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Apr 12th 2023
It's impossible to retweet this too many times.
- The #RoadOfDeath And a #DarkPlace | Apr 8
@POTUS @vonderleyen @ZelenskyyUa Image
@POTUS @vonderleyen @ZelenskyyUa #Rand Co | Jan 25
- 'The key objective described in the doc is to #divide #EU by placing #UsefulIdiots in political positions in order to stop #Russian #energy supplies from reaching the continent'
- The entire #EU #economy will #collapse
Read 13 tweets
Mar 14th 2023
चला! तर मी तुम्हाला आमची आजची एकदिवसीय #मुंबई_ट्रीप थोडस brief मध्ये सांगतो.
आज आमच्या सोबत खूप अश्या गोष्टी घडल्या जे आम्ही कधीच जीवनात विसणार नाही आणि हो खूपच interesting घटना घडल्या.

थोडा #thread मोठा होईल पण खूपच interesting आहे. नक्कीच वाचा आणि enjoy करा.


आज सकाळी मी ५ वाजता उठून मस्त फ्रेश झालो आणि ६:१९ am ला #नाशिकरोड रेल्वे स्टेशनला निघालो. स्टेशनला #motorcycle park करून platform वर गेलो. सगळे मित्र मंडळी एकत्र झालो (अथर्व, मानस, गार्गी आणि आमचा पायलट). सर पण आले. मग ७:०५ am ला #पंचवटी एक्स्प्रेस मध्ये D4 डब्यात बसलो.

Reservation केल्यामुळे सगळे स्वत:च्या हक्काच्या seat वरती बसलो. मग #इगतपुरी येथे वडापाव, मेंदुवडा खाल्ले आणि नंतर मस्त मौज मस्ती करत करत #दादर स्टेशनला १०:३३am ला पोहचलो. त्यानंतर #Western_Lines च्या #local मध्ये बसून #राम_मंदिर स्टेशनला उतरलो.

Read 19 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
#Thread on


The #NepalSikhWar was a large scale military conflict in 1809 between the forces of
The #KingdomofNepal under
Amar Singh Thapa and
The #SikhEmpire under
General Dewan Mokham Chand of
Maharajah Ranjit Singh Ji

Pic 1 Dewan M Chand
Pic 2 AS Thapa
Nepal-Sikh War
Date:March 1809 – August 1809
Result: #Sikh victory
•Nepalese retreat to the Arki Fort

in Pic Kangra Fort

by Charles Stewart Hardinge
Maharaja RanjitSingh*
Amar Singh Thapa
Bahadur Shah
Bhimsen Thapa*
Nain Singh Thapa
10,000 Sikh imperialists of
The #SikhKhalsaArmy
16,000 #Gurkha warriors
1,000 #Sikh soldiers killed
12,000 #Gurkha soldiers killed
Read 23 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023
The population of #SikhEmpire during the time of Ranjit Singh’s rule was estimated to be around 12 million people.
There were
8.4 million Muslims,
2.88 million Hindus and 722,000 Sikhs.
#Islam (70%)
#Hinduism (24%)
#Sikhism (6%)
Total Area in 1839 was
520,000 km2 (200,000 sq mi) Sikh Kingdom of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Ji
Capital was
#Gujranwala (1799–1802)
#Lahore LahoreFort(1802–1849)

Court language
Spoken #languages in #SikhKingdom #SikhEmpire

Punjabi (dynastic)Punjabi dialects (Saraiki, Hindko, Pahari-Pothwari),Kangri,Dogri,
Read 32 tweets
Dec 31st 2022
"In 2023 #MAbusinesses can find our #BEST Lunova Insurance "Massachusetts commercial auto insurance and Massachusetts commercial property insurance" companies & quotes.
Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195 #LunovaInsurance" "In 2023 MA businesses (located in Massachusetts) can f
Learn more about finding lower rates #foryourneworexisting Massachusetts commercial car insurance, (with #our MA business auto insurance rates) at "Lunova Insurance":… #MA #small #business #auto #insurance #companies #quotes #rates #prices #LunovaInsurance
Learn more #about finding #lowerrates for #yournew or existing Mass commercial building insurance, with #MAbusinessproperty insurance rates at "Lunova Insurance":… #MA #small #business #property #insurance #companies #quotes #rates #prices #LunovaInsurance
Read 11 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
"𝓓𝓲𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 Lunova Insurance can help you with Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland, North Carolina, Indiana & Florida "General Liability Insurance"?

