We can take some basic measures to limit spread, but it requires an understanding of why that’s still important. Thread⬇️
More testing is necessary to help us understand basic principles about prevalence and incidence, which informs just about all other public health measures.

Current #COVID19 estimates: 1 infected person can infect 2 others.
This article offers a good discussion: usatoday.com/pages/interact…
#COVID__19 spreads mainly through respiratory droplets & can live on surfaces.

We know that #COVID19 has community wide spread but we don’t know what % of people have it.
We know that people are spreading it without knowing they are sick.
We know that close proximity helps the spread.

This picture was taken 2 days ago, in the city where I live, on the 1st day of reopening bars/restaurants.
You can’t see it, but #COVID19 is in this picture.

I am not arguing for or against reopening.
I am acknowledging what is occurring and reinforcing basic measures to help us all stay safe. 🙏🏻