"The Privilege of Public Service" runs to 139 paragraphs over 69 (double-spaced) pages.
The main topic is civil service *reform* —but it covers so much more & raises interesting QUESTIONS...
In our case the inherited was assassinated, the loss an uncompensated diminishment...
Govt isn't even being honest abt it...
It feels dishonest NOT to mention the Tory party, no longer either conservative, or particularly unionist, which has undergone more radical change than most...
It's the non-stop lying, industrial scale & weaponised since 2016; the immature public schoolboy antics in parliament (mercifully lessened by C19), and...
Yes, that's what the Jenrick *cash for favours* scandal is, as well as the emerging scandal of alleged misuse of public funds under emergency COVID19 procurement procedures to make massive bungs via taxpayer-funded contracts to Tory donors + VoteLeave veterans.
The EU controlled far less than the Govt & its tame tabloids would have you believe.
This inequality was a fundamental failure of our Govt & poor policies.
What did HE personally do the address the problems?
Isn't that the very thing you Cons always berate us feckless poor to do?
*A-hem* UK's response was #HostileEnvironment & Go-home vans. Hell, we even deport our own.

For me, biggest failure = No banks/Bankers held accountable. Despite banks having the most sophisticated audit trails on the planet,nobody was prosecuted. Within a couple of years bankers bonuses were as inflated as ever.
Remember that, because it's going to come up again...
"As we seek to restore our fractured economies and heal our divided societies..."
WHAT?!! We were #InThisTogether, building amazing solidarity, until —
You NEVER come back from sh*tting all over people's trust like that.#SackCummings
"They also require us to think carefully about the moral & political questions they can raise."
They certainly do, and Cummings's track record on that is appalling.
His sensitivity on this point makes his silence on the impact of stripping us Brits of our #FreedomOfMovement rights all the more salient.
What are you doing about it?
Will you honour that promise? When?
Weak, weak, weak from a supposed green convert.
PM is also talking abt him, so it must be a Cummings ploy to sugar the crash-out Brexit pill.
Para 39: "He succeeded on such a scale, of course, because he was a remarkable leader." Hmm.
"And the last shall be first, and the first shall be last." Except, not really. This Govt will trash the middle classes to level them down to the working classes, et voilà - the richest can get richer.
Can anybody name an occasion when there has EVER been an honest assessment of Brexit?
Mention the word *risk* and you're accused of thwarting Brexit, or worse, being unpatriotic.
Even Brexiters say they're cool with #ExtendTransition. But will our pig-headed Govt do it? No. They rule by date-fetish, not outcomes.
The Brexit process has already made many of us poorer, & C19 poorer still.
Companies are reeling from the wasted investment in no-deal preps 2x in 2019, and now the C19 hit.
What a shame this Tory Govt is bastardising FDRs lessons to such an extent that their actions are more akin to Germany in the 1930s than USA at that time.
#EpicFail so far, MG. And it's OUR money.
Wide of the mark again, MG. If the power is still all in your little gang of 4's hands, then you'd still feel remote & out-of-touch, even if you were to meet in my living room.
People's careers are being ruined/prematurely ended by your preference for ideology over ability.
This is why Brexit is a failure and will damage us: MG is stuck in 2016 and is still in denial about truth & reality.
Only 34.9% of the population still wants Brexit.
Moving right along to *Big Data*, paras 86-8.
Lots a scary stuff. Govt needs to open up data to others. Huge potential in #NHS data. Etc.
Problem: only fools trust Cummings w/ their data.
None of this provides justification for politicizaton of the CS.
He churlishly lambasts those who criticize Govt failures; seems to think he should get a free pass for wasting £108m of taxpayers' money on ferryless ferry co.s, because Govt was trying something new.
BUT THEY'RE DOING THEIR JOBS, MICHAEL - holding you to account for losing OUR £!
This govt consists of 4 blokes who are willing to stake the house on bets nobody should accept, to hell with the rest of us.
I agree there's a problem with SelectComms: they're toothless. We need to give them greater legal powers + the possibility to impose sanctions for contempt.