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On July 10 @HHSGov issued a #COVID19 report in which it was announced the @CDCgov would no longer be collecting epidemic hospital data, for the 1st time in modern US epidemic history MORE…

The order was buried in an obscure document -- most didn't notice it until yesterday, and now hospitals and public health leaders are hopping mad. (But not so, @CDCDirector Redfield, who's all but silent these days.) MORE…
Turns out, @HHSGov ceded #COVID19 data collection to a private company.
Sen. Patty Murray demanded @CDCDirector give, “answers about the awarding of a non-competitive, multimillion $ contract for a duplicative data collection system." MORE…
That grabbed the attn of former @CDCgov Director @DrTomFrieden who yesterday let loose a tweet storm denouncing the #Trump administration's treatment of the public hlth agcy amid #COVID19 crisis. MORE

@HHSGov HHS AssistSec Michael Caputo told @NPR "The CDC's old data gathering operation once worked well...but it's an inadequate system today. The President's #coronavirus Task Force has urged improvements for months, but they just cannot keep up with this #pandemic”

Public health data, collected with taxpayer money in a #COVID19 crisis, should not be turned over to a private company, hidden from scientific and academic analysis. Will the company be allowed to sell the data? Who is the gatekeeper?

"CDC has complete control over the individuals w/in CDC who get access,” Redfield's off told @abcnews - an odd response; answers nothing. @SherylStolberg notes this could block studies of the efficacy of drugs like #Remdesivir in hospitals.
Four ex-Directors @CDCgov denounced the #COVID19 data scheme & the @WhiteHouse commanded changes in CDC school reopening guidelines. "Trying to fight this #pandemic while subverting scientific expertise is like fighting blindfolded." MORE…
IMO, the #Trump admin hopes to gain reelection of @realDonaldTrump by hiding #COVID19 truths. Denouncing "too much testing," making if hard for States to find testing kits & bypassing @CDCgov data collectn smacks of "adjusting" the #pandemic narrative for campaign purposes.