I still don’t understand why America is fighting for equal right for ALL on the XXI century. I find it to be very disturbing. I’m Roman Catholic and I have ZERO problem with the #LGTBQ community.
In case you didn’t know the antibodies taken by the “pro-life president” to treat covid, had to be tested with the cell line that came from the stem cells in the tissue of a kidney of an aborted bby.
Couldn’t agree more with her 👇🏻 If you’re gonna attack Kamala do it cus you don’t agree with her political views & polices. Attacking her because she is a woman only tell us about what kind of person YOU are & how sacred & intimidated YOU are by strong woman.
“Racially implicated mispronunciations” is exactly what it is. Take a listen 👂
The truth is that republicans in the last decades have only managed to blow up the economy, while Democrats keep having to save us from theirs disastrous policies.
La verdad es que los republicanos en las últimas décadas solo han logrado hacer estallar la economía, mientras que los demócratas siguen teniendo que salvarnos de sus políticas desastrosas.