Where to start?
President Trump signed a trade deal with China a while back, saying it would help our farmers.
Little did ppl know, china was just starting to experience drought conditions which have now decimated wheat and corn crops.
It has been found that there's mold in many of the grain storage silos in China
The CCP has been flooding small villages and farmlands to save its cities!
Who is gonna feed these cities?
The Chinese media have been claiming 150+ dead for weeks now.
I dont believe it
Due to its "Wolf Warrior" tactics China is losing business, support, and control of countries all over the world.
Russia has held back a shipment of surface to air missles while rushing them to india!
China has a lot of ties to Latin America.
It has enslaved many countries with debt, like Ecuador, but these places are severing ties much to chinas alarm!
Theft of tech
Forced labor
Organ harvesting
The #CCP is in meltdown and trying to mitigate damages.
China has its fingers in everything that drives trade.
The #CCP has done nothing to help the 10's of millions of ppl displaced by the floods.
Ppl are starving.
They are also starting to lock ppl in their homes again!
Some agencies are reporting escalating tensions on the India border and China + Pakistan planning attacks.
Not totally confirmed yet.
Also, is Taiwan in their sights?
Historic floods
Decimation of crops
Record buys of grain
Ties cut globally
Locust swarms too
Food costs up 20 to 30%
Being called out for #ForcedLabor and the #UyghurGenocide is causing the #CCP to react in a way more akin to extortion
@SpeakerPelosi 🤔
@chuckschumer 🤔
@AdamSchiff 🤔
@GavinNewsom 🤔
Not to mention the @NBA
How about this @NBA?
We all have to help stop these evil people and abuses around the world.
Let's start with #AmericaFirst !

And more that will shock you!
ps...i believe Smithfield foods is under investigation atm
And again, the list goes on of these and more!