-19 Social Science Research Tracker records new research about COVID 19, including published findings, pre-prints, projects underway, and projects at least at proposal stage. You can add your project via Google form. By @natematias @alexleavitt…
-) collects county-level nonpharmaceutical interventions via an open online survey. To date, it includes 182 US counties. By @StanfordHCI @UVA_BI incl @jwkritchie @msbernst
Data set:…
-) @ImpactPeace at @KrocIPJ is tracking resources related to the impact of #COVID19 on violence, conflict, inequality and peacebuilding. By @juliascanney…
-) The World Pandemic Research Network (WPRN) collects social science research projects and maintains a searchable global directory of the scientific resources available on the societal and human impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. By @WPRN_org
-) @GovPredict is tracking US federal, state, and local responses and comparing what governments are doing at the city, county, state, and federal level to combat the coronavirus and COVID-19.…
-) The Conflict and Covid-19 Resource Hub collects resources on the #COVID19 pandemic from the perspective of conflict-affected areas. Resources cover conflicts, ceasefires, human rights, elections, emergency legislation, prisoners,… By @PolSettlements…
-) The COVID-19 Disorder Tracker (#CDT) provides coverage of the impact on political violence and protest around the world, monitoring changes in demonstration activity, state repression, mob attacks, overall rates of armed conflict, etc. By @ACLEDINFO…
-) The @MarshallProj is tracking prison responses in U.S. states (visit restrictions, court operations)…. They are also tracking spread of #COVID19 in prisons, prisoner in- and outflows on a county level, & domestic violence:
-) @PrisonPolicy tracks responses of U.S. jails and prisons, such as releasing people early, lowering or stopping jail admissions, limiting check-ins & visits to offices for people on parole, eliminating medical co-pays, reducing the cost of phone calls.…
-) @verainstitute is collecting the number of prisoners and #COVID19 cases for each individual jail and prison in the USA:…
-) @BrennanCenter tracks changes to operations of U.S. federal courts, immigration courts, and state courts, such as postponements of hearings and closures due to #COVID19. on the district level:…
-) The @CovidImpactLab is running multiple surveys on how people respond. It is a collaborative research initiative by OpenSourceEconomics by @econ_hmg @iza_bonn @UniBonn @ECON_tribute @EPoS224
#Covid19 dashboard:
-) The African Policy Monitor by @Covid_Africa is tracking policies across African countries in the areas of 1) Emergency declarations, 2) Fiscal Policy Responses, 3) Monetary Policy Responses, 4) Social Distancing Measures, 5) School closures.…
-) The @WorldBank Group’s Operational Response to COVID-19 (coronavirus) – Projects List is maintaining a list of countries that are getting World Bank Group support through the #COVID19 dedicated fast-track facility as well as other financing mechanisms.…
-) @labour_e’s special Issue: Covid-19 and Labour Law. A Global Review provides an overview of labour law measures under #COVID19. It includes changes to labour law norms, institutions and workplace arrangements across 40 countries. @MartinRisak
-) @Covid_Africa's Global Response Funding Tracker is monitoring financial support for African countries. Content is organised by 1) Financial Support from International Development Partners 2) IMF & WBG Support, 3) Philanthropic & Corporate Giving…
81) The @IIF is compiling Global Policy Responses in the areas of fiscal and monetary policy for advanced and emerging economies worldwide. @elinaribakova @RobinBrooksIIF @SergiLanauIIF…
82) The @Google Covid-19 Community Mobility Reports chart mobility trends over time by geography, across places such as retail, groceries, parks, transit, workplaces, residential. Coverage: 131 countries, many to be regionally disaggregated @googlemaps…
83) The @Apple Mobility Trends Reports collect mobility trends in countries and cities. Reports are published daily and reflect requests for directions in Apple Maps. Data can be separated by walking, driving and public transport.…
84) The UCLA Law Covid-19 Behind Bars Data Project tracks cases & deaths for each US prison, jail, youth correctional & immigration detention facility. It also tracks releases & court orders. By @uclaprisondata @SharonDolovich @aaronlittman @uclaprisonlaw…
85) @DataPrison collects #Covid19 cases, tests & deaths of inmates & guards for the USA on a state & facility-level. They also present historical population data for state prisons. By @JacobKaplan19 @seathebass92 @cconcannon1 @EverydayasOrenG @aaronlittman
