Did you miss the latest #Brexit Trade hypocrisy while everyone was pointing at Russia?
1. Brexit is giving us even less control of trade deals than under the EU
2. All our rollover deals are dead in the water because of our stupid No Deal No Leverage stance
#Brexit promise: Give Parliament control over trade deals. You guessed it - Tory Brexit gives Parliament EVEN LESS control than we had in the EU!
The Brexit lie was the EU didn't let us review trade deals.
UK Gov chose not to have Parliament review them.
Remember the Belgium region that blocked an EU deal⬇️? That unmasked the #Brexiter 'EU stops reviews' lie.
Yet even 2 days ago #Brexiters were using the same lie, unbelievably, to argue Parliament should continue not to review UK trade deals!!
This is obscure. So in 3 points:
POINT 1. In the EU, we avoided Parliamentary Scrutiny using an archaic process called "CRAG"⬇️
It meant we could *say* deals were reviewed, without scrutinising them at all. It was this process Brexiters attacked
Other MPs accepted the CRAG process because deals went through intense scrutiny in the European Parliament, 27 countries were particularly rigorous!
Obviously, after #Brexit MPs expected CRAG wouldn't continue. Deals would need to be reviewed by parliament.

So, of course, all the senior Brexiters, like John Redwood, who'd argued the EU didn't provide sufficient scrutiny, must have been outraged by this bypass of Parliamentary scrutiny?
They will have voted it down? Right?
You already know the answer