More #online with our "Lunova Digital Small Insurance Agency", online, at #LunovaInsurance:…" "𝓓𝓲𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 Lunova Insu
Learn more about #LunovaInsurance cheap general liability insurance for business.

Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195……
#Lunova #insurance #agency #general #liability #insurance #company #cost #rate
"Directions to #LunovaInsurance local agency office 🏬 & insurance for business.

Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195……
#LunovaInsuranceAgencyMA #generalliability #insurance #company #cost #rate #MA"
Read 18 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
The #Charing Cross landmark in #Lahore has remained the centre point of the city since the #British era and continues to be the better-known venue for political mobilization. In 1904, a grand statue of #Queen Victoria was placed under a canopy and the #monument stood (1/7)
at the crossing until 1951.

The statue was moved to the Lahore #Museum thereafter. In the 1980s, during the ‘Islamist’ regime of #General Zia, a wooden model of the Holy Quran was placed where the statue once stood. Earlier, under the civilian Prime Minister Zulfikar (2/7)
Ali #Bhutto, another modernist tower was erected to mark the 1974-summit conference of the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC). The summit monument – as a cultural space – commemorates the ideal of Unity of all Muslims and that of the Ummah – the Muslim Brotherhood (3/7)
Read 7 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
Nouveau thread sur la nouvelle lubie des pro-#Poutine : "le #général #hiver" ! Ca y est ! Il commence à faire froid, la neige tombe donc ça y est la #Russie va gagner... 😂😂😂
Il est temps de rétablir quelques vérités face à la tonne d'ignorance déversée par nos clowns adorés 🤡
La 1ere mention du "#général #hiver" remonte en 1812 dans un dessin satirique britannique consacré à la campagne catastrophique de Napoléon en Russie.
Excellent article à lire sur le sujet ->…
L'idée est simple : face au #froid de l'#hiver, aucune armée n'est préparé et malgré leur infériorité technologique, la grande armée russe finira par prendre l'avantage pendant que l'ennemi meurt de froid...
Read 21 tweets
Oct 8th 2022
Our Independent Agency & Local Office Near You (in MA & CT), the #Lunova Insurance #Agency, provides #best #cheap options/policies/coverage/quotes #forAuto, Home & Business Insurance" #website:…
Learn more about how to save on #MABusinessAutoCoverage with "Small business auto insurance company coverage and quotes in MA near #MarlboroughMA at #LunovaInsurance":
Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St
Marlborough, MA 01752
Read 6 tweets
Oct 6th 2022
The #London Group and the 1970’s fights

... a group of young Pakistanis, students of #Cambridge , #Oxford and other English universities.
They studied literature and politics. They believed in the saying of the time, ‘the private is public’, and that life is (1/28)
inseparable from social commitment.
They shared the dream of those years; of making a better, fairer world by educating the masses, enhancing consciousness and knowledge among the disadvantaged classes, and bringing revolution to the streets and squares.
This group of (2/28)
some 25 men and women began to publish a journal, #Pakistan Zindabad.
Some years ago, the Pakistani activist, Asad Rehman, told the journalist Malik Siraj Akhbar:
‘We had very little knowledge about what was going on in #Balochistan . We did not know about the military (3/28)
Read 28 tweets
Sep 20th 2022
"Find Cheap Business Insurance Quotes #near you in Fall River MA" with our independent Fall River Small Business Lunova Insurance #Agency Coverage and Rates".… #Cheap #Business #Insurance #Quotes #FallRiverMA #LunovaInsurance #LocalFallRiverInsurance #Mass.
#Find "commercial liability insurance company #coverage, quotes" & rates "in Fall River MA", with our #commercial liability insurance agents, #online (at Lunova Insurance)":
#FallRiverCommercialLiabiltyInsurance #LunovaInsurance #FallRiverLiabiltyInsurance
#Find "MA Independent Insurance Agents for your local car, auto, truck insurance need, Lunova Insurance"
Lunova Insurance
14A Winthrop St Marlborough, MA 01752 1-508-258-7195 #Massachusetts #Insurance #Agents #HOME #BUSINESS #AUTO #LunovaMAInsuranceAgents" "Find  MA Independent ...
Read 8 tweets
Sep 19th 2022
🥰 We just hit 2,500 discord users.

