"Officials must address these disparities [of mask mandates] by adopting an educational rather than punitive approach to implementation."
An exploration of how masks can affect, but also protect, the vulnerable. #Masks4Canada Thanks @abresge! ottawamatters.com/national-news/…
"[Masks should be accessible] so that we don't prevent ppl from interacting w/ the world around them just because they don't have $/capability to buy/create a mask." @BogochIsaac, suggesting distribution of masks+community outreach programs to educate on how to use them properly.
"Those who are most vulnerable need the rest of us to mask, but also need us to have an overall perspective of goodwill, caring for ourselves, not bullying other ppl (&) assuming that other ppl have the best intent." @Hanigsberg
(Don't assume why someone isn't wearing a mask!)
If there are additional outbreaks [& lockdowns, due to lack of mask wearing], that will disproportionately impact vulnerable members of society, such as those who don't have a safe place to self-isolate or those who are dependent on public transportation.
Thank YOU for being a part of my morning routine for 2+ years.☕️📈😊
But this is the end of my 10am #COVID19 updates...
I’m still closely following the stats (especially wastewater levels, & hosp/ICU) & may still post info periodically, but I can’t commit to a schedule anymore.
Also, my data sheet is so big that it barely loads!🤯
I’m so inspired by the kind & caring people here - from the beginning, you have helped to share knowledge to keep each other safe.💨😷#COVIDisAirborne
At a time when we are physically apart, you created a community to support one another. 🫂