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Jan 14th 2021
‼️ Donovan Crowl—a 50 yo former @USMC who served as a helicopter mechanic—was among the uniformed #seditionists. While storming the Capitol, he wore a combat helmet, ballistic goggles, and a tactical vest with a handheld radio.

A patch on Crowl’s sleeve identified him as a member of the Oath Keepers, a far-right anti-government group identified as one of the largest and most dangerous extremist groups in the country that's been involved in several armed standoffs with law enforcement in recent years.🤬
Mary McCord, a former acting assistant AG for national security in DOJ, said that while “these types of modern unlawful militias have been around for decades, ever since Ruby Ridge and Waco,” Trump’s incitement had encouraged their #insurrection.🤬

#TrumpInsurrection #sedition
Read 10 tweets
Oct 19th 2020
Video 🎥 #Thread

What you need to understand about this Hunter Biden #FakeNews story. 👇🏻

#GTCBlue #OneV1 #Fresh
#wtpBlue #DemVoice1
Debunking MAGAts 👇🏻
Trump is all talk no action 👇🏻
Read 7 tweets
Aug 2nd 2019
HERE WE GO AGAIN🤦🏽‍♂️With #RacistInChief, #RacistTrump & #RacistGOP all still trending, MAGAts are dragging out the tired old "Democrats are the party of slavery and Republicans freed them" line. They do it every time.

Here's why it doesn't work👇 [THREAD]
Go to any "racial" topic that trended over the last few weeks; Sweden, Reparations, Barack Obama Blvd, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Dinesh, etc, and scroll through the tweets and you'll find dozens & dozens, maybe even hundreds with a variation of 'DEMs are the party of slavery!' 2/
Those using the 'DEMs are the party of slavery/Republicans freed them' rationale to *remind* black Americans why they should be loyal to the GOP are either too ignorant to understand how the ideology of the two parties has evolved, or, they assume that black Americans are. 3/
Read 113 tweets
Jul 13th 2019
GOP & @VP saw this at border in Texas: 400 dirty hungry men in squalid fenced cages. Stench so intense, guards wore masks. When reporters arrived, the men reached out in desperation.

Crisis & dysfunction results when govt prioritizes political propaganda over solving problems.
@VP Since this was a PR trip to the border, Pence manages to gaslight like we've come to expect from this Orwellian regime. The images were shocking—400 migrants kept in squalid smelly overcrowded cages, many for 40 days. VP paints THAT as "humane and compassionate care"! 😲😢#inners
Pence's gaslighting about squalid detention camps turns my stomach:

"What we saw today is encouraging… They're getting healthcare, hygiene. We have to put the lie to this 'concentration camp' slander… The Nazis killed people. Our CPB are saving lives."

#Inners #Maddow #AC360
Read 5 tweets

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