Read on as we explore these questions and more in our latest #COVIDー19 study from #AIIMS & #IISER #MedTwitter

📌significant transmission drop after #lockdownindia, but Rt as of 22 Apr still above 1
📌smaller and later #secondwave if (regional) lockdowns relaxed farther after peak has passed
📌expanded #testing an effective exit strategy, will influence degree of return to normalcy

📌#Transmission trend in #India
-spike in late Mar (tablighi cluster) - compare w mobility drop on 23 March
-continuous down trend from Apr (effect of #lockdown+)
-last estimated Rt=1.15 on 22 Apr (above threshold of 1)
When will we reach Rt<=1❓(some states alrdy have)

📌#Testing (efficacy)
Fig: full, partial, no lockdown=olive, purple, blue resp; cases dec with inc testing->more so as LD is relaxed.
Reason? each case infects more ppl in open society, so each detection prevents more.
‼️ Testing has higher benefit when lockdown relaxed

📌#Testing (feasibility)
-Cost of increasing testing capacity < cost (💵 🫂 🧠) of lockdown
-As you test more, you can relax more restrictions (fig)
-🔼 Test+Trace --> 🔼 degree of return to normal
eg: SKorea,Taiwan..
‼️ Better to invest in testing at a MASSIVE scale ASAP📈

📌How to relax lockdowns?
-Lockdown must now be seen in a regional (and not national) sense.
-Monitoring the reproduction number (Rt) is a simple yet effective tool to guide when to relax and tighten restrictions.……
-Restrictions will need to be dynamic wrt intensity (how strict), area (where its needed) and time (when its needed).
-To guide such a flexible policy, RAPID SURVEILLANCE is needed.
-Inc #testing coverage comes in again! - ensures any resurgence is detected asap.
Some COVID-19 stats 🇮🇳
📌R0 for India : 2.083
Data from AIIMS:
📌Asymptomatics : 60.7% (n=140)
📌Reporting lag : mean of 3.4 days (n=53)