86) The @The_IGC COVID-19 tracker classifies economic support measures for countries worldwide by 1) wage/employment support 2) cash transfers 3) credit schemes/guarantees 4) tax delays/deferrals 5) tax cuts 6) Interest rate cuts/liquidity measures.…
87) The Covid-19 Food Policy Tracker is tracking food export restrictions and documenting their impact as a percentage of each country’s imported calories that are impacted by export restrictions. By @IFPRI @CGIAR…
88) The @EYnews Covid-19 Global Trade Considerations tracker monitors trade policies, such as import tariffs on personal protective equipment, export restrictions on similar goods, relaxing regulatory requirements to help quicker responses.…
89) The @EYnews global immigration tracker monitors mobility and immigration regulations, such as entry restrictions, quarantine orders for newly admitted citizens, visa suspensions or changes in eligibility criteria for visa applications.…
90) @StephanHollan @L_van_Lent and colleagues have estimated the firm-level risk exposure to epidemic diseases (incl. Covid-19) for 11’000 firms in 81 countries from 2002 to 2020q1. Data is available in csv, tsv, dta.…
91) The @UNDP HDR Global Preparedness and Vulnerability Dashboard & index to pandemics include indicators such as the Human Development Index, number of physicians, mobile phone subscriptions, poverty rates, remittances inflows, tourism etc
92) The COVID Inequality Project documents the impact on workers & inequality across age, gender, occupation, work arrangements, education. It has collected data through 2 survey waves on US & UK and 1 on Germany. By @abicadams @TeodoraBoneva1 @MartaGolin…
93) The @WHO PHSM dataset combines data from several datasets on public health and social measures to slow or stop the spread of #COVID19 into one single dataset. It draws on data from WHO, @LSHTM @ACAPSproject @BlavatnikSchool @CSHVienna etc.…
94) The Tracker 19 by Reporters Without Borders documents state censorship and deliberate disinformation, and their impact on the right to reliable news and information. It also makes recommendations on how to defend journalism. By @RSF_en @RSF_inter…
95) The European Civic Forum is documenting civil society’s and NGOs actions in European countries and demands in front of the European institutions. By @ForCivicEU…
96) The @CIVICUSMonitor is tracking restrictions and attacks on civic freedoms, such as censorship, arrests for criticising state response, restrictions on media, targeting of human rights defenders, police abuses, surveillance, etc.
97) @IIASAVienna has produced a map for Europe on a state/province level with relevant socioeconomic indicators, such as life expectancy and population shares of elderly, ratios of doctors & hospital beds to elderly pop, or share of tourists @AsjadNaqvi
98) @BFAGlobal has run 2 survey waves on the #COVID19 impact on financial health of households incl. income, savings, debt in 8 countries: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, India, Mexico, UK, USA. A third survey wave is underway. By @ashamin
99) @CovidScholar uses natural language processing (NLP) to power search on a set of research papers related to #COVID19. It also shows daily paper statistics on research articles. By @KPatBerkeley @jmdagdelen et al
Wow, I didn’t expect to collect over 100 policy trackers and data sources related to #COVID19 when I started this thread in March. Many thanks to all contributors who suggested sources, which made it possible to establish this public repository!
Three weeks ago, I’ve moved the whole collection to a dedicated website - the Tracker of Trackers - for a more structured overview by topic areas. I will continue to update both, this thread and the website. Please keep the suggestions coming.…
100) The Health Intervention Tracking for COVID-19 (HIT-COVID) documents public health policy interventions worldwide at the national and first-level administrative unit. By @JohnsHopkinsSPH @BU_Tweets @qulu_zheng @JustinLessler @alabriqu et al…
101) The COVID-19 sex-disaggregated data tracker documents sex-disaggregated data on cases, deaths, hospitalisations, ICU admissions, age & infections in health care workers. Currently, it covers 78 countries. By @GlobalHlth5050
102) The Opportunity Insights Economic Tracker tracks the economic impacts of COVID-19 on people, businesses, and communities across the USA in real-time. By @OppInsights Chetty @John_N_Friedman @nhendren82 @michaelstepner
103) @HarvardMWC @Kennedy_School are wage & employment support measures and their mechanisms across 16 countries. By @Rachel_Lipson @jnorthend…
104) The COVID Racial Data Tracker documents cases, deaths, and negative test results by race and ethnicity on a bi-weekly basis for US states. By @AntiracismCtr @COVID19Tracking @TheAtlantic
105) @PrisonInsider documents the living conditions in prisons worldwide by collecting cases, deaths, appeals, NGO recommendations, protests, sanitary conditions & access to healthcare @justiceproject…
