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Nov 15th 2022
I finally went on my first-ever solo trip. How did this girl who has been timid most of her life, do this? Well if I have to sum it up in one word - regret - I didn't want to die with a regret. A regret doing nothing to make my dream come true.

So what was my dream? How did I do this trip? Read on to know more...


Since the time I was 15 years old (which is 21 years ago) I've wanted to meet #RuskinBond. We had a story #TheCherryTree from one of his books. This was the first Ruskin Bond story I read and since that day in 2001, I thought I'll meet him someday.

Read 51 tweets
Nov 21st 2020
A thread is coming up for the latest tour to #Pakistan in the time of #secondwave of #COVID19
Read 17 tweets
Oct 22nd 2020
ALL 50 states ALL Info you NEED #VoteByMail
Alternate ways to REQUEST & RETURN #AbsenteeBallot
LINKS to apply #AbsenteeVoting…
Medium article:
& Postcards for each State
Retweet your State!
If #EarlyVoting appeals, you can actually #VoteEarly in all States! Even ones that don't, technically, have #EarlyVoting
(Some by #AbsenteeBallot which you can hand deliver if you prefer.)
If you see a list that says you can't vote early; it's wrong.
All Dates for all States⤵️
Here are the dates that States require a REQUEST for #AbsenteeBallot to be made.
All info, including links to Apply, Alternate ways to return - including & DropBox locations on #PostcardsforAmerica Website:…
Read 55 tweets
Oct 20th 2020
#DemCast #DemCastWI @GovEvers @SenatorBaldwin Wisconsin Voters: if you can, take your #AbsenteeBallot to the post office & request a date-stamp. Today, I went to a local small-town #USPS, and at first they refused! SEE MY THREAD👇🏻👇🏻… via @WiStateJournal
The postal clerk (who was ALSO ignoring the state #MaskOrder along with her co-worker) at first told me “She was told they did NOT have to date stamp ballots.” I pointed out to her that I had affixed two stamps OF MY OWN to the prepaid envelope, and again requested she stamp it👇🏻
I remained polite but insistent, saying that because MY OWN stamps were on there, I would like a post mark on my ballot. She finally said she would call their main postmaster in #Mauston, #WI—who told her she HAD to postmark my ballot. She did so, and I took a picture of it 👇🏻👇🏻
Read 7 tweets
Sep 29th 2020
Have you got questions about Absentee Voting?
How to get your #AbsenteeBallot?
Dates for #EarlyVoting?

Well, we've got answers.

PS #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica

THREAD 1/8 Image
These States are mailing #AbsenteeBallots OR #AbsenteeBallot Applications.
But, if your #MailInBallot doesn't turn up, followup & Apply.
Check all rules for & links to your State
All 50 States here:…
#AbsenteeVoting #VoteByMail

THREAD 3/8 Image
Read 9 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
Are you thinking about #AbsenteeVoting?
Here's info for ALL 50 states #VoteByMail with LINKS
Plus 1st dates to REQUEST & all alternate ways to RETURN #AbsenteeBallot
(& Postcards)
➡️On Medium
Did you know you can ALREADY apply for your Absentee Ballot in 38 STATES?
Do it NOW!
Spread the Word.
*We can work around 45's attempts to 86 the Post Office.
Let's do this!
*More detailed information for each State on #PostcardsforAmerica website here:…
Not sure how to request your Absentee Ballot? Here's a handy guide for all participating states.
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 #PostOffice
Fight #TrumpChaos
& See #PostcardsforAmerica for more specifics for your State
Read 60 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
Are you thinking about #AbsenteeVoting?
Here's info for ALL 50 states #VoteByMail with LINKS
Plus 1st dates to REQUEST & all alternate ways to RETURN #AbsenteeBallot
(& Postcards)
➡️On Medium
Did you know you can ALREADY apply for your Absentee Ballot in 38 STATES?
Do it NOW!
Spread the Word.
*We can work around 45's attempts to 86 the Post Office.
Let's do this!
*More detailed information for each State on #PostcardsforAmerica website here:… Image
Not sure how to request your Absentee Ballot? Here's a handy guide for all participating states.
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 #PostOffice
Fight #TrumpChaos
& See #PostcardsforAmerica for more specifics for your State
Read 60 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
Are you thinking about #AbsenteeVoting?
Here's info for ALL 50 states #VoteByMail with LINKS
Plus 1st dates to REQUEST & all alternate ways to RETURN #AbsenteeBallot
(& Postcards)
➡️On Medium
Did you know you can ALREADY apply for your Absentee Ballot in 38 STATES?
Do it NOW!
Spread the Word.
*We can work around 45's attempts to 86 the Post Office.
Let's do this!
*More detailed information for each State on #PostcardsforAmerica website here:… Image
Not sure how to request your Absentee Ballot? Here's a handy guide for all participating states.
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 #PostOffice
Fight #TrumpChaos
& See #PostcardsforAmerica for more specifics for your State
Read 72 tweets
Sep 10th 2020
All 1st dates to REQUEST & all alternate ways to RETURN your #AbsenteeBallot
for ALL 50 states #VoteByMail
With LINKS to apply for #AbsenteeVoting
(& Postcards)
➡️On Medium…
#PostcardsforAmerica Image
Did you know you can ALREADY apply for your Absentee Ballot in 30 STATES?
Do it NOW!
Spread the Word.
*We can work around 45's attempts to 86 the Post Office.
Let's do this!
*More detailed information for each State on #PostcardsforAmerica website here:… Image
Not sure how to request your Absentee Ballot? Here's a handy guide for all participating states.
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 #PostOffice
Fight #TrumpChaos
& See #PostcardsforAmerica for more specifics for your State
Read 60 tweets
Sep 7th 2020
All 1st dates to REQUEST & all alternate ways to RETURN your #AbsenteeBallot
for ALL 50 states #VoteByMail
With LINKS to apply for #AbsenteeVoting
(& Postcards)
➡️On Medium…
Did you know you can ALREADY apply for your Absentee Ballot in 30 STATES?
Do it NOW!
Spread the Word.
*We can work around 45's attempts to 86 the Post Office.
Let's do this!
*More detailed information for each State on #PostcardsforAmerica website here:…
Not sure how to request your Absentee Ballot? Here's a handy guide for all participating states.
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 #PostOffice
Fight #TrumpChaos
& See #PostcardsforAmerica for more specifics for your State
Read 60 tweets
Sep 6th 2020
Thinking about #VotingByMail?
Does #EarlyVoting appeal?
All good!

