India develops world's first 100% efficacious and 100% safe anti-viral for #COVID19. A THREAD
Its fully #Ayurvedic, undergone imaginary 'clinically controlled' trials. It was difficult, but they pulled through. Here is how they did it #fakescience

a - A team of scientists were appointed after #Covid_19 outbreak (no details of #Scientists given. They should be named for appreciation)
b - The the appointed scientists performed simulation (details unknown, but researchers think, #Xbox or #PlayStation could have been used)

c - After simulation, compounds that kill #coronavirus was identified [again, no details, but lead researcher confidently (see confidence below) mentions phytometabolites and powerful phytocompounds in product launch interview]

e - 500 scientists worked on the product, which was used on a total of 100 #coronavirus positive patients of which 95 were studied, 1 patient was lost during follow up and 4 patients withdrew consent between the study, claims #Patanjali lead research center. Which is FINE.

f - Exclusion
1) Severely symptomatic patients (SaO2 <90%)
2) Acute respiratory distress syndrome
3) Life expectancy less than 1 year (no idea how this was predicted) due to other co-morbid conditions
g - Inclusion
1) RT-PCR confirmed cases
h - No details given, but #news mentions "Two random groups were formed, 1) Placebo arm and, 2) treatment arm for the clinical study plan"
Just like you step out on the road and call for a taxi. So easy to randomize and group. #ayurvedicmedicine #sciencefiction

The medicine costs 545 rupees/30 days. Why for 30 days when #coronavirus is gone in 7 days? Thats the whole point. It prevents the next #pandemic also.
If none of this work can be reproduced by other researchers, then there is always 'Mustard Oil through Nose' #Ayurvedic…