World map prison cases & deaths…
106) Covid Stimulus Watch documents US CARES Act grants and loans per firm combined with firm history of regulatory violations, previous government assistance, federal tax avoidance, CEO and worker pay practices. By @GoodJobsFirst @DirtDiggers @GregLeRoy4…
107) The @IMFNews Fiscal Monitor includes a collection of key fiscal measures governments have announced or taken from January 1 to April 8, 2020, categorized by above-the-line measures, below-the-line measures, and guarantees.…
108-118) We are now also collectin national and comparative surveys on attitudes, behaviour as well as social and economic outcomes related to #COVID19. Thanks to @eliasnau for collecting & editing the new sections!
119) The @HealthFdn COVID-19 policy tracker collects policy responses for England in five areas: 1. Policy narrative, 2. Measures to limit spread, 3. Health and social care, 4. R&D, 5. Broader social and economic interventions @hughalderwick…
120) The @ONECampaign Africa COVID-19 Tracker collects health, economic, and social impacts on African countries, such as the number of hospital beds and ICUs; measures to limit spread or civil liberties; impact on food intake or remittances @David_McNair…
121) @opengovpart collects open government approaches, such as citizen-led community responses, building trust between government and citizens, transparency over forecasting models and data, digital platforms or apps, tackling misinformation online etc.…
122) The @DallasFed Social Distancing Index summarizes geolocation data collected from a large sample of mobile devices in the US. Available at county, metropolitan statistical areas (MSA), state and national level. @jdolmas…
123) The @usociety survey covers the employment and financial situation, children and family, COVID-related behavior and perceptions, mental health, political attitudes in the UK. It is designed as a probability sample of households and population 16+.…
124) The survey Monitero Nacional de Sintomas y Practicas COVID-19 covers the health situation and well-being in Chile. It targets people aged 18+ via snowball and provides weekly cross-sections and an individual level panel since mid-April. By @ccuadrado
125) The COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey collects data on psychological stress, compliance with behavioral guidelines, trust in governmental institutions & their preventive measures in over 50 countries from >170,000 respondents since late March. @lieberothdk…
126) The Weekly Economic Index (WEI) provides a signal of the state of the U.S. economy based on ten different daily and weekly series covering consumer behavior, the labor market, and production scaled to proxy US GDP growth. By @NewYorkFed @DallasFed…
127) The Real Time Population Survey is a bi-weekly online household survey that aims to provide more timely and more frequent version of the official labor market survey used to produce unemployment rate numbers etc. @DallasFed @AdamBlandin
128) @UNESCAP compiles Policy Responses to COVID-19 in Asia and the Pacific. Policy areas covered reach from non-pharmaceutical interventions to fiscal and monetary policy as well as financial and trade policy. @sweta_saxena…
129) COVID19 Afrique Données Recherche collects non-pharmaceutical interventions and cases + deaths for Francophone African countries and countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). (in French) By @mavalo76 @ValeryRidde
130) The COVID Analysis and Mapping of Policies (AMP) site collects non-pharmaceutical interventions of national and sub-national governments and NPOs. Country coverage thus far includes USA, Nigeria, Djibouti. By @georgetown_ghss @TalusAnalytics @NTI_WMD
131) COVID-19 US state policy database (CUSP) collects NPIs, social policies, healthcare, racial disparities, etc. By @JuliaRaifman @JacobBor @dklinejones @DrSarahLipson @jonjaytweets @BUSPH @BU_Tweets
132) @eurofound COVID-19 EU PolicyWatch collects measures introduced to cushion the social and economic effects. It also includes information on the role played by social partners and examples of company practices in EU countries.…
133) The @SHARE_MEA survey includes a probability sample the population 50+ in 27 EU countries + Israel on their employment and financial situation, infection and health, mental health, social networks, healthcare
134) The @GlobalDrugSurvy collects data on alcohol and other drug use, mental health and coping mechanisms of people aged 18+ via snowballing in 12 countries
135) The U.S. State of the Nation: A 50-State COVID-19 Survey collects data on employment, finances, children, family, behaviour, perceptions, mental health & political attitudes @Ognyanova @royperlis @matthewabaum @davidlazer @MauSantillana @dellavolpe

