My farts, to be specific.
You see, I farted a lot last week. I was also bloated. I was curious why, so I turned to the internet.
The 1st link informed me that I may have a food intolerance, so I looked that up ⬇️

Turns out, I ate brussel sprouts 4 days in a row (so yummy).
My excessive flatulence was merely a normal digestive response to the higher amounts of fiber in my diet.
There are many non-validated tests offered:
There's a problem here: IgG is a memory antibody. It is supposed to be produced when we eat foods.
However, these 'tests' misinterpret normal findings as abnormal.
Farting after eating fiber happens to be one of them.
This is not a medical problem. It does not require testing. All it takes is comfort & understanding of how normal digestion responds to what types of food we eat👍
Be careful with getting medical information from sites that are also selling their services.
Be careful with celebrity endorsements - they are being paid to sell products.
And be careful with eating too many brussel sprouts!😉