Reports—Israeli airstrikes targeting:
-Assad military research centers in "Safir" area SE of Aleppo
-Site with a defense factory in the same area
-Iran's IRGC Quds Force has influence in this area since mid-2014
-Kuwyris military airport, E of Aleppo
Credit: @evacool_

April 19, 2019
"Satellite images show possible Iranian missile factory in Syria destroyed"
Satellite images showed the complete destruction of a possible Iranian surface-to-surface missile factory in Syria’s Masyaf District.…
June 10, 2019
#Iran missiles caches & factories in Syria were unveiled by Syrian opposition members who said the IRGC had moved its HQs from Damascus to mountainous areas north of the capital following Israeli airstrikes at the time.…
June 20, 2017
#Iran Accelerated Missile Activities, Tests After the Iran Nuclear Deal
Nov 11, 2014
IRGC Aerospace Force chief Amir Ali Hajizadeh: “Missile manufacturing plants in Syria were transferred from Iran.”…