Jonathan Zeitlin from #InDivEU is currently opening the @aces_for annual conference: "Differentiated Integration and the #FutureofEurope: Promises, Pitfalls, Pathways"
Sandra Lavenex from @IdeaEu begins her presentation on #Differentiation by giving a vision of Differentiated Integration through the prism of a "condominio"
Now @JohnErikFossum from @EU3Dh2020 is giving his introduction, on differentiation, dominance & democracy
"Differentiation is not good or bad, but can take various shapes, which we want to distinguish between"
All three @dice_h2020 projects are represented in this first conference panel: #InDivEU, @IdeaEu, and @EU3Dh2020, so the interplay should be fascinating
After the speakers have engaged with their ideas as a panel, we now open the floor to questions from the audience: first up, a question on the rich vs. poor dynamics between Member States leading on from the presentation on #InDivEU's Frank Schimmelfennig
Well with the quality and quantity of questions we've received, we've run over time
But with the richness of discussion this is most definitely a good thing!
Our second panel has just begun: "Politics and Preferences: For and Against Differentiated Integration"
With three key experts in attendance, it should make for a great debate on the topic of #Differentiation
.@CatherineDVries from #InDivEU has just begun to give her contribution to this second panel of the day, and of the conference
Dirk Leuffen from @EU3Dh2020 has now taken the floor and is giving a fascinating insight into the historical context that has led to #DifferentiatedIntegration being the reality of the modern European integration
Stefan Telle from #InDivEU tells us about his project of nine months, asking:
"How important is #DifferentiatedIntegration to member state governments?"
"Ahat positions the governments have on it?"
As Stefan Telle concludes his presentation from #InDivEU, Jonathan Zeitlin gives the panelists the chance to comment on each others' presentations, starting with #InDivEU's @BrigidLaffan, who comments "we're seeing research into elements of DI that we've not examined before"
We are hearing the final comments of our expert panelists from the afternoon session 💪
Jonathan Zeitlin now thanks our panelists and the audience for a fascinating and insightful second panel for the @aces_for annual conference, and praises the online format for allowing us to "meet with colleagues, friends, and family" from across the continent and beyond
#Zoom back in this evening at 20:00 for "#Brexit and the Future EU-UK Relationship: A Case of Differentiated Disintegration?"
Good evening all! We're now having the third of today's three panels for the @aces_for Annual Conference, organised in co-operation with @dice_h2020 and showcasing our three constituent projects: #InDivEU, @IdeaEu, and @EU3Dh2020
Michael Keating from #InDivEU is currently giving his analysis of #Brexit since the 2019 election: a tilt towards the 'little England' version of Brexit
.@eulaliarubio from @IdeaEu now begins her presentation on what #Brexit means in a real, concrete sense, to theories of European integration
Chris Lord from @EU3Dh2020 begins his analysis of the limits to the UK's withdrawal from the EU, and ways in which Brexit can only be a rupture rather than a massaging of the current status quo
.@Jochemwiers begins his remarks from the perspective of someone close to the negotiations
As the representative on this panel from the NL #Brexit Taskforce, his perspective is unique and valuable
Now that we've heard out initial presentations, @aces_for's Christina Eckes begins the panel discussion - now get your questions in the chat before the Q&A!!
Christina Eckes closes our final panel of the day, but #Woom in tomorrow for more!
Discussing "The Reconstruction of Ukraine and the Future of Europe" will be @NonaMikhelidze, Svitlana Chekunova, Torbjörn Becker, @bonomimat & @FLojdquist
As always we will be highlighting the best bits from a dynamic discussion between five leading experts
"Reconstruction of Ukraine is intimately linked to the future of Europe" - @FLojdquist (@SCEEUS_UI) on the relevance of post-war reconstruction to the aims of our project to discuss different approaches to the Future of Europe
.@HeinikoskiSaila from @FIIA_fi is setting the scene at the start of this #townhall on #DifferentiatedIntegration in the wake of Russia's invasion of #Ukraine: the war has already resulted in a flow of refugees into the EU27 and DI could be a valuable tool in Europe's response
The Director-General of the Migration Department in the 🇫🇮 Ministry of the Interior @HulkMi is setting out the Commission's position on #migration and #asylum system in the wake of #Ukraine: "mandatory migration quotas are not politically possible, #solidarity is the answer"
The #InDivEU panel at #PPCParis is starting now! As @tepsaeu and @SciencesPo_CEE are enjoying their parallel sessions, we here at DiCE thought we would highlight some key points from our speakers!
.@IvoBelet describes the importance of European Citizens Panels as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe #CoFoE 👉 this panel of #PPCParis is ALL ABOUT the #FutureofEurope!
#DifferentiatedIntegration is most often used in relation to treaty change, enlargement or crises that require major response. Actions are policy oriented and ad hoc character rather than strategic.
- Stefan Telle, @EUI_Schuman, on salience on #DI among governments
The first day of the #InDivEU Final Conference 'A differentiated future for the European Union?' has just begun🙌
Join Lucia Mokrá (@tepsaeu) and Frank Schimmelfennig (@ETH_en) now for some welcome words!
.@EnricoLetta, President of the Jacques Delors Institute and former Prime Minister of Italy, will now give the keynote speech covering 3 main topics
✅Timeliness of the discussion
✅The contribution of #Brexit
✅Two examples of successful #DifferentiatedIntegration
#Brexit and the results from the negotiations completely changed the discussion on #DifferentiatedIntegration. Now, there is no more a multi-destination Europe, only a multi-speed Europe.
- @EnricoLetta at #InDivEU Final Conference
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