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More from @LukasLehner_

May 6, 2022
Today we are burying my grandpa. He was 96, active and cheerful until his death.

He went through dreadful experiences of unemployment and poverty that resulted in fascism and WWII. It convinced him that fighting unemployment needs to be the top priority. This is his story.👇🧵1/
1) Johann (Hans) Riegler was born in 1926 in a small town in Burgenland – just 5 years after the state changed from Hungary to Austria as a consequence of the WWI peace treaty of Saint-Germain. They lived in poor conditions.
On a summer day in 1931, his first memory started. 5-year-old Hans was rushing to the coal mine outside of town. A terrible accident had happened: his father, who worked there as an electrician, had gotten electrocuted. His first retained memory was the dead corpse of his father.
Read 26 tweets
Oct 25, 2021
Ok, I've spent a weekend putting together my academic website.

Here's a short summary of lessons learnt in case you are planning to set up your own academic website any time soon. #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter

2/ Github pages combined with Jekyll make it very easy to set up a neat, static website.
3/ @gaalcaras has put together "Academic" a neat Jekyll theme with a focus on simplicity, typography and flexibility.…
Read 6 tweets
Jul 12, 2021
📢 New @DSPI_Oxford #Supertracker release 📣

We (@B_Ebbinghaus, @GunnyKunLee & I) have just launched a major update. Over 200 policy trackers were created since the start of the pandemic documenting measures in nearly all policy domains. An overview👇1/..… Image
2/ Most datasets cover social and employment policy, health and care policy, and non-pharmaceutical interventions. With the new update, the directory also covers areas such as environmental policy, housing, and agricultural policy.
3/ We have also made the Supertracker more user friendly. In addition to policy area, author, country coverage and data type, you can now filter as well by time coverage, provider, source and world region. Time coverage allows you to restrict your search to up-to-date datasets.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 8, 2021
In the new editorial of #MomentumQuarterly, we (@leonidobusch @astridmager Stefanie Wöhl & I) look back on 10 years of #MomentumQuarterly. To mark the anniversary, we introduce two novel prizes: the Best Paper Award and the Impact Award.

1. The #MomentumQuarterly Best Paper Award 2021 goes to Heinar Heiland (@TUDarmstadt) and Simon Schaupp (@UniBasel_en @UniBasel) for their article "Digital atomisation or new labour struggles? Resistant solidarity cultures in platform-mediated courier work".
2. The #MomentumQuarterly Impact Award 2021 goes to Karin Fischer (@jkulinz) and Bernhard Leubolt (@KatholischeSZ) for their article "On the way to more equality? Social policy in Brazil and Chile after the 'shift to the left'".
Read 7 tweets
Nov 17, 2020
Yesterday, I presented on the #COVID19 employment crisis and trade union involvement in tackling the effects at the @ETUI_org to participants from Spain (@UGT_Comunica), Italy (@CislNazionale) & Slovenia(@z_s_s_s). Thanks for the invitation @ValericadD!
My key points 1/..
Employment composition matters for vulnerability to the #COVID19 crisis.

Countries with a higher share of jobs concentrated in industries stronger affected and with a higher share of non-standard employment are generally more vulnerable.…
Employment is affected unevenly across occupations & the wage distribution.

Many low-wage jobs suffer from the negative employment shock, as @RMaria_drc @AnToniPichler et al estimate based on US data. Many positive affected jobs face high infection risks…
Read 10 tweets
Oct 5, 2020
In this week’s @DSPI_Oxford #Supertracker Newsletter, @eliasnau introduces four of the largest #COVID19 survey that have collected data of tens of thousands of respondents around the globe. All four rely on snowball sampling & two provide open access to the individual level data.
1. The COVIDiSTRESS Global Survey by @lieberothdk covers the period between March 26 and May 30 and provides information of more than 120,000 respondents from 178 countries. 25 countries have more than 1,000 respondents. The individual level data is available online (open access)
2. @eurofound's survey, Living, working and COVID-19 examined quality of life & society. The 1st round took place in April, and the 2nd in July . The survey covers the EU27 countries and provides information from 63,354 respondents in round 1 and 24,123 respondents in round 2.
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