.@M_Duffett@PALISInet: What about the 164 groups with 1 RCT each? What happened? How do we continue to build their expertise and momentum? The patterns continue to be the same.
Dr. Cook begins her #CCC50 Lifetime Achievement Award talk with reflection on her own 1st presentation ever as an #ICU fellow- at an @SCCM Congress! She was struck by the interprofessional group of attendees.(Thread)
Dr. Cook: Sometimes dialogue is more important than consensus. You have the TRUST YOUR GUT. #CCC50
You're not growing until you're changing. Defining moments for bravery may come along when you least expect them. Be brave. #WomensPhysicianDay#PedsICU#pulmcc#ICU
It is a bittersweet day. So I'd like to say a few words about my dear friend, colleague and mentor.
I may be the loud #PedsICU lobbyist, but he is the quiet crusader and sponsor. (Thread)
For over 1 year, @DrSeanBarnes & I would travel to conferences where #PedsICU colleagues would be present and beg organizers to let us share how #PedsICU#SoMe could benefit them. Most of time people said yes, & we were a novelty act, of sorts. It wasn't always a good feeling.
We kept plugging away, though. Promoting colleague's work. Offering to register and promote hashtags for #PedsICU conferences. We had a small but energetic group who bought in including @pccm_doc@ChrisCarrollMD@karen_choong too many to name.
Isolated at 🏠 away from my healthy & unexposed family.
Seeking ways to help as a research subject (take my serum!) & hope to be back on front lines soon w/my #ICU & #anesthesia colleagues as an🤞🏽immune #COVIDー19 fighter.
Oh & anosmia= 100% REAL. 1/
My #covid19 symptom timeline were:
Day 1: myalgia
Day 2: chills, coughing, malaise
Day 3: coughing continues, exhausted, intermittent nausea, myalgias
Day 4:myalgia, cough, nausea, decreased taste, fatigue
Day 5: myalgia, cough, malaise, ANOSMIA
Symptoms come & go in 🌊 2/
Anosmia. The strangest & most fascinating symptom of all. Discovered it when the brand new diffuser wasn’t working despite dumping several drops of strong scented oil in. Then a friend asked “so is that anosmia thing real?” Then it hit me. 3/