1. Rest-of-world comparison
@OurWorldInData and @TheEconomist

Much < 1% of global deaths and <2% of all cases.
This week @GlobalHealthBMJ predicted up to 190,000 deaths, >250,000 cases in the 1st year of the pandemic

"Many countries in Africa pursued public-health measures more aggressively than the US and Europe did"

For example, Senegal turnaround time was 40 minutes in March and now < 10 minutes

thelancet.com/journals/langl… @LancetGH
@m_senghore @BillHanage and colleagues
@CCDD_HSPH @HarvardChanSPH

But now it's reverted to a steeper slope.
Senegal, too, a lesser extent.
More testing may contribute
With #COVID19 deaths counted, no excess in South Africa cf prior years

It's important to keep 👀 on the continent's progress and to learn what we can from some of its successes