Let's clear the air, #onted.
It should be immediate #VENTILATION, with filtration improvements, for a #SaferSeptember to buy us time, and Indoor Environmental Quality improvements (#IEQ), for the long term. Not generic 'HVAC'. Not "AC".
(H)eating the building,
(V)entilating using outdoor air, and
(A)ir (C)onditioning,
where AC = removing heat and moisture.
ALL classrooms have H and V, though often no AC.
Interestingly the #ETFO Building Better Schools campaign is silent on the physical building itself.
Yet we've all experienced the effects of degraded #IEQ.
-Air (min pollutants, contaminants, toxicants)
-Thermal (optimal comfort)
-Lighting (optimal)
-Sound (acoustics, noise)
-Odour (min)
-Vibrations (min)
(huge props to Robert Bean @healthyheating)
This is one area @fordnation has moved in the right direction, although belatedly and with little guidance.
Note it's titled Air Quality, not HVAC.
Remember, #IAQ Indoor Air Quality means minimal pollutants, contaminants, and toxicants.
1) upgraded filters and installation cost,
2) recommissioning (measuring and adjusting) the current HVAC system airflows & pressure, and
3) portable HEPA air filtration units.
$50M is enough for 1&3, and some of 2.
AC alone is cooling and humidity control. It's not Ventilation. You'll be more comfortable installing AC but remain at higher infection risk unless V & F are addressed. Not all AC include V & F.
Want higher quality education and measurably better academic performance? Improve #IEQ.
Demand capital IEQ investment, not "HVAC".
1. acknowledgement that aerosol transmission is a risk
2. ventilation and filtration directives, including room by room measurements
3. masks for all (source control, in air quality and safety language)
4. increased spacing (smaller class sizes),
6. clear thresholds for closing schools based on community prevalence
7. outbreak control plans.
FAQs on Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 Aerosol Transmission: docs.google.com/document/d/1fB…