Now, I know what you might be thinking - in a world where 100k discord users is the standard but so are paid chatters - 2,500 doesn't sound like a lot.

Here's a short thread about how we're doing things a bit differently.

First off, as any founding team knows, you get bombarded daily with offers for, but not limited to:

1⃣ Paid chatters
2⃣ Mass DMs
3⃣ KOLs/Promotions/etc

The list goes on.

While we don't look down on any of these things - we made the decision a while ago to do things organically
We don't know about you - but we think it's better to have 2,500 users with engaged users who want to be a part of the Waifuz family than 100k discord members with a #general that is less active than ours.

No shots fired here - just speaking truthfully
Read 6 tweets
Aug 4th 2022
♠️♥️ Battle of the Perp Poker Masters #1 ♦️♣️

It’s been a hot minute since we had our last Hold’em tourney. Since it was so well-received we'll be putting on another at August 13, 2:00 AM UTC! Image
🃏Format: No-Limit Poker Tournament
🃏Time: Saturday, August 13, 2022 2AM UTC
🃏Entry Fee: NONE (Yup, it’s free!)
🃏Platform: Poker Now -- please login with your Discord ID
Prizes 🔥🔥🔥
- Perp Poker Hoodies
- Perp Poker Cards
- Gift cards for the Perp swag store
- Perp Poker Player NFT for all players
- Perp Poker Master NFT for the 1st place (comes with bragging rights!) Image
Read 4 tweets
May 30th 2022
What RU here 2 do, say, be & create? Well, go out there & getter done ✅ no time 2 loose. And by the way...the world NEEDS you‼️ Who wants to spend the rest of our days like this👇 #HellNo #RiseUp… #Superman2 #superman II #General Zod via @gifkeyboard
This is a message4 @JustinTrudeau @theJagmeetSingh @cafreeland @marcomendicino et al... you have activated the world’s most potent #SuperHeros, #Warriors & #Fearless #Champions. We will NOT back down we’ll not give up & we will NEVER surrender. #YouLose #GodWins this clip’s 4U👇
You have no idea what we are capable of, and we grow stronger each day as more & more join our ranks.
#WatchThisSpace #PainIsComing4TheElites
Read 5 tweets
May 13th 2022
[How to invest in NFT with high EV?]

What makes the NFT market interesting is that there are always wealthy people who are willing to offer high prices for rare or popular NFTs. As long as you are capable of getting WL on popular projects, flipping NFTs for profits is possible.
Assumed that the average mint price is 0.1 ETH, so if you have 1 ETH you could mint ten times. How exactly could you do it? I’ll explain in the thread.
1/ Information sources

Most of the first-hand sources of NFT information come from Twitter instead of Discord. By following some OGs, KOLs, famous devs, artists, and collectors, you will get the picture of the current market trend of NFTs and the popular projects at the moment.
Read 28 tweets
May 4th 2022
when it comes to lotuspro, I cannot talk about them without debunking every part of their operation

but if you care and want to help people, RT this

lotuspro is an abusive company that beats and fucks up their employees and scams their customers
this is why the first lotuspro video is so long, it's impossible to talk about how bad the owner is until you have the full story, this is the same as the second part. I have heard more horrible things that happened to workers and customers now literally cannot get refunds
in the end, it's not about 'lotuspro' and about 'christian rose' which was why the video concentrated on this person.

