Law enforcement is currently providing little details about their having shot him at his home.…
Agencies present for his shooting death included BIA (Bureau of @USIndianAffairs), the Rolette County Sheriff’s Office, the Rolette Police Department and the Rolla Police Department.…
"Indian reservations" were established through treaties throughout the 1700-1800’s between tribal nations & the USA federal government.
So Congress passed the General Allotment Act of 1887, also known as the Dawes Act.
Yet this change has significantly altered the division of legal authority among tribal, federal, and state governments.
This means navigating criminal cases and police abuses in these regions is complex and difficult.
However, Public Law 280 added that tribes cannot put non-natives on trial, even when crime occurs on reservation land.
Further details, including the officer’s identity, are not being released at this time.
“Nothing is being shared with the family since the FBI has been involved, which makes us left completely in the dark.”
“Everyone knows everyone in this town,” added Stephanie Laducer. “Our community is torn apart.”
“Minutes before he died he said, ‘I love you auntie, you are one of the best people I know.’”