There once was two firefighters.
Dr. Oru and Dr. Eye
They both worked for Alberta Health
But only one would go buh bye....
A deadly arsonist to fight,
Burning down hospitals,🔥
Doctors worked all through the night.
But STILL Tyler took away their masks.
Again Tyler took away their hazard pay
Tyler kept their contract ripped up,
Tyler fought their union every day
Telus only fought fires that were easy.
With less staff, less funds, Dr. Oru treated more fire and got wheezy.
Dr. Oru helped lots of people and rural towns too costly for Telus to help.
Dr. Oru soon got burned out.
His listing went off yelp.
with less Dr. Oru, fires got big;🔥
Telus made sweet deals with Tyler,
Public firefighting broke like a twig.
If the people read about Tyler,
read what he was trying to do;
See why he doesn't listen,🧏♂️
like we expect a good leader to.
His rich friends now get a better tier;
Profit shouldn't drive healthcare
and education that we hold so dear.
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