Each note starts the same:
“I know you’re super busy. . . ”
“I hope this note finds you well. . . ”
Whether the ask is very big or very small, ultimately, it will translate to time.
And since time is a commodity? Your time commitments call for a budget.
Real talk.
For this, let’s consider professional opportunities, okay?
Things like:
Joining a committee
Participating in a project
Taking on a leadership role
Acquiring a mentee
Preparing and giving a lecture
Just to name a few.
How do you decide what gets your time?
Hmmm. . . .
Perhaps one place to start is with your #ikigai.
Super helpful for sorting out your purpose or life goals.
But for questions like: “Join this committee or nah?”
Whew. A full on ikigai reconciliation might prove a bit overwhelming.
I’m just saying.

So, again—how do you know what to do?
Ask yourself:
Do I WANT to do this?
Do I have TIME to do this?
If a firm YES to the first 2? DO IT.
Unsure? Ask this:
Am I the PERSON who should be doing this?
And even if I don’t feel like I’d like to do this. . .
SHOULD I anyway?
These are great questions to discuss with a mentor. Especially for those things that you sorta don't want to do but that you KNOW will help you grow professionally.
But mostly these will be the larger asks.
So . . . what about the small and medium ones?
@ESilvermanMD of @thenocturnists reached out to me with something cool.
Emily: “Kimberly, I’m working with @ash_mcmullenMD on a project called #BlackVoicesinHealthcare.”
The ask was for me to get involved as an executive producer.
Pro-tip: Beware of the quick yes.
I slowed down to ask my questions:
Do I WANT to do this? YES
Do I have TIME to do this? NEED MORE INFO
We spoke and I got a clear sense of the time commitment. Which would be significant.
Time = Commodity
Do I still WANT to do this? I still think, YES
Enter #ImposterSyndrome
I reached out to a near peer @ShantaZimmer. Beyond just being my friend, shes a #DEI leader & understands the work—which is KEY.
Another Pro-Tip:
You need folks in your corner who know you AND the opportunity enough to advise you wisely.
Feel me?

But wait there's more:
Sometimes there are what I like to call #microasks. Those things that you don’t NOT want to do and that you probably COULD do.
The problem with #microasks?
They almost always add up to more #microtasks.
And many over time can really add up.
Examples include:
Local lectures
Volunteer work/favors
Connecting with the friend of a friend
And so on.
Which still comes down to the same thing:
Do I WANT to do this?
Do I have TIME to do this?
Most of all, though?
Which threatens #wellness.
But good news!
Those #microasks to YOU might prove to be EXCELLENT opportunities for someone else.
Am I the one who SHOULD do this?
Maybe I can use this to #sponsor someone else by suggesting their name. Totally win-win.
Right? Right!
Take home points:
*Be thoughtful about your time budget
*Make a list of your #INGs and consult them often.
*Let your mentors help you when you aren’t sure
*"Not now" is also an option
*Consider sponsoring someone for those things you can’t do.
Got that?

And sure. As professionals, we all have to do what we GOTTA do so that we can do what we WANNA do.
But YOU don’t GOTTA do everything NOW.
Remember: NO makes room for YES.
Take an inventory of your time and talents. And budget both with care.