can't you see that now he gave the business to vex? same as what happened to rosecables? he hands the business to people who aren't versed in running businesses
Read 12 tweets
Apr 18th 2022
【 如何進行高EV的NFT投資?】

NFT市場有趣的地方在於,這世界上不缺乏有錢人,永遠都有人願意以高價收購高稀有度或熱門的NFT,所以才有拼爆擊的可能。只要你能想盡辦法弄到熱門項目的白單,以現在平均mint價0.1e來說,比如本金1e,那麼你可以嘗試10次。那具體要如何進行呢?讓我從這線程開始說明 🧵
1/ 消息來源

第一手消息都是來自於Twitter,而非Discord。追蹤大V、KOL、知名dev團隊、藝術家、收藏家,能讓你了解目前的NFT市場趨勢,以及當下熱門的項目是什麼。以近期來說,當初第一次知道 @moonbirds_xyz 是從 @kevinrose 推文看到的,才知道要推出pfp。關注 @0xstudio, 得知0xOG pass的發售。
2/ 埋伏

長期埋伏對我來說,比衝短線還來得輕鬆,以及能有高利潤空間,但需要的是耐心。以 @InvsbleFriends 為例,去年11/24看到 @SlimHoods,發現隱形人和它們的母公司就是 @RNDMCHARACTERS,既然都是旗下的項目就可能給持有者白單,當時用0.08e的價格分別買了兩隻,後續漲到2e多的時候都出掉了。
Read 16 tweets
Apr 5th 2022
#Mariupol: Remnants Of Ukraine’s 503rd Marine Battalion Surrendered In Full | Apr 5
- On 4 Apr, 267 soldiers and officers of the 503rd Independent Battalion of the Ukrainian Navy surrendered in Mariupol. This was the entire surviving personnel of the unit. ImageImage
Boy On Situation In #Mariupol And Behaviour Of AFU Soldiers (English Video) | Ap 5
- In an information war where fakes and staged videos are released on a daily basis, the testimony of direct eyewitnesses is of particular value. Image
#InternationalCriminalCourt @IntlCrimCourt @UN_HRC @amnesty
Ukrainians Tell Reporter on Ground in #Mariupol It’s Not Russians, It’s Ukrainians #Azov Attacking #Civilians -#PatrickLancaster | April 4, 2022
- The Ukrainians explains what’s happening… Image
Read 18 tweets
Mar 17th 2022
Today a coworker reached out to say that, hey, I'm visible about ND issues, have I heard of any efforts at Mode to get us to start using the subtitles on Zoom for meetings?

And it blew my mind because I hadn't even considered that, but would benefit too. So I asked in #general -
A TON of other people chimed in to say that it would really help them, too.

The good news is, if your org uses Zoom you can enable captions for YOUR account and they'll be on for any meeting you host.

Now trying to get IT to enable by default for all accounts.
Turning the captions on started as a way to accommodate one person with Auditory Processing Disorder, and turned into a dozen other people with a dozen other reasons why captions would help them, from bad connectivity to English as a second language.

This is not an accident:
Read 4 tweets
Mar 5th 2022
Russian Army continue to resupplying the Ukrainian Army.
Two Russian trucks with ammunition.
Thanks Putin.
287/ ImageImage
Russian Mi-24/35.
I watch this again and again.
The pilots of a Russian jet in Chernihiv, one killed during landing other is injured.
289/ ImageImage
Read 1032 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
im looking to start an interest group crossing over @full_stack_dl + @ml_collective!

we'll work through long-form content (h/t @chipro + @sh_reya) first, w sync discussions weekly to keep us on track

async folks can chat on discord, contribute to a wiki, + catch the recordings A discord post by charles_i...
this follows the format of really successful MLC interest groups in e.g. NLP (…) and Computer Vision (…)

this group will focus on problems in production ML, like building datasets, monitoring models, and designing robust systems
we're organizing through the MLCollective Open Collab discord. won't link it on Twitter because bots + griefers

it's towards the bottom of the page here:

come thru and drop some 🥞 if yr tryna!
Read 4 tweets

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