#7MemesFor7Days of political immaturity, incompetence and idiocy —or is this evil by design?
1. Sunday: fall-out from Mikey Gove's Ditchley Lecture. Using reaching for FDR's greatness as cover, he revealed he wants radical experimentation without oversight.

2. Monday: a new, inane 3-word slogan (#BuildBuildBuild) to headline another lacklustre prime ministerial speech. A prelude to more broken promises, more taxpayers' £ down the drain & a dead cat to distract us from the merciless drive towards NO DEAL with the EU.

3. Tuesday: Johnson fulfilled the promise he made on 26June2016 that despite Brexit, we Brits wld still be able to live, study, work, buy property, set up a business & retire in the EU.
NOT REALLY! Rat-b*stard Cons voted to strip us Brits of #FreedomOfMovement.

4. Wednesday: the 5mins when Starmer shows Johnson up as a lying, bloviating imposter at #PMQs is something to look forward to each week. This time the PM disrespectfully referred to localised C19 lockdowns as #WhackAMole, but the only mole being whacked was him.

5. Thursday: this week's episode of "one rule for the elite, another for us plebs" featured the PM's father doing the *Sofia swerve* to bust Greece's quarantine rules. Greece has banned flights from UK, because it doesn't want to import C19.
Stanley: #StayElite

6. Friday: Johnson gave a car-crash interview on LBC w/Nick Ferrari. Aside from the #IDontBelieveInGestures gaffe, Johnson told an outrageous lie that if we had *NO DEAL* w/EU, what he disingenuously calls an *Australia-style* deal would be good. No it wouldn't.

7. Saturday: Welcome to #SuperSaturday. Pubs have been open since 6am. BRACE! BRACE! BRACE!
Arts & creative industries yield more GDP than Football, Fishing & Agriculture put together, but hey, let's keep theatres closed and open the pubs. £££ for Tim Martin!

3. Tuesday: Johnson kept his 26JUN2016 promise —despite Brexit, we Brits will still be able to live, study, work, buy property, set up a business & retire in the EU.
NOT REALLY! Rat-b*stard Cons voted to strip Brits of #FreedomOfMovement