'Inks and Paints of the #MiddleEast: A Handbook of #Abbasid Art Technology', @joumajnouna's new book, is AMAZING! 🎨🖌️📖
And here's why: a thread touching on #Manuscripts, #MedievalMedicine, #GlobalMiddleAges, etc. (1/12)

- Manuscript studies #Manuscripts
- History of medicine & pharmacy #MedievalMedicine #MedMed #HistMed
- The transfer of knowledge/movement of substances in a global context #GlobalMiddleAges
Why? (3/12)
The parallels between the ingredients used in recipes for inks/paints and medical recipes are *striking* - I've seen most substances listed in this book in medical contexts (9/12)
And all that's left to say is: BIG thanks to @joumajnouna for producing this terrific handbook! (12/12)