*There are a variety of ways to Request or Return your #AbsenteeBallot
In 34 States - you can Request now!

*Detailed info for each State on #PostcardsforAmerica website here:…

THREAD 1/4 Image
Not sure how to request your Absentee Ballot?
Here's a handy guide for all participating states.
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 #PostOffice
Fight #TrumpChaos

& More specifics for 50 States here
THREAD 2/4 Image
You also have alternate choices on how to return your #AbsenteeBallot. It varies by State.
16 states allow a person of your choice to return your Absentee Ballot.
An additional 9 States allow a family member to return your #VoteByMail ballot…
THREAD 3/4 Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
All 1st dates to REQUEST & all alternate ways to RETURN your #AbsenteeBallot
for ALL 50 states #VoteByMail
With LINKS to apply for #AbsenteeVoting
(& Postcards)
➡️On Medium…
Did you know you can ALREADY apply for your Absentee Ballot in 30 STATES?
Do it NOW!
Spread the Word.
*We can work around 45's attempts to 86 the Post Office.
Let's do this!
*More detailed information for each State on #PostcardsforAmerica website here:…
Not sure how to request your Absentee Ballot? Here's a handy guide for all participating states.
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 #PostOffice
Fight #TrumpChaos
& See #PostcardsforAmerica for more specifics for your State
Read 60 tweets
Aug 30th 2020
Here's #VoteByMail info for ALL 50 states
Includes all 1st dates to APPLY for
& ALL alternate ways (besides #USPS) to RETURN your #AbsenteeBallot #MailInVoting
AUG 29 Update
On Website…
On Medium…
Did you know you can ALREADY apply for your Absentee Ballot in 30 STATES?
Do it NOW!
Spread the Word.
*We can work around 45's attempts to 86 the Post Office.
Let's do this!
*More detailed information for each State on #PostcardsforAmerica website here:…
Not sure how to request your Absentee Ballot? Here's a handy guide for all participating states.
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 #PostOffice
Fight #TrumpChaos
& See #PostcardsforAmerica for more specifics for your State
Read 59 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
You can Apply for an Absentee Ballot NOW in 30 States!!
Since 45 & GOP are trying to 86 #PostalService, I also gathered 1st DATES to APPLY & ALL ways to RETURN #AbsenteeBallots for ALL 50 STATES!
#VBM #AbsenteeVoting
Info also here➡️…
Not sure how to request your Absentee Ballot? Here's a handy guide for all participating states.
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 #PostOffice
Fight #TrumpChaos
& See #PostcardsforAmerica for more specifics for your State
In 20 States, you can request your #absenteeballot Online!
You can find Links to the application for your State in dropdown menus. All 50 States on #PostcardsforAmerica website:
Or, check registration first & then sign up here:
Read 8 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
"Save the Post Office Saturday" Day of Action, US Post Office at 104th Street, zip code 10025, Manhattan,
New York City, Saturday, August 22, 2020
(arrived after rally, so signs only)
This is a multi tweet thread
#SaveThePostOffice #PostOffice #USPS #NewYorkCity #NewYork #nyc ImageImageImageImage
2/ Image
3/ Image
Read 3 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
Overhead convo at #Fredericksburg #VA #PostOffice:
Customer: Where is everyone?
Clerk: Honestly, they're all quitting.
Customer: What about the supervisor? Can I talk to him?
Clerk: The supers are out delivering mail. Nobody's here. That's how short we are. It's bad.
A customer in line with me witnesses this conversation turned to me and said:
"My neighbor has been waiting for her social security check and her heart meds for weeks. I don't know how to help." #SaveTheUSPS
Personally, I've had no issues with sending or receiving USPS Priority's letters, bills and such that are coming late for me.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 20th 2020
I gathered for ALL 50 states ALL 1st dates to APPLY for & ALL the alternate ways to return your completed #AbsenteeBallot with LINKS to apply to #VoteByMail #MailInVoting #AbsenteeVoting
➡️On Medium…
Did you know you can ALREADY apply for your Absentee Ballot in 30 STATES? Do it NOW!
Spread the Word.
