Be the voice of the #Iranian people
Each one of you who participates in this event would represent a thousand Iranian citizens and you’ll help saving their lives.
Friday, July 17, 2020, 15:00 CEST- 9:00 am EST- 6:00 am PST
Please register at this link…
Stand with the Iranian people in their fight for freedom as we turn the pages of history and rewrite our future
Friday,July 17,2020,15:00 CEST- 9:00 am EST- 6:00 am PST
Please register to attend the conference at this link.…
D clerical regime should not be allowed to obtain even a single bullet;it should not pocket even a single dollar in oil revenues &it should not spend even a single dollar out of revenues that belong to D #Iranian ppl #FreeIran2020
Plz register conference…