My response. Problem z not just with EIA2020 but with d whole EIA regime. #DraftEIA2020 was an opportunity to think & act wisely but unfortunately got converted into a disaster. There r at least 6 "Who" that needs attention
2. Who gets #covered under it?
3. Who #prepares EIA report?
4. Who is #consulted & when?
5. Who #appraises a Project/activity?
6. Who #monitors a project post EC?
Each of these "Who" is crucial for a meaningful & worthwhile EIA regime in d country.
Law as crucial as EIA with national & international ramifications must b #drafted by a representative Committee of experts.
@moefcc @PrakashJavdekar @Jairam_Ramesh @lifeindia2016 @water_conflicts @Watervagabond @ShripadManthan @Neha429