#AliSalmanAlviMurderer #Thread
#auratmarch #DomesticViolence #domesticabuse
@SadafZnaqvi was a wonderful girl, bright, smart and ambitious. She was responsible towards the society, politically activated, aware and woke.
Ali Salman is a journalist, social media activist who is famous on twitter .
She confronted him again, warned him and told him politely to mend his ways.
#auratmarch #DomesticViolence
#AliSalmanAlviMurderer #Thread
#auratmarch #DomesticViolence #domesticabuse
It is important to serve justice to sadaf by defeating a blackmailing mafia like @alisalmanalvi , else he would be out on streets
@SMahvish needs support
@SadafZNaqvi needs justice
and @alisalmanalvi ...needs to leave this world.
@arsched @arshad_Geo @adeelraja @asmashirazi @SdqJaan @nighatdad
#JusticeForZahra @HniaziISF