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Spread the Word.
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 the Post Office.
Let's do this!
*More detailed information for each State on #PostcardsforAmerica website here:

& See #PostcardsforAmerica for more specifics for your State
➡️ postcardsforamerica.com/vote-by-mail.h…)
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 #PostOffice

BUT, do remember you still have to return either one!
Don't delay & leave it sitting in a pile of mail.
Spread the Word
50-State Twitter THREAD

Here are the Dates that States mail out the Ballots and/or Applications.
If the date seems a bit tight under the #PostOfficeSabotage, check to see if there is another way to get it in your State.

28 States allow a person of your choice to return your Absentee Ballot for you.
An additional 10 States allow a family member to return your #AbsenteeBallot

Here are the Early Voting and In-Person Absentee Voting dates for all States.
Spread the word!
*More details on #PostcardsforAmerica website:

Includes First Dates to Apply,
And all the choices of How to Return you #ABSENTEEBALLOT
Spread the Word-Retweet your State.
Download the Postcard graphic & share!