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 the Post Office.
Let's do this!
*More detailed information for each State on #PostcardsforAmerica website here:…
Not sure how to request your Absentee Ballot? Here's a handy guide for all participating states.
& See #PostcardsforAmerica for more specifics for your State
We can work around 45's attempts to 86 #PostOffice
Read 8 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
Congress has created a 2006 measure which astonishingly makes it prepay retiree benefits 75 years in advance. It has to fund benefits now for workers who haven’t even been hired. The #PostalService is the only agency subject to this absurd requirement #WakeUpAmerica
If that were eliminated, and the #PostOffice Office charged stopped pricing business mail (meaning all that junk you get) at a loss, the #PostalService would be profitable.
The Save the Post Office site sets forth the forces behind the campaign to turn the Post Office into a looting opportunity public-private partnership, including Pitney Bowes, DHL, Federal Express, UPS, and USPS supplier Ursa Major.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
So we need to educate people: you do need the Postal Service to receive your mail-in or absentee ballot but you do NOT need the Postal Service to deliver, ie vote, that same ballot. Can return to local elections office any time, or an in person early voting location, or drop box
Not every state has drop boxes, but every state has local elections offices, and all but 5 have early voting. If you want to get your ballot well ahead of the election, vote it at your leisure, and then return it in person without waiting in line, choose one of those 3 options
Your state elections office or secretary of state's website should have addresses for your local elections office, as well as info about when early voting starts and where to go. Drop box info is a bit harder to find, but I'm reporting on that & will continue to.
Read 117 tweets
Aug 14th 2020
Support the @APWUnational and fund the #PostOffice

cc: @RepDelBene @SenatorCantwell @PattyMurray
Please do your best to stop this idiocy surrounding mail-dropoff ballots - we do it in WA w/o issue, the rest of the nation needs your perspectives Image
Read 3 tweets
Jul 21st 2020
THREAD: Which Constitutional thing do you take most for granted? Probably the Post Office. Literally created in the Constitution, the Post Office is a critical part of our American fabric. But now it's in danger. 1/
Why have we taken the #USPS for granted? Well, it's usually quick, reliable, and low cost. Literally all of those things are at stake now -- its speed, reliability, and price. Why? And what can you do about it? I'll get there. 2/
The Post Office was self-sufficient for 200+ years. It paid for itself and had the highest approval of any federal agency. Not bad. This changed in 2006 w/ the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act. You might've heard about this on @LastWeekTonight:… 3/
Read 22 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
Thread on the massive help @DWP @10DowningStreet + @hmtreasury + others are giving to:
- help firms with pension contributions to pay
- safeguard your pension
- help our vulnerable pensioners
- ensure pension scams are avoided 1/
Working with @TPRgovuk we have helped Defined Contribution employers by ensuring their Automatic Enrolment contributions are covered by the #Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme 2/…
We have cancelled the 10% rise in the #PensionsLevy helping the industry cope in these difficult times 3/…
Read 10 tweets
Oct 12th 2019
20 mile views to #Scotland from #HadriansWall as early start for a rural home visit Saturday in #Northumberland - heading to #Bellingham + beyond #RuralMP Image
Surgery + chat with Kate from #Bellingham @PostOffice who (along with local community) will be seriously affected by proposed @Barclays decision. Signed her petition + meeting #Barclays on Tuesday in @HouseofCommons to protest proposal, which affects rural communities v badly 2/ Image
Honoured to chat to Graham Batey, who is a #veteran, a #Bellingham legend, 90 years young + telling me stories of his RAF service in 1949 in Hong Kong / China #proud Image
Read 8 tweets

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