

Amharic ▶️bit.ly/3fcVaeD
Afaan Oromoo ▶️bit.ly/3faHuRf
Af Somali ▶️bit.ly/2zSEuJf
and Tigrigna ▶️bit.ly/2yZ4pyp



⭕️Actions to Mitigate the Spread of SARS-CoV-2
⭕️Health policy actions to reduce barriers to SARS-CoV-2 testing and treatment for COVID-19
⭕️Travel Restriction

🏥health care facilities🏥in Ethiopia managed by the public sector can be found here
Facilities per million population are provided as well.


Also @AbaaBoraa @AlemayehuGK @NebyatTadesse @simret_h @Saba___A and @AbdiazizAlih for helping with the translations.